Chapter 4

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Your P.O.V-

"Yeah, I promise." I couldn't help get butterflies in my stomach when he said that. Yeah sure he was a jerk for bitting me but he was cute jerk. The way he looked at me looked so... sincere and honest. I can't help but trust him. I glance away breaking eye contact. I try to hide my blush hoping he doesn't see it.

"If not then being a vampire isn't so bad." He jokes.

He seems carefree and funny. A jokester and flirt. The total opposite of me. I was uptight and strict. I always wore a mask. Not a literal one but one that hides my emotions. It takes me longer to trust others then most people. It's not that I have a bad past or anything like that it just how I've always been. It's my personality. My father was in the army, my whole life has been one big boot camp. My mother's also a bit strict but of course not as much as my father. It's just in my genes.

I'm always my fathers perfect little girl. I'm a straight A student. I've never had a boyfriend in my life. All my friends are girls because 'all boys are bad, all of them.' -my fathers words. I'm never late to anything, always right on time. Always have a schedule. I knew what was happening every single day of my life. My whole life was planned out for me. Get perfect grades, No distraction (boys), get into perfect college, get good job, and that's it. My parents planned it all out for me. It makes them happy so that means I'm happy. That's what happiness is or what I've been told.

I didn't realize how much my life is going to change forever...

I give him a 'seriously' look. I'm not spending my entire life being a vampire. I have to go back to my perfectly normal life. I have to go back to my parents and my friends. I need thing to go back to normal and then I can leave and pretend that none of this ever happened. I hope... no he promised that their going to fix me... right? Why is their this weird feeling in my gut telling me that I want to stay? Why would I even want to stay here?! I mean Rudolph seems nice and sounds cool to hang out with but.. I need to go back home.

He chuckles at my expression and put his hands up in surrender. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding." I let out a small giggle. I was surprised that I even giggled, I never laugh. Like ever. I'm usually as cold as ice. I guess his smile is contagious too because I felt myself smile at the odd vampire. His eyes light up a little when I laugh but I decide not to ponder on it.

That's when I see someone behind Rudolph. It seemed to be the boy Rudolph was talking to. The one that was in the car. The thing that surprised me the most was that him and his family were humans. I'm usually very observant. I see he has light blue eyes, different then mine though. He has blonde hair and wore a kind smile. He was looking at me probably seeing that I saw him.

He was a very attractive guy that would make most girls at my school swoon. I couldn't deny it he was attractive but not really my type. I don't know why but I find the most attractive boys are bad boys and dang Rudolph was the hottest looking bad boy I ever saw. Though the boys at my school that I thought looked hot I never really paid attention to. They would flirt with me quite often but I would always brush them off. They didn't seem to want me bad enough. After a couple tries they would give up and my dad says 'if they want you bad enough they won't give up til their in their grave.' Of course if I ever even wanted a boyfriend then they'd have to pass my fathers expection-test. All the boys I was even the slightest interest in were all bad boys. They wouldn't go home alive if they met my dad.

I felt a little scared that the mysterious boy would do something because I knew if people found out that vampires were real then the majority of people would try to hunt them out of fear. And I don't know what vampires can do and I don't know what their weakness because I never watched any movies or read any books about them because my father said they weren't proper to read/watch for a young lady. I didn't have time to test what my weaknesses and powers were because I rushed over here quick. Now that I think of it, coming here was the first real decision that I made for myself.

I was a little frightened so I decided to give him a warning since it would be mean to just plain out attack him especially if he wasn't going to do anything. I hiss at him telling him to stay away. I never really hissed before, it kinda felt natural to do. It's probably a vampire thing. I see Rudolph's eyes widened for a second seeing the person there.

He turned to me and said, "It's ok this is my friend Tony. Him and his parents are visiting."

The person I knew now as Tony came a little closer. He stuck his hand out in greeting for me to shake. "Tony Thompson." He said with a smile. I liked how he did a formal greeting. It helps you see the person has class. Least that's what my parents taught me.

"Y/n L/n." I said.

I put my hand out as well, we shook our hands. Our hands broke apart and I looked towards Tony and saw he was looking at Rudolph with a raised eyebrow.

"You bit her?" He asked looking at but surprised.

Rudolph glanced away and mumbled, "Just a tase." I saw Tony literally facepalm.

"Yeah, enough to make me a vampire." I muttered with a eye roll. They seemed to hear it though.

"Hey! I said I was sorry." He looked at me with a frown. I remembered my fathers words right then, 'How you know a boy is true and if they actually want you they will won't give up until their in their grave.' I have to play hard to get. If he wants me as a friend he is at least gonna have to earn it. Oh you thought he already earned my trust, oh honey you were wrong.

"Sorry isn't gonna fix me, is it." I said coldly and turned my head away with my arms crossed. What I wanted to say was, 'it's ok, I'm sure your parents will have something to turn me back to normal.' But I had to keep my mask on. If a boy saw the nice side of me then he could take advantage of me. I had to keep my mask on, I had to keep being perfect even if I'm a vampire. I won't let my father down.

I hear him sigh. I can't help but sneak a glance at him. He looked disappointed as he looked away. Tony was just watching what was happening.

"How about we go to your parents Rudy?" Tony asked us but mostly Rudolph. I start giggling, I can't help it! His nickname is Rudy, that's the most adorable thing I've ever heard.

"What?" Rudolph asked me in his thick adorable accent. He seemed to... smile at me when I was laughing. Huh... weird. After all my shouting at him I never realized how cute his accent is.

I stop giggling and say, "Nothing." I had a smirk on my face, looking at him. WAIT AM I SMIRKING! I never do that...

Looking like someone just slapped him in the face or more like the truth just slapped him. "My nickname... that's not embarrassing at all." He said. The last part of his sentence was definitely meant to have sarcasm. He was glaring at Tony. In response Tony just shrugged, not seeming to care to much that he told me Rudolph's weird nickname. I get why he's called that but it's.. it's just kinda weird. Though at the same time kinda cute.

I hear Rudolph sigh and then put his hand out in front of Tony. "Come let's go." Rudolph said. I'm not exactly sure if he's talking to me because he's holding his hand out to Tony. Also if we they were going somewhere he didn't need to hold Tony's hand. He literally looks like he's 13 not 5, he can walk himself. Wait why do I even care that Rudolph is holding Tony's hand and their flouting off the ground. WAIT! Flouting?! My eyes widened in surprise. Maybe it's a vampire thing...?

"Come on." Tony said.

"Uhhhh, come where? And how are you guys flouting?!" I shouted.

"You can to, you know." Rudolph said with a smile.

"Uh no, no I can't." I said.

"Yes you can, your a vampire remember?" Tony added. Is he insulting my intelligence by saying I don't remember?

"I literally became a vampire not even a hour ago." I said with an really face and a bit of a glare.

"Just try it." Rudolph said with a smile.

"But I don't know how." I said him. Trying new things? Honestly I always know what I'm doing and I'm always great at it, I never have to try new things. I don't need to do it now. I don't have to change. Nothing has to change.

"Here," he started. He landed on the ground with Tony and continued, "Just imagine your flouting. Like- like a leave on he breeze." After he said that I heard Tony muttering something under his breath, about Rudolph being a terrible teacher.

"It isn't working." I said plainly. Tony was right he is a terrible teacher. You can't just imagine something and it happens, or at least that's what I'm told.

"Here take my hands." He says gently putting his hands out in front of me, his palms facing upwards. I hesitate at first but give in and put my hands on his, my palms facing downwards.

"Close your eyes." He instructs me. I close my eyes for a second only to open them again.

"This is stup" I said but Rudolph interrupted me.

"Please, Just... trust me." Rudolph says almost sounding as if he's pleading. I sigh, I didn't trust him completely but I decided to shut my eyes anyway to prove him wrong. That I can't fly.

I slowly feel my feet come off the ground gently. It felt like the earth was pulling away from me. I keep my eyes shut trying not to think about how high we could be up right now. I had a small fear of heights. I mean it wasn't that bad but just enough for me to be fearful. I didn't realize it at the moment but I gripped onto Rudolph's hands a little tighter.

He chucked a little and said, "You can open your eyes now."

I opened my eyes a little and saw the landscape around us. It was beautiful. In this moment I didn't even think about how high up we were. I didn't realize how much I was missing... I was so caught up in the moment I didn't realize that Rudolph was letting go of my hands. It wasn't until I was going to say something to him that I saw he wasn't there. My eyes widened. I saw him coming back up with Tony. He was next to me now when I started moving a bit. I started kicking my feet in more of a running motion. Though I wasn't moving. As my arms started to move forward though my body didn't. It was almost like in those shows/movies when theirs zero gravity. I saw Rudolph near me so I quickly threw my arm on him, using the little body strength I had to pull the rest of my body towards him. He was facing the castle place and I was on his left and Tony was on his right facing the castle as well. They were both watching as I clung to Rudolph left shoulder like it was my life source. My body was facing Rudolph's left side. I was looking down at the ground wide eyed. I gulped at how high we were. In height we were higher then the castles main level.

The two buys started laughing at me. I don't think it was like making fun of me but they just probably found it funny how scared I was.

The thing I did next was not very ladylike but I did it anyway. Which is so not me. I kneed Rudolph in the gut. I see him groan and put his free hand on his stomach.

"Why would you do that?" Rudolph's pained voice came.

I scoffed and said, "Well don't laugh at me again, dork." 'Cute dork' I added in my head.

"Huh, monster to dork. It's an improvement." Rudolph said looking at me. I mentally slapped myself. Why did I show them what I was feeling/thinking? My guarded look came back on my face. He must have saw it because I saw him frown.

"So you didn't know vampires could fly? You really don't know much about them do you?" Tony asked me.

"No, my father didn't like me reading or watching anything about vampires because it wasn't appropriate for a young lady." I said with the filter in my voice that masks my emotions. I always knew how to this, I just... always have. They both look at me and blink.

"What?" I ask confused.

"It's just... your father sounds.. strict." Tony said looking as if he was trying to choose his words carefully.

"I don't like of it as strict.." I said and glanced away the filter in my voice gone again. Though when I spoke my voice was quiet so I don't think they even heard me.

"Yeah I know how you feel, My father used to me really strict but he got a bit better after he met Tony." Rudolph said which my me a bit mad. My father isn't strict. No he is but that won't stop me from defending him.

"My fathers not strict. He just.. he, well." I couldn't really find the words to say what I wanted to say. Well what am I even thinking my father is strict!

"Strict?" Rudolph said trying to finish my sentence.

"No, he just wants what's best for me." I said and glanced away. That is what he wants right....?

"If you say so." Tony said with a shrug. I keep my mask on as we fly into the castle. My feet carefully touch the carpet. It was a nice room with a big bed and a window across from it. There was a chest at the end of the bed and a closet near the side. There also a nightstand by the bed.

(A/N) It looks the same as Tony's room but it's not the same room. It's just a replica room because they ran out of designs for the castle since there so much rooms.

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Just in a random room." Tony answered.

"My parents should be downstairs." Rudolph said.

~~~~Time skip~~~~

Once we finally found Rudolph's parents he started to explain what happened. Honestly I was surprised he was going to tell the truth to his parents just to help me. I mean it was his fault but most boys I meant (only briefly) wouldn't help even if it was their fault.

I was standing next to Rudolph on his left, while Tony was on Rudolph's right. We were facing Rudolph's family. They were all looking at us expectingly since Rudolph said he had something to confess. Rudolph looked a little... scared, probably knowing he would get in trouble. I felt kinda bad.. I felt as if I had to cheer him up. He was always so.. happy? Idk but I liked him how he was before. Wait... like? Why would I even think that... ugh. Never mind. I wasn't really sure how I new that he was nervous because his face didn't really show it. It almost as if I felt his fear... I decided to give him a reassuring smile, which seemed to work. He gave me a smile back. When he smiled at me I felt little butterflies in my stomach. Ugh, why do I feel like this every time he smiles? Maybe I... like him? No! I've never gonna get a boyfriend! I'm gonna keep my dad proud of me.

Rudolph takes a deep breath and and said, "It was before Tony came. I was hungry so I went to go get something to eat. A um... girl was walking down the sidewalk. I.. I bit her..." He looked up at his family for a reaction but they looked fine, with blank faces.

"What's the problem?" Gregory with a raised eyebrow.

"Wait you guys don't care?" Rudolph asked confused. Maybe he won't get into trouble?

"Yeah... we do it all the time." Anna said.

"Wait then what happens to the vampires?" Rudolph asked. I'm glad he did because I was wondering that as well.

"What do you mean?" Freda said confused.

"I mean what happens to the morals that got turned into vampires?" Rudolph asks.

"WAIT YOU TURNED THE GIRL INTO A VAMPIRE?!" Anna shouted with disbelief.

"Um yes? I drank her blood." Rudolph said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But why did you turn her into a vampire?" Freda asks.

"There's another way to do it?!" Rudolph asks wide-eyed and mouth slightly open. Everyone had different faces on. Anna was was facepalming, looking as if she wanted another brother. Freda looked concerned. Gregory had a smirk on his face looking at me. Not like me likes me but like.. he knew something. I really hope he doesn't tell if he knows its me. While Fredrick looked as if he was about to dang right murder someone.

"Yes there's three ways to suck blood." Anna said.

"Ohhhhh uhhhh... oops?" Rudolph said and let out a nervous chuckle.

"Out of all the things you've done this has to be the worst! I accepted the mortals but to be this irresponsible! Making a mortal a vampire. This has to be the biggest mistake you've ever made!" Fredrick said glaring at his own son. Kinda of annoyed me, it's not like Rudolph turned me into a vampire on purpose.

"We can talk about this later. Where is the girl that you turned?" Freda said not looking mad but... worried? I'm probably just imagining things.

"Umm me." I said and I felt all eyes on me. I felt kinda bad for lying to them before because that's the complete opposite of what I was taught to do. Gregory didn't look surprised and Anna looked the opposite. Freda reaction was much like Anna's but still has the worried look in her eyes.

"Yeah... she's not from clan U.S.A. I made it up... *sigh* I'm sorry." Rudolph said with a hopeful smile. I didn't want to ruin their moment but I need to get back home my parents will be worried about me.

"Ok, ok you guys are one big happy family again, yada, yada, yada. Now can you change me back now. My family will be worried." I said quickly.

"I'm sorry but... it doesn't work that way dear." Freda said gently, looking actually sorry for me. I don't want her pity. Though reality hit me so quickly I didn't have time to lash out. I'm... I'm never gonna see my family again.

"You... you can't change me back?" I whispered softly, feeling tears prick at my eyes.

That was the moment my world changed more then I could possibly know.


Ok 3,383 words! What the heck! This is like the longest chapter I've ever done! Like in my other books too I don't think I've ever done any chapter this long. I was gonna stop it way earlier but I always make sure I like where I left off and none of the other places felt... right. Anyway I hope you enjoy.

Btw do you guys want this to have a sad ending?? You guys have time to comment and say what you want because I'm pretty sure the ending is still awhile away.
Vote and Comment!

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