Chapter 6

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Y/N P.O.V-

After me and Rudolph kissed we quickly found a cave and hid in the shadows of that while the sun was outside. We weren't sure where Tony was because Rudolph said that he had went after me after I left. Tony had told him to go and we both remember where he is but we can't go out because of the sunlight. Plus he could have moved from that spot, looking for us. We were sitting next to each other near the enterence of the cave but not close enough to be in the sunlight. We were leaning against the side of the cave wall. I had my head on his shoulder and his head on my head, both our legs laying flat in front us. He was like one quater of a foot taller then me so the postion made sense. We didn't say anything because we the situation was akward and comfortable at the same time. We were sitting in comfortable silence since we already talked about Tony and decided that there was nothing we can do because of the sunlight. Now we were both thinking about the kiss. I mean I think he's thinking about that, I know that I am.

After we separted from the kiss we just stared at each other for a second before I said we should get out of the sun. He quickly agreed and we flew to the nearest cave. We had got there just in time, if we had stayed outside any longer the sun would have risen up enough for it to touch us and burn us. I don't know how we got in this position but I didn't mind it. It made me feel more.. secure.. protected... loved? That brings up the question, does he like me? I mean we kissed but.. what does that mean, nothing like this ever happens to me (mostly because any boy that would try to kiss me, I would slap them). I guess I kissed him because I like him? It sort of just.. happened. It was in the moment kind of thing. Why'd did he kiss me? I mean why would he like me? What am I to him? I think we were starting to become friends but now.. are we more then that? Nothing has been said so nothing is official yet so I guess were still friends? It was just a kiss... Just a kiss...

I suddenly hear someone outside talking and it sound as if they were talking to themselves. It was a male voice that could possible be Tony. I hear him talk, "Ok think, Where would they be? Obviously somewhere dark because of the sunlight, You have already checked some caves and can't find anymore. Where else are other dark places that they would be?"

"I think that's Tony!" Rudolph whisper shouted to me.

"Yeah but what if it's not him? Then we'll give off our location to a human that would probably tell a vampire hunter that would try to kill us!" I whisper shout back to him.

Though the more I thought about it the more I thought it was Tony. Who else would be out here and looking for something that has to be in the dark?

"It'll be fine, trust me." He whisper softly to me. We had already pulled away from our position to look at each other. I was gazing deep into his eyes, oh gosh this boy is going to be the death of me if he keeps hypnotizing me with those beautiful eyes. I sigh and glance away from him already swayed to his thoughts.

"Ok, fine." I mutter quietly so that only he can hear me.

He flashes his famous pearly whites to me, his lips in a smirk. I am now looking back at him with a soft smile.

"Over here!" Rudolph yells to the person. I hear some leaves shuffling and Tony is now in the front of the cave, looking a bit scared to go in.

He slowly creeps deeper into the cave where we are.

I hear him mutter to himself, "This bettter be Rudolph or I'm gonna get murder." He said looking around carefully.

Me and Rudolph look at each other for a second with a rasied eyebrow. We look back at Tony about to tell him it's us but then I see him trip over a rock that was plainly there. He must be really clumsy or something. He didn't trip all the way to that he fell on the floor but he kinda just stumbled over it.

Me and Rudolph start snickering. How can he not see that? Oh yeah.. Me and Rudolph can see better in the dark since we're vampires. He got deep into the cave so that it must have been pitch black to him. Though I was able to see quite well.

"Over here, Mortal." Says Rudolph.

Tony looks in our direction and squints. "I can't see you.." He says looking confused.

"Here Y/N make a small fire." Rudolph say looking at me expectedly.

"How do you except me to that moran." I say looking at him with the serious look. If he can't go outside it means I can't go outside, it's still light out.

"Again with the name calling." I hear him mutter then say clearer, "With a spell." He says once again looking at me expectantly.

"I don't know how to, I just became a vampire, remember? Can't you do it?" I ask.

"Only female vampires can cast spells." Tony says.

"Doesn't change the fact that I have no idea how to do it. Remember I have a strict father, I know nothing about vampires." I say looking at him, "Can you just tell me what to do?" I ask.

"I don't know how to do spells, that's a girl thing." He says.

I roll my eyes at that and turn to Tony. "Please tell me your a boy scout or an outdoors person?" I pleaded.

"Um no.. I'm a city kid.." Tony says making me face palm.

"Great." I mutter.

Ok so I'm gonna leave it off here. btw I don't know if Tony's a city kid or not. I think it can go either way. I can see him as both but I decided to make him like this, it makes the story more interesting. ALSO I'm still wondering if this should have a sad ending or not, comment and tell me if this should have a sad ending or not. Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeeeee!

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