Chapter 8

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We were all sitting down ready for him to talk. We were sitting outside on some logs. Gegory was on one across from the rest of us.

"Ok so what did you want to tell us?" Tony asked.

I honestly was kinda angry that he's even show his face here. I mean their father was talking trash about Rudolph and Gegory, HIS OWN BROTHER didn't even stand up for him.

I seen him sigh glancing away before looking back at us. "Look before I start I want to say that I was never on father's side about what he was saying. What he said was... uncalled for." He said, mostly aiming what he was saying towards Rudolph.

He conutied talking, "I was gonna come after but I started talking to father about it. After a couple days he realized how rude he was being, how hurtful his words were. He wants to apologize." Gegory says shocking me a little.

Me and Tony both turned to Rudolph to see what his rection was. He looked like he was thinking about it but then he shot a glare towards Gegory.

"Why did he send you? Why isn't he here himself? If he really cared he'd be here." He asked, venom laced in his voice though at his last sentence his voice sounded more sad.

Rudolph face didn't seem that.. angry I guess but more.... guarded.. Like some of the light got token away from his eyes and they were.. darker. It looked the same and most people probably couldn't tell but I could.

You see what I believe is that when someone learns something that takes away there innocents or learns something important, maybe a bad experience that teaches you something a little light gets taken away from your eyes. That's why kids/toddlers eye shine so bright because there don't know any better. They don't know what the world is really like. When you age and mature the light from your eyes dims a little. Like you don't see rainbows and chocolate chips cookies everywhere anymore. You start to see things for what they really are.

I belive at some ponit you have to learn the truth about the world. You have to have some of your child like innocences taken away. You have to grow up. Growing up is apart of life but it's how you grow up that effects you. If you get some light taken away from you at slowly. Not to fast not to slow. If you get it to much at a time you break. If you never get it the world breaks you. It's like if you never lifted weights before then some gives you a large weight. It will break you but if you train and get little weights and moving your way up slowly then you will evencally be able to lift the heavy weights and succed. Like you will succed in life.

I think it's a parents job to give it to you a little at a time. Take away your light a little at a time. It may hurt but it has to be done.

I don't know how Rudolph's parents rasied him. It seemed like they had him sheltered but at the same time he still knew stuff.. I have no idea. Maybe this had to happen for Rudolph to grow and mature. Maybe Rudolph can learn from this experience, maybe I can too..

"Rudolph.. I'm not the only one that has been looking for you, everyone has. Everyone is on the look out for you. Father has been sending out search parties. He even goes out himself most of the time. Everyone has been starting to think vampires hunters got you, though I guess you guys are just good at hiding. I used to think that he didn't care either but I found out he cares... in his own way. Though like I said what he said was still wrong." Gegory says.

"We'll be right back." Tony says and since he was in the middle he grabs both me and Rudolph's arms, pulling us over to the side so we could talk without Gregory hearing.

"What do you think?" Tony asked.

"I.. I don't know. What are you guys thinking?" Rudolph asked.

"I'm fine with going or staying. It's your choice." I say.

"Yeah same, I'm fine with both." Tony says, then continued, "So either stay and live out our lives by ourselves away from all civilization or go home and see if your fathers intentions are true and I'll probably get grounded.." Tony says mumbling the last part.

"Plus if we go and you still don't want to stay, we can always leave." I add.

Rudolph glances away, looking like he was in deep thought.

Then Tony asks, "So what do we do, go or stay?"

Sorry that was kinda short. I don't really have much to say...  Vote and Comment! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

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