Eight *Edited*

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I returned home that evening thinking about that couple earlier. I felt so sorry for that woman. It's obvious just how little her husband cared about her. Men like that should be shot.

Since it was my night to cook dinner I had picked up something extra special as an apology. And all of us were open to apologies when we had full bellies. After pulling into the driveway, I got out and went into the house cutting on the kitchen light. Tonight I was making my special Burger Bombs. It was a ball of dough packed with burger meat and lots of cheddar cheese. I loved that I had found the recipe on Pintrest. 

I started cooking the hamburger meat and was in the middle of cutting up my blocks of cheese when I heard footsteps enter into the kitchen. I turned around and saw Brandi. Her eyes were red and she was crying.

"What's the matter?" I asked her softly

She swiped at her eyes and leaned against the counter top.

"My grandma just died." She said quietly

I immediately dropped what I was doing and went to go hug her.

"I am so sorry." I said quietly

Just then Jack walked into the kitchen. He took one look at us, then a second look at what I was preparing and took over. I ushered her out of the kitchen and we went to her room.

"What happened? Does Amber and everyone else know?"

"No...just you. I know everyone else was out at the time I found it. Ironically it was after I left your office." She said

"Why ironic?"

"My grandma would always say 'don't sleep with a man unless you have a ring' or 'don't catch emotions easily, not all men are saints' or also'don't get so caught up in him that you forget about your grandmama' And I didn't listen. I should have, I should have went to go see her more often, but I was too caught up with Caine. And he's leaving so I basically wasted my time. The funeral is Friday and I don't know if I'll be able to handle going alone."

You won't have to. I'm going to take off and go with you."

She sniffed.

"Thanks Els."


She hugged me tightly and I rubbed her back in comfort. A few minutes later I heard a soft knock at her door and saw Evan come in.

"Hey hun, Jack told me you were crying. You want to talk about it?" He asked, sitting on the bed next to her.

"My abulieta died." She said

"Oh honey." He cooed

He hugged her and held her to her chest while she cried. I took that as my cue to finish off what Jack was doing. But when I entered the kitchen, I saw that the burger, cheese, and bacon filled dough balls sitting on a plate streaming away in deliciousness.

"Was I really gone that long?" I asked him

"About a good thirty minutes. But that's alright, you'll help me out next time." He said with a smile.

I smiled politely back and saw him lean against the counter, arms folded. 

Uh oh, lecture time. 

His brow furrowed In concern as he looked at me.

"Ellie, are you sure you're okay?" He asked me

"What do you mean?" I asked him, feigning ignorance

"You know what I mean: that blow up last night. And you cried all night long. What's up?" He asked

I sighed.

"Is it because we keep teasing you about Leo? If so, we mean nothing bad by it, we're just picking with you."

"I know, but it just bothers me a little."

He looked at me and his face softened in understanding.

"Say no more, I understand. I know he hurt you Ellie." He said softly

I clenched my teeth and pushed the tip of my tongue on the sharp part of my incisor, the slight pain keeping my tears at bay.

"Yeah, he did. But so what, a lot of guys have. Heh, not like anyone wants me anyway."

I heard him tsk and mutter 'lord chile' under his breath.

"That's cause you deal with those ass holes. Ellie, you are so much better than that. You're beautiful, smart, funny, and a great person. If those idiots can't see that, then let them stay blind and you find someone with vision. Some one that sees you and cherishes you, not something that you can give them."

Damn It, the tears fell anyway. But I had to hand it to him, Jack could get deep in no time.

"It's messed up Jack, so wrong that because I won't give up the goods I don't deserve a nice relationship or a man that respects my decisions. And I am so tired of it! I do nothing but love and give, be faithful and loyal. And what do I get for it? Left or cheated on. I can't do this anymore." I said, voice disappearing in my throat on the last statement.

I dissolved into tears and began to rush to my room when Jack grabbed me and hugged me tight.

"You gotta stop doing this to yourself. Nothing, and I mean nothing is wrong with you Ellie. You're the best person I know. That guy is out there, I guarantee you that." He said

I sniffed and pulled away getting myself together.

"I am such a spaz." I laughed, wiping a tear.

"No, you've just been hurt. Look I've never told you this but I am jealous of you."

I looked at him in all of his Italian glory in shock. I mean... I was so plain. And he was one of the best looking guys I had ever seen, despite him being gay and all. Evan better know how lucky he was.

"I applaud you for actually keeping your virtue as long as you have. At 20, it is so rare to hear a girl is still virginal. I mean, I wish I had kept mine as long as you."

I smiled.


"Yeah, it makes you special girl. I mean, you'd still be special even if you weren't a virgin, but that's not my point."

"As nice as you look, you know it was only a matter of time before some one came to tap that." I teased

He laughed.

"Well of course. But still, when it was my first time, I was in love with the guy. He was older but he took care of me and treated me well. But after our time together, he started acting distant. At first I wasn't sure why, but then I soon found out: he had a wife, a family, and felt guilty about what he had done. He ended it and I never saw him again."

"That is so messed up."

"Yeah...I was so devastated over it, I almost killed myself. But the EMT that talked me off of that bridge, I truly fell in love with." He smiled

And as if on cue Evan came out of Brandi's room with out Brandi of course. Both of us looked towards him.

"Brandi's not gonna eat right now." He said quietly

"What's going on?" Jack asked

"Her grandmother died. Her funeral is Friday and we're all going."

"You know it." Jack murmured

Evan turned sharply to me.

"Now you, young lady, we need to talk about last night!"

"Don't bother, I already did it." Jack smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges. The one indicator that it was a true, heart warming Jack original

Evan smirked and I saw their eyes gleam.

"What would I do without my teddy bear?" He said lovingly

And in that moment Jack went from cool man to a giggling and blushing boy. Those two were so cute. Evan gave him a peck and pulled away.

"I might as well eat now before I get called in. It is getting close to Halloween after all."

Evan every time around this time of year was worked hard, but he loved the job and he did what he could.

Jack followed Evan out of the kitchen as he walked towards his room.

"Don't leave without telling me good night this time!" Jack warned as Evan, mouth full of food, walked past him.

"Of course honey, not after last time." He mumbled

I laughed because I remembered that like yesterday. The minute Evan came in the door after not calling Jack for a whole night, a pie was thrown in his face, and man was it funny.

"And It won't be pie this time I guarantee it!"

I heard Evan's laughs as his bedroom door closed.

"God I love that man." Jack murmured thoughtfully as he himself headed back into the kitchen. 

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