Fifty Four

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I remember being in the kitchen that next morning, in the end stages of cooking. I had headphones in, listening to Muse's Knights of Cydonia,{The best freaking band there is, next to Gorillaz of course :)} and I was reaching for the sugar in the high cupboard when I felt hands on my hips. I yelped in shock and turned to see Leo with a smirk on his face. I took out a head phone and let out a sigh of relief.

"Ugh, don't do that!" I protested, hitting him in the chest

He had a huge smile on his face.

"Sorry babe, I called you, I guess you didn't hear me."

"Obviously." I smirked "What are you doing up?"

"I smelled food and came to investigate."

"Yeah, I cooked breakfast. I figured I'd return the favor for once."

"How sweet of you. And good....I'm starving."

He kissed me and then pulled away.

"What were you reaching for earlier?"


"Let me get that for you."

He reached above me and brought the sugar down for me.

"Thank you. Now you, go back in there, I'll bring breakfast."

I felt him press up against me, holding me fast to the counter with my hands splayed on the counter top. I felt his erection on my left cheek and then his hands on my hips again. Hm, so it would be one of those mornings.

I wholeheartedly approve.

"Why when my breakfast is out here?" I heard him whisper coyly in my ear, softly grinding into me at the same time.

"We're in the kitchen." I giggled

"Hm pet, you're right. Come with me."

He takes my hand and pulls me to my room where he orders me on my knees on the bed.

"You got any scarves around here?" He asks me mysteriously

"Huh? Um, in the closet." I say

I hear him riffle through my things for a second until he comes back with my favorite silk scarf in the color of rich emerald green. Ironic that it was in the same spectrum as his beautiful eyes.

"Lie on your back, hands in front of you." He instructs

I do as I am told and wait while he ties my hands to my headboard. The rope wasn't too tight, but with his expert precision I know that I couldn't get out if I tried. I felt him get onto the bed and then felt something go over my eyes. Another one of my scarves.

"I like how you took my shirt Pet." I heard him smile

"Sorry, it's the first thing I came across when I woke up this morning."

"Looks good on you beautiful." He murmured

He had come to me yesterday with a white buttoned down shirt, black jeans, and black and white converse. He even had on a black tie and a leather jacket over top of it. His hair was spiked yesterday too. A breathless sight like when I always saw him.

"Pull against your restraints." He instructed

I did and it was apparent that I was not going anywhere. I felt his fingers unbuttoned the one button I managed to button on his shirt and pushed the two halves away, baring my naked body for his eyes to see.

"We won't be needing these." He commented, grabbing the band of my underwear and giving them a tug, ripping them away from my body.

"Those were my favorite underwear!" I protested with a giggle

"I'll buy you another pair."

Since I was blindfolded, it was hard to know just what he would do next and that only added on the the fun.

His hands slowly trailed up over my stomach, softly tracing around my breasts and making me shiver with each passing. His fingers soon came down to my nipples which he circled around until they became stiff and hard. Then he suddenly stopped all contact.

I laid there, waiting fro him to touch me, kiss me, something. But all that happened was the sheer quiet, except for our breathing of course.

"Leo?" I asked

"I'm here pet.... I'm just looking at you for a few minutes." He said quietly

"Why?" I smirked

"I just can't get enough of you is all. You're so beautiful Ellie." He said in awe

My face got hot and the hugest smile crawled across my face.

"Thank you." I said quietly

The bed creaked and I felt his warmth next to me which he then took the opportunity to kiss me on my forehead.

"I'm really lucky to have you." I said to him

He froze a bit and then kissed my cheek.

"I love being needed." He said

I felt soft lips trail down the curve of my neck painstakingly slow, showing love with each gentle gesture. His other free hand trailed down my stomach slowly until his hand cupped my mound and rubbed up and down it slowly. My hands jerked automatically in response and he chuckled.

"Now I have you right where I want you."

He stuck a finger in my warm hole and soon I started to move my hips with his rhythm moaning quietly as he rubbed my cl!t with his thumb at the same time he pushed his middle finger into my core. With his finger moving oh so deliciously inside of me and his soft, warm lips kissing my pulse, it all equal to an eclectic feeling that I had not yet experienced. Soon his mouth was on me and oh my god it felt heavenly! His tongue rolled around in places I never knew existed and it had me bucking my hips, pushing myself forward so that I could get closer to that wonderful tongue of his.

He sucked on my cl!t, lapped his tongue around, and and pushed a finger inside of me which drove me wild.

"Fuck, faster!"

Then he stopped! What was it with him and this torture of his?

"Cursing is so not becoming of a beautiful woman as yourself Pet." He teased

"I don't care, just eat me!" I wined

He chuckled.

"What's the magic words pet?"

"Please Sir."

"What do you want Ellie? Ask me and it's yours."

"Please just eat me and then fuck me."


He placed his fingers back inside of me and pounded them in an out quickly. I could hear my pvssy getting wetter by the second as his fingers continuously bumped my g-spot.

"Fuck I'm coming!" I screamed

He gripped my left nipple harshly and twisted, sending me over the edge as I came all over his fingers.

"Bad girl. Let's find a purpose for that filthy mouth of yours shall we?." He growled

I heard the soft thump of his clothing and then felt his cvck rubbing against my cheek.

"Turn your head over here pet." He instructed

I did, opening my mouth and then he pushed into me.


I sucked freverently enjoying the taste of his precum and the feeling of him in my mouth and loving the way it felt to have him pushing himself into me. He took himself out of my mouth and rubbed the tip around my lips leaving a salty trail in it's wake.

"Stick your tongue out."

I did and he slapped his cvck against my tongue a couple of times and then pushed himself back into my mouth. I wanted to badly to touch him but I knew I wouldn't be able to. Finally a few minutes later, he took himself out of me again and then crawled towards the edge of the bed.

"Spread your legs pet." He demanded, voice thick with lust

He rubbed the tip against my entrance teasing me. I wiggled my hips trying to get him to actually put it in. But he continued to tease me.

"Oh for the love of-"

He slammed into me with a grunt and it rendered me breathless.

"Leo-" I gasp, arching my back

He pulls out and once again, does the same violent motion that leaves me breathless and reeling. He pounds into me like no tomorrow and all I can do to hang on is wrap my legs around his waist, making him go even deeper into me.

"Take it baby!" He groaned, pounding even harder into me

The sounds of our intense fucking made me even wetter. I knew that by now my juices were flooding the bed, but I didn't care. I wanted him and I never wanted him to stop.

"Leo!" I cried

He does it over and over again until I am experiencing the most intense orgasm of my life. The one that leaves you weak in the knees and on the verge of falling to the floor. He slowly pulls out of me with a deep ragged breath. He unties me, un blinds me. And as I am rubbing my sore wrists, turns to me with a smirk.

"Now, breakfast is ready." He says

He gets up and walks out of the room. Me, I grab a tee-shirt and follow, undoubtable confused by his sudden actions. He walks right by me and fixes his plate like nothing ever happened. I go to fix my own plate and then join him at the kitchen table while He eats with a distinct smirk.

"I am so glad that no one is home." I said with my face warm

"Oh? You don't think your friends aren't doing the same thing that we are?"

I scrunch my eyes shut.

"Not even close to what we do. As you have taught me well in the last few months, vanilla sex and BDSM sex are two totally different things." I quip

He chuckled and took a swig of his orange juice.

"I like that you learn quickly, Pet. By the way, I like the eggs. How did you know I liked this much cheese?"

"I didn't, that's how my roommates eat theirs. it was habit."

His lip quirked in a half smile.

"Yep, we're definitely made for each other." He said quietly

"Cheesy eggs hardly constitutes human compatibility." I teased

"I beg to differ Pet, I just feel it. You will too eventually."

"if you say so." I smirk

After we eat breakfast, Leo cleans the dishes and I go to shower.

"Pet, you mind coming in here for a second?" I heard Leo say in my room

"Just a minute."

"Now please." He softly demands

I wrap my towel tightly around myself and walk out into my room where on my bed are mountains of bags of clothes from different boutiques and shoe stores.

"What's all this?" I ask him

"Clothes. Come here."

I walked over confused and watch him unceremoniously dump the clothes out of the bag on to my bed. I see silky tops and straps and underwear fall from one bag, skirts and button up shirts fall from another, and nice shoes from other bags as well. I was amazed, albeit very surprised.

"W-what's the occasion?"

"You know I've been thinking: since you are mine on the weekends, I figure you should look the part."

Looking at the garments laid before me warily I said nothing.

"Well what are you waiting for? Try everything on." He smiled

He handed me my first outfit to start off with: a sheer red negligee with heels to go with it. I frowned.

"Something the matter?"

"You sure I'll look good in this?"

"I have no doubt."

He moved the plush chair I had in the corner to the middle of the room, facing the bathroom door.

"I'm gonna sit here and watch you model each bit of clothing. Now come on, go In the bathroom."

I simply just turned and walked in, closing the door behind me.


I sat there, impassive and waiting as the minutes ticked by. Would this woman ever come out of the bathroom?

"Ellie, did you fall in or something?" I asked with a distinct smirk

"No, I don't know what to do with... whatever this thing is. Please help." I hear her meekly ask

I get up from my chair and walked in to help her, and when I see her, I froze at the sight. She has the lingerie on the right way, garters too. But it seems that I forgot one of the toys that was in the clothing. I take it from her, but not before looking her over more.

"What is that?"

"It's an egg. Trust me, you'll learn what it is for really soon."

"Alright. Well, how do I look?" She asks expectantly

"Beautiful, Pet. Come out of the bathroom so I can see better."

I back out as she walks forward slowly, shy and a bit embarrassed. I could tell by her facial expression.

"Look at me pet." I say, voice level and soft

She slowly peeks up, looking adorable. I grip her chin in between my fingers.

"You are beautiful, Ellie. I pick things that I know will flatter you, not make you look bad. And looking at this, I think I did a pretty good job." I smile

"Your taste isn't that bad. I actually do like this."

"Then why do you look so sad?"

"I don't know, I always have this feeling that I won't meet up to the expectations you have when it comes to my looks."

"You meet them. A lot more than you'd expect to. Now don't think that this gets you out of trying the others on." I smirk

She slowly smiles back.

"I know Sir."

I kiss her forehead and reach behind me to grab her next outfit.

"You better, now go try this on."

She takes it and turns to go back into the bathroom

A/N: I'm thinking for my next story it'll be superhero themed. It'll be a short story. What do you think?

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