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I awoke the next morning momentarily forgetting where I was, and who I was. I was groggy and it took me a few minutes sometimes after waking up to truly realize what was going on. So if someone ever tried to rob me blind, I could be awake and they'd still get away with it. 

The sun was bright and shinning in my eyes. I groaned and turned into my pillow. I felt Leo's arms tighten around my naked waist and his hand flex on the one that was holding my right hand. I didn't want to move too much... I was still a little sore down there. But I didn't regret it one minute, last night was beautiful. I never thought my first time would be that nice and special, but it was. I looked around the room and giggled to myself at all of the clothes strewn around on the floor. 

"Hey, what are we giggling about?" Leo asked sleepily 

"Nothing." I smirked

He kissed my shoulder. 

"Good morning." 

"Morning, Sir." I smiled 

"You sleep well?" 

"Yes. You?" I replied 

"Better than I have in months." 

"You kinda tapped out on me earlier than I thought you would." 

"Hey, I was sleepy. Besides, your screaming and moaning tells me that you thoroughly enjoyed it." 

I blushed. 


I felt something soft hit my head. 

"Hey!" I yelled in laughter   

I grabbed my shirt off of the floor and hit him with that. 

"Doesn't pack as much power as pillow." He smirked 

I turned towards him and pushed him on his shoulder. 

"Oh, that's how it's gonna be?" He asked 

"Yes, that's how it's gonna be." 

He pounced on me and started kissing all over me. 

"Get off!" I giggled 

"Your mouth says get off but your eyes say stay." 


He tickled me. 

"Oh, I'm a dork am I?" 

I giggled uncontrollably and squirmed. I didn't even care if we were still naked. He laid down on me and the next thing I knew, I felt fingers probing at my hole. My giggles turned into small moans. 

"Stop that." I smiled 

He smiled back. 

"Do you want me to stop?" 

I felt two fingers enter. 



After our second round, we both laid on the bed sweaty and out of breath. I looked over and saw that she was falling asleep. She was beautiful. I put my hand on her cheek and stroked it softly. Her eyes lazily came open. 

"What?" She asked quietly 

"Nothing, just looking at you." I smiled 

She smiled back and rolled over giving me a kiss. 

"You're so sweet." She murmured 

"You've made me soft." 

"In more ways than one." She teased, poking my sleeping member 

I smacked her butt and she yelped in surprise. 

"Nasty girl." I laughed 

Her eyes sparkled with desire and mischief. 

"Naughty girls should be punished." She smirked 

I felt my self harden in an instant. 

"Well look at you, My flower has fully blossomed." 

"Thanks to a great Sir." She replied, eyes full of love and pride. 

"Over my lap Pet." 

She complied no hesitation. But she did something that surprised me, she didn't get over my lap, but only enough to line up where my head was.  

"Do I have permission to service you Sir?" She asked quietly 

"You may Pet. Bring your butt in the air for me." 

She complied, tucking her knees in. Perfect leverage for me. 

Before I knew it, she took me into her mouth and I spanked her. It was a great morning to tell you the truth. I had never come so much with just one woman.  

"So, has our trip been to your liking?" I asked her 

"Yeah. I can't thank you enough for this." 

"Don't thank me Pet, I enjoyed doing this for you." 

She kissed me and I kissed her back, regrettably pulling away. 

"No, we can't get started again." 

"Please? It'll be quick." She whined

I laughed. 

"I've created a monster. No Pet, now come, let's get dressed and cleaned up. We have to get going soon." 

"Awh, okay." She said quietly 

I kissed her.  

"Come, let's go shower." 

I got off of the bed and took her hand. She followed me and we went into the bathroom for a nice, hot, and relaxing shower. 

A/N: Just wanted to put up a quick part for ya before I went to class. And this story won't be ending for a little while, we got about 23 parts until completion. Told you this would be long :)

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