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I slept longer than usual because when I woke up, I saw that it was almost twelve in the afternoon. With a yawn, I rose from my bed and went into the bathroom to shower and dress. I figured I could go out and explore Italy by myself. After all of that was done, I was sitting on my bed naked when the door opened suddenly, and with a squeal I hurried to cover up.

"Um, can you knock!?" I yelled

He closed the door behind him and sat on my bed with an anxious look on his face. We hadn't spoken in three days almost, and with time winding down on our trip, I didn't want to leave a place this beautiful with ugly emotions. We were leaving in two days, and apart of me was sad that the trip didn’t go as good as I wanted to. And it was all my fault.

"We need to talk." He said gruffly

He hadn't shaven in a few days, and his five o'clock shadow actually made him look very distinguished. The rest of him looked very delicious though: blue jeans and a tight tee-shirt that accentuated his well defined body that lay underneath. I forced myself to still look at him, although I was still slightly annoyed that he barged in my room without knocking.

"Okay, but let me go get dressed first." I remarked, getting up and grabbing my clothes from the bed

"Why? I've seen you naked plenty of times."

"Wouldn't want to bring any unwanted feelings." I said sardonically

I was almost to the bathroom door when I felt him firmly grab my forearm.

"You're not going anywhere. And lose the towel." I heard him mutter harshly in my ear

I snatched away from him and went into the bathroom anyway, quickly getting dressed and then returning five minutes later. He didn't look pleased with my defiance, but in this instance I really didn't care.

"So, our talk?" I asked annoyed

"Yeah, our talk. Come, sit on the bed."

I did as he asked and sat on the bed, mentally and emotionally guarded. 

"So, what are we talking about?" I asked quietly yet harshly.

"First, take off those clothes." He commanded

"No. You wanted to talk so do that. If not, I'm going to leave and go explore by myself."

He glared at me quietly and said nothing.

"That's what I thought." I replied, getting up off of the bed and walking towards the door.

"Ellie, stop." He said quietly

"Why should I? You ignored me for a total of 7 days. I gave you your space, now give me mine."

I opened the door and started walking down the hallway. I don't know when it happened but all I felt was hands around my waist and me being picked up off of the floor.

"Let go of me!" I screamed as he laid me down on the bed.

The next thing I know I'm pinned on my back, wrists firmly pushed into the mattress above my head. I'm hollering at him to let me go, but it's all in vain when he says,


The look in his eyes make me gasp as he straddles my waist. I immediately close my mouth and say nothing as I quietly glare at him.

"Now, like I said earlier, clothes off."

"If I refuse?" I asked him

"I'll spank you so hard you won't be able to sit for a month. Now, do what I said please and stop defying me." He asked creepily calm

"Let me go first." I swallowed

He climbed off of me and I got off of the bed, my back faced towards him.

"Oh no, look at me while you do it." He snapped

seriously, he was mad at me when he was the one who ignored me? Okay, I must be asleep and this was a nightmare. And when I woke up, this would all be over. 


I started taking off my clothes and felt him watching me as I did so. Once everything was off, I sat back down on the bed. He was on me within seconds.

I was of course pinned beneath him and I could feel him on my stomach. I didn't even know that he was even out of his pants. Wait...when did he get naked!?

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly

"Giving you what you want."

I felt my face flush. I knew exactly what he meant.

"But I thought you weren't ready. Plus, this isn't necessarily a 'talk'," I said sarcastically

"I'm talking to you now aren't I?" He asked

"That doesn't count." I said dryly

"You're right, but still, I need to guarantee that you won't run from me."

I looked around sarcastically  and then back up to him.

"I think we're way past that aren't we? You're physically restraining me right now."

"Cause you tried to run." 

"Okay, that I get. But me being naked is because?"

"I miss you, I miss your body,  I just wanted to see it before I never get to again."

"Why wouldn't you get to?" I asked confused

"You've been avoiding me for a few days. Thought you hated me."

"Me? You're the one who stopped talking to me, Leo. You made me feel unwanted. The thing is.... you didn’t even want to talk about it. And I get it, you're my Sir so you don't have to explain yourself, but still I just wanted to know."


He sighed and slowly sat up, climbing off of me and sitting next to me.

"I haven't been completely honest with you, Ellie."

I feigned shock.

"Really? I hadn't noticed."

He smirked.

"Alright, no need for the sarcasm."

"Come on Leo, I've been wondering for days why you don't want me."

"I do want you, Ellie. I want you so bad. But I'm not sure if I can handle that emotion for you."

"Says the man that proclaimed his love for me and then was upset I didn't say it back. I finally do and it still isn't enough? Well what do you want me to do?"

"Promise me something."

"Okay, what?"

"Promise that when we get back to America, no matter how much we disagree, we won't be this dis-attached ever again. We need to start talking these things out and stop running from each other."

"Of course, Sir. But you still haven't answered my question."

"I knew you wouldn't forget. Well... I don't want to bring it up."

"Lemme guess, it's about Donna again?" I asked him


Weirdly enough it didn't anger me that it was about her, all I wanted was answers and I was going to get them.

"Look.... I get it, she really hurt you. Even if you're a Dom, you still have feelings. One of my favorite things about you. When I read about Dominants.. usually it was like there was no emotion at all."

"Trust me, we have feelings. And usually I'm not always this emotional. It's what you do to me." He murmured

I smiled but didn't say anything.

"It's weird Ellie, here I was a bachelor, not caring about the next chick to share my bed to be honest. I didn't care about anything, or girls' feelings, just as long as my needs were met. But then you just had to come to the club that night, and since then, you changed my whole outlook on life."

"How? Back then I really wasn't something special."

"The thing is,you were/are and you were just what I needed."

"Honestly I thought you were way out of my league."

"Funny, I felt the same way about you." He said staring at me intensely

My eyes widened.

"Stop lyin'." I smirked 

"I mean it. Who'd thought you'd want a 'womanizer' like me? Even you said it yourself, I always had a woman on my arm."

"Yeah, but we're both Psychologists, we both know why you did, and that's why I tried not to get on you about it. You tried to fill the void that Donna left and fix the destruction that she left behind. It worked at first, but after awhile you were't satisfied."

"True. But I don't want you running away from me. You actually make me happy and I don't want to lose that. You're special."

I blushed and looked away briefly. He put his finger under my chin and tipped my head up.

"Are there anymore questions you need to ask Pet?"

"No, I got my answer. You're afraid of intimacy."

"Duh, I already know that." He teased

"So how do you suggest you fix it then?" I asked

"Focus on us, and not the past. Donna was in my past, and you're my present."

"Good. Just think in the now, and not back then. You might be happier."

"That is true pet."

He pushed me down softly on the bed and once again I was pinned.

"But that doesn't mean that I won't have you. If you're ready.... we can do this."

I bit my lip nervously.

"No. I want it to be special."

A/N: I know, y'all hate me right now lol

"Okay baby, that's fine with me. But will you at least come back to our room?"

"That depends.... do you want me there?"

"Of course. That's all I've wanted for the last three days."

"Alright alrght." I smiled

He smiled too and kissed me.

"I love you Leo." I said freely

I saw quick surprise resonate in his features, which he quickly hid.

"And I love you."

"Can we go to the beach today?"

"Of course we can. Come, get dressed and I'll meet you down stairs in about fifteen minutes."


With one last kiss, he got up and so did I, jumping into action, rifling through my suit case to look for my black and gold bathing suit. Once I found it, I slipped it on, and grabbed  the beach essentials from my suit case, packing a small bag and meeting Sir downstairs. He had shaved and was slipping a fresh white tee-shirt over his head. He wore flip flops on his feet and swimming trunks. I could see his V from the gap where he didn't pull his shirt down all the way yet. I tried not to stare as he met my eyes with a smile of his own.

"You look great in that suit. I forgot what it looked like on you. Very beautiful."

I blushed.

"Thank you."

"Come on Pet, let's go."

With excitement, I followed behind him and off we went.


Once we reached the beach and got settled, we soon waded into the water. The heat was unbearable and it was a unanimous decision. Once we were in far enough, away from a lot of people, the water came up to our stomachs. I enveloped her into my arms and held her against my chest.

"You know... we only have two more days here." I murmured

"Yeah, I know. I'm upset that we've both been too stubborn to truly appreciate a place this beautiful. But it was mostly my fault, I apologize for that."


"You? Your behavior was warranted My sweet Ellie, it was I that had my own faults as well."

She looked up at me with a smirk.

"I swear, sometimes you speak as if you're from another time."

"Meh, I read a lot of old literature. I'm a big nerd."

"No arguments there." She teased

I laughed.


 "So what are the plans for our last night in Italy?"

"There is something I want to give you." I said to her

She looked up at me surprised.

"Another gift? Sir you don't have to.

"But I want to. It's from the heart. Dinner tomorrow tonight will be special. And tomorrow you'll be in such awe. Oh I just can't wait." I smiled excitedly

She didn't know that we would be looking at all of the most beautiful artifacts the city had to offer, each getting closer to the island that we'd be spending our final night on. Then, we'd be taking my parent's private jet home. At the end of the night, what ever would have happened or would be happening, I'd present her with a painting. I really hoped she loved it.

"Now neither can I. You know you spoil me right?"

"I told you I would. I take care of mine, remember that." I commented, kissing her.

As soon as we kissed I felt a spark and she didn't let go. I gripped her closely and kissed her with just as much fervor and heated passion as she did me. I felt her reach up and comb her fingers through my hair. I swear she liked my hair a lot.

I rubbed my tongue against her bottom lip to ask for access, she opened and I slipped my heated tongue inside of her warm mouth. At this point I started to harden and so I decided to have a little fun with her. I slowly slid my hands down her swim suit bottoms and rubbed her cl!t. I heard her gasp and then moan in my mouth. She pushed more into my hand and wrapped a leg around my waist. Someone was getting bolder.

"Good girl."

I gripped her closer to me and soon slipped a finger into her wetness. She moaned as I pumped in and out. 

"That's my good little girl. But I have a rule." I whispered against her lips

"W-what rule?"

"You can't cum until tomorrow night."

"Such a tease."

I circled her cl!t furiously and she trembled, biting back her words.

"Remember sweetie,  no cumming."

"But sir." I groaned

I added another finger and she clamped her eyes shut with a whimper.

"I said no Pet. Do not disobey me."

She bit her lip and I swear it was the sexiest thing I had seen her do all day. Once she started clamping down on my fingers is when I took my hand out of her pants. She groaned in the loss and I kissed her.

"Come on, let's get out. You hungry?" I asked her nonchalantly

The look she gave me was priceless, but I ignored it. She gave up after awhile and nodded. I took her hand.

"Good, so am I. Come on sweet heart."

We left the water and walked to the snack bar they had on the beach. We both got lunch and sat down on the beach underneath an umbrella, and talked and ate. Afterwards, we laid down on the blanket underneath us and cuddled a little. 

"I can't wait for tomorrow night." She said quietly

"Neither can I. I hope you'll like everything."

"Well if you did it for me then I know I'll like it. You're just that awesome."

She leaned up and kissed me. I smiled.

"You think so highly of me." I smiled, eyes closed

"You're my Sir, my best friend, and just an awesome person. Why wouldn't I think highly of you?"

I chuckled lazily.

"True, I am pretty great."

"Modesty is lost on you huh?" She giggled

"Not all the time." I smiled again

I stroked her back calmly as we laid there. She kissed my cheek and snuggled closer to me. It was a perfect ending to a crazy seventy two hours. No matter how much we fought, how difficult I or she could be, all that mattered to me was how happy My Ellie was. I wished she would stay with me always.

A/N: :3 Hope y'all enjoooy ^_^


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