One *Edited*

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I couldn't even speak at the moment. I laid on my bed numb and cold, unfeeling to the world and it's stimulus. I had cried so much, I honestly didn't have any tears left. My brown short hair was splayed across my blue covered pillow, with a sea of tissues surrounding the immediate area. My covers were pulled up close to my neck, and I just laid there. I didn't care anymore, what was the point? I never knew how bad it would hurt. I didn't know which was worse: he saying he didn't love me anymore, or the cold way that he did it. I bet he never loved me, and that revelation just made the pain in my heart even worse. I curled into a tight ball and let the tears leak out. Three years...I'd never get those back. I heard a knock at my door and I said nothing. It opened, and in stepped one of my four roommates, Amber. I barely looked over to see her bright red hair cross over to my side of the bed. She sat on my side and I felt the bed sag. I was quiet. She stroked my hair back like my mom used to when I was a kid. I wish she was here, I really needed her and she was far from home. 

"Hey, hun I know it hurts. I want you to know that we kicked that bastards ass for you." She said soothingly 

I still said nothing. If I wasn't staring at the broken pieces of my heart on the floor, I'd actually laugh. 

"God, I hate seeing you like this Ellie. You're such a great person, don't let him do that to you." She said, her lipid blue eyes taking on a liquid sheen of anger 

She placed a hand on my brown skinned arm and rubbed.  

"He doesn't and never will deserve you. You're too good for him." She said 

Of course I felt way opposite. Amber was like the mother of our little family. She was the voice of reason, but also, she kept this family sane. 

"Amber, have you seen my hairbrush!?" My other roommate Jack yelled outside of my door.

"In your room top drawer!" She yelled back 

She turned back to me, about to say something more but she never got the chance. Jack came into my room and stood in the doorway.

"I just checked there!" He wined 

She sighed exasperated. 

"Hold on Ellie, I'll be right back." 

She jumped up from my bed and walked out of my room annoyed, closing the door behind her. 

"I swear Jack, it's like you're two!" She yelled, her voice fading as she went further down the hall way 

I stayed in my same position waiting for her to come back. But she didn't, no doubt forgetting that she was comforting me. But that was okay, I needed some me time right now. Day turned to night, and I still hadn't moved. 

The next thing I know, my door flies open and it startles me into sitting up. I saw two figures at my door.  

"Ellie, get yo ass up NOW! We're going out." Said my other guy roommate Evan  

I rolled my eyes. 

"No, I'm not going out, leave me alone." 

The light flicked on and I shut my eyes at it's burning evasiveness. 

"Get up Ellie, you've been in this room three days straight." My final female roommate, Brandi said. 

I heard Evan sniff the air. 

"Yeah, and just so you know, the shower has been invented." He asked, waving his hand in front of his nose.

I heard a hit and Evan saying "ow."

"Don't be a jerk Ev." Amber scolded

Ugh, what was I? surrounded by five year olds? What do you expect when I haven't moved in three days? 

I slammed my pillow over my head trying to pretend that they weren't invading my personal space and that I was still alone. But my solace was quickly taken away, producing the burning light once again. 

"Like we said, get up Ellie. We're going out and you are going with us. I'll pick out your wardrobe and you go get freshened up. You got one hour." Said Evan, looming over my head with a smirk on his face.

I heard my closet door open and heard the hangers squeaking against the long bar holding everything up in my closet. I would've defied them just to piss them off, but I knew that there would be no way I could take them both. I loved them but sometimes my roommates needed a shoe to the head. 

"Fine, fine, I'm getting up." I said annoyed 

My voice actually sounded foreign to me, I hadn't spoke a word in seventy two hours. I looked over at my room mates who were beaming at me. I scowled at them and slammed the bathroom door. I stripped out of my clothes and started to shower, and boy did it do wonders for me. I even washed my hair. 

After blow drying my hair and brushing my teeth, I stepped out and saw one of my dresses lying on my bed. It was loose fitting and black of course. My wardrobe was very....selective. Since I was a bigger girl, I was very shy about my choices. I couldn't even wear the stuff that Amber and Brandi did... I would look ridiculous. 

Deep into my self loathing session, There was a knock at my door. 

"Yes, I am getting ready!" I yelled before the person could even ask. 

"Better be!" Jack yelled from the other side 

I sighed but couldn't help but smile as I lotioned up and then slipped into my dress that came to about mid thigh and then put on my chunky heeled, sensible Mary Jane's. I slipped on some gold hoops and curled and oiled my freshly blow dried hair. After spritzing on perfume, I walked out to greet everyone who was collectively sitting on our old and battered couch. 

Amber was wearing a purple dress with a tasteful slit going up her leg and some sexy black pumps. Her red hair was styled in loose ringlets and her makeup was simple, not that she needed much, she was supermodel status. 

Brandi was a raven haired beauty with a lot of curves fit into a short but cute stature. She wore a red dress that accentuated her curves perfectly. At 5'3 she was the perfect size for guys, and she always attracted them as well. Guys would go gaga over her. 

Then there was Jack, a 6'2 Italian green eyed beauty. His sandy brown hair and his freckled skin would attract more girls than I thought was possible. This boy could walk out in public, and five minutes later, have a girl willing to give up her digits (some, their panties....Eww.) Too bad he was gay and only had eyes for Evan, a mix between African American and Latino. He had the most perfect curly black hair and the most stimulating hazel eyes. His skin was the color of apple butter and he kept his hair close shaven on the sides with the top in curly ringlets. He stood at only 5'9 and those two were as adorable as could be. They were at least good for guy advice if I needed it.

We were a very diverse bunch. I was African American, Brandi was Latina, and Amber was Caucasian.  When we went out in public, we definitely got stares. good looking counterparts did. I was ignored as usual but that was alright, I didn't like being stared at. If I didn't stand out, that was okay. 

"Honey, where is your flare?" Evan asked, looking at me in disapproval 

I looked over myself and thought that I looked just fine. 

"Now you know that you got some new clothes for your birthday, why haven't you worn them?" Amber interjected 

Well that was my fault, my birthday was over two months ago, making me 20 years old. They always thought I dressed like grandma, but I liked my wardrobe. 

"Hey, I got dressed and out of bed, shouldn't that be enough?" I wined playfully. "What's with the third degree?" 

"No, we want you to have some flare. So what you have some extra, we all have quirks of ours that we don't favor, but we dress up our nicer parts." Brandi said 

Since when did my crew all turn against me? 

"So you want me to change?" I asked them 

"Yes!" They all said in unison 

I smirked. 

"Alright then." 

I was about to turn on my heels when I felt myself being grabbed. I turned and saw Jack giving me the "nice try" look. 

"You guys never learn. You know the minute she goes into that room she is in for the night, she's done it before. Look, she is fine with what she has on. Can we just go already? You already know that tonight the club will be packed." 

"Alright, let's go." 

I grabbed my things  and followed the bunch out of our front door. We took two cars, Me, Brandi, and Amber rode in Amber's car, while the boys drove in Evan's. The club was down town and of course every Friday night there was some new club that we would always go to, and we never went to the same one more than twice a month.  

When we pulled up, the club was named Caged. Evan parked beside us and we all got out together. When we reached the front, I noticed that I should've definitely added some color to my ensemble because all I saw was rainbow after rainbow of different shades of pinks, reds, blues, and greens. Me, I was in basic black. 

Oh this would be so much fun....I stuck out like a sore thumb. 

I sighed to myself and got in line with my friends. The line moved slowly but fast enough and soon we were in the front of the line. The bouncer let us through, but not before giving me the up-down disapprovingly. 

I grabbed my left arm in shyness and hurried into the club before we were separated.  Once we reached inside I immediately felt the evasive beat thump in time with my heart beat. This was a Hollywood grade club, complete with black couches, blood red interior, and a wide dance floor but also a separate place for the bar area. There were floor to floor lava lamps and even....girls dancing in cages dressed head to toe in latex or leather. Okay, so this night club was unique to say the least. Looking around, I felt so out of place. 

"Come on let's get a table!" Brandi yelled over the loud music 

We all followed while she picked a table big enough for us. When we sat down, immediately walked over a waiter to ask us our drink orders. He was dressed in a tight sleeveless leather shirt, black pants, and had a collar on his neck with a pad lock on it. Hmm, interesting. 

While I tried not to stare in confusion, the people that were twenty one (Brandi, Jack, and Evan) All ordered alcoholic drinks while I and Amber ordered soda. After awhile everyone was itching to dance. I told them to go on ahead, since dancing just wasn't my thing honestly. I sat there and sipped on my soda. I was happy watching my friends have fun, and I was actually amused by the people moving around on the dance floor. 

But then I started to notice things. Like for starters, a lot of people, and I mean a lot were wearing almost all leather outfits that didn't truly cover all of their body. Some were literally just pieces of string. And one guy, I saw led a girl around with a leash clipped onto a collar, and she was smiling, her eyes screamed love (or lust) and she was content to just being led around. I for one found it humiliating, I would hate to be stared at. One guy...who was huge, and I meant huge as in bodybuilder huge, was led through by his collar by an itty-bitty woman with thigh high boots, sporting a five inch heel, a corset, and a leather skirt, who held a riding crop in her hand, led him behind her while he, with the look of sheer desire in his eyes, happily obliged. She couldn't be no taller than five foot even.

"Come on Teddy, keep up, we're almost upstairs." I heard her say as she passed me 

I couldn't look away from the two. As they passed me, she looked over at me and smiled. 

"Don't worry, he's perfectly fine, isn't that right teddy?" 

The guy on the floor looked up to me and smiled. I blushed and looked away. The woman seemed warm and nice though.

"Yes Mistress Anna." He seemed to purr 

She smiled happily. 

"Good boy, now come along, we have affairs to get to. Say bye to the nice young lady." She said 

He gave me a parting nod, and she yanked on his collar and he continued to walk after his Mistress. Like I said earlier, this club was unique indeed.  

A/N: Ellie at the top :)

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