Sixteen (Part One) *Edited*

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The next morning I awoke to my phone ringing. I blindly and groggily scrambled for it. I peeked at my clock and saw that it was six AM. This better be important, or Someone's head was about to roll!


"Hello... Doctor Coleman?"

"Christopher? What's the matter?"

"Could I see you please? I really need someone to talk to." He said

I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes.

"Sure Christopher. Where are you now?"

"Outside of your office."

I got out of my bed.

"Alright I'll be there in a few. Hang tight."

I hung up and got dressed in some sweats and a comfortable shirt, grabbed a light jacket and then packed some other clothes for later. Once I left the house I was at the office in about twenty minutes. And low and behold I saw Christopher in his car. It was way too early for this, but hey, this is what we promised. I grabbed all of my things and then walked up to his car. Once he saw me he cut off the engine and got out.

"Good morning Christopher." I greeted

"Morning Doctor."

We both walked inside and took the stairs because the elevator was not on.

"What's been going on?" I asked him

"Look... about our date tonight."

"Mhm." I commented as we walked up the stairs

"Do you mind if we do it another time? I know I only saw you just a few days ago but there's been things happening."

We finally reached our floor and proceeded to go into my office. He entered behind me and shut the door.

"Okay, things like what?"

"I just found out yesterday that my little brother died in a car crash six months ago and I wasn't even told."

"Oh my goodness...I am sorry to hear that."

He sat down heavily in the chair, like the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

"He was always the best kid you know? He didn't deserve this." He said more to himself

I grabbed my notes on him and started writing as he talked.

"And the worst part? Big brother was too busy in Iraq fighting for my country, when I should've stayed home and been with my family. I mean I can never ever get over the fact that my little brother needed me... and I wasn't there. I was too busy saving other families when I should've saved mine."

"Christopher... you can't blame yourself for this, you can't. This was something that no one could've predicted or stopped."

He stood and started pacing the room.

"It's not just that he died... but because I was not told about it. My family actually thought that I would benefit from not knowing that my brother died. I mean, did they think I wouldn't remember that I had a little brother?"

"Well... though they weren't right, you have to understand how bad of a place you were in last year. They just wanted to protect you."

"But doc-"

"Listen to me Christopher, remember when you first came to me? You were in bad shape.... you even tried killing yourself, do you remember that?"

He looked at me with pained eyes.

"Yes... I remember that."

"You had some friends that were really worried about you... and so was your family. I get why you are so upset, I get it. And I'm not saying forgive your family right now bu-"

He slammed the table and I jumped.

"But nothing! This is something unforgivable!'

He was panting and very angry. But I've dealt with patients like this.

"It's okay to feel hurt and angry, I get that. But keeping it in does nothing for you, it just eats at you. And you have so much built up inside. You gotta let it go."

He sat back down and put his head in his hands starting to sob. I grabbed tissues and got up to go comfort him.

"I was making such good progress... and now, everything is falling apart again. He was my rock." He sobbed, utterly broken.

I stayed silent as his cries slowly stopped. For the next hour and a half we sat there and talked about different things. I insisted he stay for as long as he needed, but he decided to leave three hours later. He promised to come back more often than once a week and I assured him that was fine. After he left I realized that Leo never told me when he would be coming into the office, but I was nervous about going home, so I stayed and decided to shower in my bathroom. I was so glad this is what we agreed on when it came to planning the office layout. I spent about twenty minutes in the shower, lathering and singing, and then I got out. After drying off and putting lotion on, I dressed in the clothes that I had picked out that day: a floral skirt and a nice short sleeved purple shirt. I slipped on the flats that I had brought with it and then exited the bathroom. I jumped and gave a yelp when I saw Leo sitting on my couch. He stared at me with an amused expression.

"Jesus, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon." I sputtered out

"Well good morning to you too Ellie." He said

"Sorry... good morning Leo." I replied

He was finally casual: slightly baggy, dark washed, straight legged Levi jeans with black converse on his feet. He had a black button down shirt with the sleeves rolled a quarter way up his forearm and even had on his signature old spice cologne. His hair was done in a different style today. I personally liked when he spiked it.

"That's better. Although I don't recall saying that you'd be here this early. You were supposed to wait for my call." He said, quickly getting to business

"A patient needed me this morning."

"Which patient?" He asked

"Christopher." I replied

"Let me guess, he is the one who gave you the flowers?" He asked

How the hell did he know that, I never told him who did it and I had a lot of patients. I tried to hide the faint blush I'm sure pinked my cheeks.

"Umm... no. It was another patient." I said

"Come here."

I slowly walked over to him and stood in front of him, unexpecting.


"Ah!" I yelled in surprise

He didn't move his hand from my butt as he leaned forward until his lips were close to my ear. I was panting a little from such close contact. Why was I so turned on right now?

"Don't lie to me, Ellie. Did he give you the flowers?" He asked low and sternly, squeezing where his hand was.

"Yes," I swallowed.

"I see. Why would he give you two bouquets of flowers?"

"He... he asked me out."


"Thursday. I said yes. But this morning he cancelled... we were supposed to go out today."

"You know dating patients is a no no."

"I know, but I just wanted to be nice."

He stepped back from me and said nothing.

"Alright. Don't lie to me again Ellie, are we clear?" He asked.

"Yes Sir." I said quietly.

Good girl. Now, come with me, we're going out."


"Out. We're going to breakfast and then we'll go hang around town for awhile."

"Okay." I said.

He grabbed my hand and we left the office. As we got into his car, he seemed to stare at me.

"What?" I asked him as we settled in

"You're just amazing."

I blushed and looked away.

"What makes you say that?"

"Just.... just who you are. Don't think I didn't hear you singing earlier. You sound good." He said proudly

"Have I ever told you how indecisive you are" I teased

"Explain." He chuckled

"I mean just look at this: one day we're friends, the next you kiss me, then you say it's a mistake, then you admit you like me, now I'm testing out as your submissive. It's interesting."

"Well at least that says you'll never know what's coming next." He commented as we pulled into traffic.

"Heh, that is true. So... where are we going?"

"We're going back to my house for breakfast."

"What's for breakfast?"

"Hmm, we'll figure something out when we get there. Just relax."

And relax I did. Though I was a little lagged from getting up so early, I tried with all of my might not to fall asleep....

"Ellie, come on wake up."

I remember opening my eyes and seeing his flat in front of us.

"Hmm?" I asked sleepily

"Come on we're here." he said with laughter in his voice

Guess I fell asleep after all. I stretched and got up, following him to the front door. Once we got inside we got down to picking breakfast options.

"Okay, so I got bacon, eggs, sausage, French toast, English muffins, bagels, chocolate muffins, blueberry muffins, and of course I've got fruit. What sounds good to you?"

Going over my options it was a lot to choose from.

"You really like breakfast huh?" I teased

He opened the fridge and poked his head inside picking out all of the items he named.

"Nah, I just like variety." He replied, pushing the door shut with his hips

"You've got a point. Uh I guess the sausage, bacon, and bagel would be fine."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I also have pancake mix. Would you like pancakes as well?"

"That sounds great. What are you eating?"

"Eggs, sausage, and a muffin. And pancakes of course."

"Alright so who's cooking what?" I asked

"I'll cook, you sit."

"No that's okay I don't mind helping out." I replied walking up to the stove "Where is your skillet? I'll cook the pancakes and sausage. You can cook the eggs and French toast."

"I bet I finish cooking before you." He teased

"Oh? Is that a challenge Leo?" I smirked

"Yeah. If it wasn't I wouldn't have said it now would I? How about this: The first person to finish cooking and have a good set up,wins."

"Pssh, you're so on." I scoffed

He gave me a competitive look as I found the utensils I needed.

"Winner gets to choose the losers punishment."

"I bet you'd just love to win wouldn't you?" I teased

"Oh, I will win darling, wait and see."

I scoffed and cut on the stove and waited for the skillet to heat up. I would win this.

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