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I walk into the office two weeks later and grab my work mail from my mailbox. I look through and sort the various junk mail, bills, and coupons. It's only when I get to a letter addressed to me that I pay attention. As I am riding the elevator upward, I rip open the envelope and read the letter.

I wish I hadn't. 

Your little rendezvous with Leo Ryder Calavary will soon end. You and him are not to be together long. Once I get a hold of you you little bitch, you'll be sorry that you ever stole him from me! You will NEVER be good enough for him. I suggest you leave him alone now if you know what is good for you! 


I felt a deep sense of dread fill the pit of my stomach and I stood there quietly taking in the crude, typed letter. Who was this person, and should I truly be worried about them?

Hell no, it was just some stupid letter. Really, if a person wanted to do me harm, they'd come in person. But then again...I had felt the distinct feeling that I have been watched these past few weeks. Some one keyed my car last week, and now I'm getting this strange letter from out of no where. But who's to say the two events were related? Cars get keyed for no reason all of the time. But this letter, it couldn't truly be Ignored forever, but it had to be for now.

I heard Leo coming into his office next door, so I stuffed the letter into my drawer and looked like I was working on my computer. The next thing I know, he's coming in. 

"Morning beautiful. Guess what day it is?" 

It was our six month anniversary of him asking to me to be his submissive. And his girlfriend, which I really didn't notice at the time. I looked over to him and saw him with cupcakes and a huge smile on his face. 

"Is it Give your Sub a Cupcake Day again? Oh, and hump day?" I smirk 

He playfully rolls his eyes and sets the cupcakes on my desk. 

"No darling. You seriously don't know what day it is?" He asked with a furrowed brow 

"Of course I do silly, how could I forget our six month anniversary?" 

"I don't know... you seem like you have that old lady memory." 

I hit him playfully. 

"Shut up." I laugh 

He chuckles as he comes around to hug me from behind. 

"Happy anniversary baby. Eat your cupcakes. Oh, and we're going out tonight." 

"Which restaurant?" 

"No restaurant. But I think you'll like it. " 

"I'm excited already." 

The coiled up nerves in my stomach slowly loosen when I feel his arms around me. I always feel safe when he's near. I wonder if I should tell him about these strange occurrences that have been happening to me, or just keep it to myself. After a quick thought I decide to go with the latter. No use of worrying Leo for nothing.

We both have a cupcake and he actually gets some icing on my nose on purpose. He kisses it off and I smile. I have never been this happy in my entire life with a man, and thinking back to those nights where I prayed for happiness and a good man, I see they have been answered. He sits in my chair and he pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist and looking into my eyes. 

"You know how much I love you?" He whispers. 

"As much as you love painting?" I say softly 

"Even more than that." 

"Oh? Then what spectrum are we on?" I ask with a soft smile 

"Hm, it's astronomical. I can't explain it. How much do you love me?" He smiles 

"More than anything, even more than I love cupcakes. You're an important part of my life now." 

He looks at me thoughtfully and kisses me. 

"Sappy." He teased 

"Shut up!" I laugh 

"Make me." He smirks 

I lean down for another kiss. 

"Oh I'll make you." 

In the middle of our make out session, I hear an alarm go off and know that my first patient is due in any minute. 

"You gotta go." I say, getting off of him 

He gathers me into his arms and hugs me close, kissing me one last time. 

"Love you." 

"Love you too." 

He lets go of me and walks back into his office just as my patient comes in. 


 After we closed up shop that day, Ellie and I got into our cars and drove to my house. We switched  and she soon got into the passenger seat. I pulled away from the house and started driving to our destination. 

"Ok, the suspense is killing me, where are we going?" 

"You really want to know?" 


"We're having a moon lit picnic. And then afterwards we're going to look at the stars all night." 

"I like that. It's simple yet intimate." 

I smiled. 

"Glad you like the idea." 

"How was work?" She asked quietly 

"Meh, it was work. Saw patients, talked to my mom and sister and brother in law." 

"How are they doing?" 

"Oh, you don't know? You and my sister practically text every second." I tease 

"Hey, she reached out to me and I actually like your sister. She's nice and silly, just like me." 

"I was afraid of that." 

She giggles but then gets serious.

"I don't want to bring up things, but about being apart of your world. We never had our talk." 

"I know Pet. We'll talk tonight, but let's at least eat first." 

"Okay. Oh, Katie says that the baby is growing well. They went to the doctors yesterday. She even invited me to go out shopping with her and your mom on Saturday. Is that okay with you?" 

I smile, happy that Ellie was getting along so well with the people I cared most about. 

"Of course darling, go and have fun. Take my car." 

"What's wrong with my car?" 

"You drive a 93 Honda civic. Honey, you need an upgrade." 

"Hey, don't talk about Gloria! She gets me from A to Z just fine thank you." 

I chuckle. 

"She's old, you need a sleeker model." 

"Don't think that you're buying me a car either." 

"The minute that car of yours breaks down, is the minute I'm getting you one." 

"Okay Italy I thought was bad enough but a car? Please don't." 

"Why not? I want my girl to have nice things," I remarked as we entered the camp ground. 

"Answer me this: do you buy me things because you want to, or because you feel like you have to?" 

I cut the car off and looked towards her. 

"I feel like it." I said 

But even I heard that I wasn't firm in my conviction. 

"Leo are you lying to me?" She teased 

"Yes." I answered seriously 

I took the keys slowly out of the ignition and looked towards her, 

"Why? And don't say because "Dom's always spoil their subs". They might, but I know you well enough to know that's not your only reasoning." 

"Caught me." I smirked 

"We'll talk about it after dinner."

"Alright. Come on, let's get out of the car." 

A/N: Oh yeah, you're gonna hate Leo's dad even more in the next few parts. Don't you wish you could take a bat to his knee caps? lol

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