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I had just sent my patient on their way and sat down at my desk. I was in the middle of answering an email that I got from Christopher when Leo walked in. 

"Hey." I said absentmindedly 

"Hey beautiful." He said quietly, kissing me on the cheek 

I finished my last response and hit send. 

"What's up?" I asked him 

"Nothing, just wanted to see you." He said with a small smile 

 I looked up at him and he seemed a little vulnerable. 

"You okay?" I asked 

"Yeah, I'm fine. One of my patients got me thinking about you." 

"Really? Which one?" 


"I haven't seen her in a year. How is she now?" 

"Better. You should see her now, exponential improvement." 

"Well I'm glad you could fix her.... she ran out on me the last time I saw her." 

"Well getting through to her was no walk in the park, believe me. Took me about six months just to get her to talk to me in full sentences. But after she was placed with her new adoptive family, she opened up and made a huge change." 

"Always good to hear." I smiled 

I paid attention to my computer once more seeing that Christopher had emailed back. 

" and Christopher have been getting closer." Leo said suddenly 

"We're only friends, don't worry." I smirked 

He got up from my desk and stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking around. Pacing. 

"I don't know Ellie... you don't see it do you?" 

I started typing my response. 

"See what?" 

"How he looks at you, his body language, his tone of voice." 

I stopped typing and looked up at him. 

"What are you saying?" 

"It's just.....I don't like it." He admitted 

"Where is this coming from?" I asked 

"I'm  just saying... keep an eye out for him." 

"Leo, I assure you Christopher doesn't like me like that anymore. He has a girlfriend and he asked me out on that date awhile ago, you know, the very one he cancelled?" 

"I don't know Ellie. Just watch him." 

 "Don't tell me you're jealous." I teased 

"I'm not." He protested 

I saw how bad of a liar he was. 

"You are such a horrible liar." 

"No one is lying." 

I got up. 

"Okay then. So if I said that Christopher asked me to go to the Bach, Chopin, and friends concerto with him next month as friends, would you object to it?" 

"'Course not. I'll even buy you a new dress, binoculars, and shoes to go with him." He said smoothly 

I was surprised, especially since Christopher actually did ask me to go to the symphony with him. 


"Sure. As long as I can drop you off and come get you when it is over." 

"There's no way you're letting me drive myself are you?" 

He smirked this time. 

"That is correct Pet. I need to know the exact time the concert is over and where it'll be. I'll come get you and then take you home. Excuse me, home with me." 

"Alright then, if that's what it takes." 

He smiled. 

"Good girl. Now, come here." 

I walked over to him and he grabbed me, pulling me to him roughly and snaking his arms around my waist. I said nothing as his soft but blazing green eyes bore into mine, as if he was restraining a secret anger. God, I never got over their beauty, even the man around them was even more beautiful than they were. I felt his fingers grip my chin. 

"You can have fun with Christopher, but remember who you belong to. We clear?" He asked sternly 

"Yes Sir." 

He kissed me quietly with a small smile. 

"Good girl." he murmured 


After work, I and Ellie said our goodbyes and parted ways. I went back to my lonely home and settled in quietly. I made myself dinner and then sat in front of the tv watching nothing but mindless tv, none with educational value. I hated coming home on week nights knowing that Ellie wasn't going to be here with me. It depressed me in away. But then I snapped back to reality, it was stupid, I would be seeing her in 12 hours. And I had seen her all day.

When did I start to care so much about her? I wondered if it was the first time I laid eyes on her, or that night when we went out for the first time, Or when we made love the first time. So much emotions flowed through me at once when I saw her. All she had to do was enter the room and it would be only her that I saw. When she smiled, it was like it was my whole world. When I held her in my arms, I knew that my whole day would be nothing short of perfect. Even the worst days could be cured just by hearing her voice, hearing her laugh, or having her by my side. I laid my head on the couch quietly. 

"What have you done to me Ellie?" I said aloud 


I remembered waking up in bed and hearing breathing other than my own. I felt a warm body and soft hair against my naked chest. I awoke with a start, almost in a panic. But slowly it dissolved when I saw that it was Ellie in the bed next to me. 

"Ellie?" I asked surprised 

She sat up with a smile on her face. 

"Hi." She said meekly 

"W-what are you doing here?" I asked quietly 

"I missed you. And well, it's late and I have a key to your house.... so I let myself in. Is that okay?" She asked nervously 

I let out a relieved breath. 

"Oh baby, it's fine. I thought you were a murderer or something." I said 

Or Donna's crazy ass

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." 

"It's okay. When'd you get here? You okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said quietly 

I could hear a little un-ease in her voice. 

"What is it Ellie?" I asked quietly 

"S-some one broke into our house this evening." 

I sat up quickly. 

"Is everyone okay? Let me see you. Were you hurt? Did anyone touch you?" I asked in a slight panic 

"Yes, no, and no... but they took something." 


I looked towards her and her eyes filled with tears. 

"Your painting." 

"Did they take anything else?" 

"No... it's weird. They ransacked the house sure, but my room was the one with the most damage. They even destroyed some of my clothes." 

"Where was Evan when this happened?" 

"He was at the Firefighter academy... he doesn't work nights anymore. Brandi was at Cain's house, and Amber was with Cairo at the her job too. But their rooms were intact, mine was all smashed up." 

"Baby I'm so sorry. Do the police have any leads?" 

"No, they don't. And none of our neighbors saw anything. I'm scared to stay there." 

"You can stay here. I'd love to have you." I said softly, wiping her tears. 

"Thank you. I'm sorry this happened. I loved that painting." 

"I'll make you a new one sweetie, it's not a problem. You're the one that means most to me, much more than a painting." 


"Yes. And we can get you new clothes and anything else that was messed up." 

"No, I can buy new clothes. Don't do that." She said quietly 

"I don't mind." 

"It's okay." 

I felt her heart beating furiously against my chest and I only hugged her to me tighter. 

"You're safe with me Ellie. You're always safe with me." I murmured in her ear 

"I know. There's something else I have to tell you."

"What?" I asked, sitting up

"Well....a few days ago before you came in I had gotten a letter in my mailbox saying that if I didn't stop seeing you that things would happen."

"Why are you just now telling me this?"I asked sternly

"I didn't want you to worry and I thought it was just an empty threat. At the time I figured, all they did was send a stupid letter, what else would they do?"

"Now do you see why you need to tell me things? I need to know these things! Your safety is paramount Ellie, I've told you that. "

"I know that Leo, I'm sorry. I didn't want to worry you with nothing."

"Well this is major. Did you tell the police about the letter?"  

"Yes. I gave it to them."

"Okay, did anything else happen?"

"Someone keyed my car, but it could've just been some punk kids."

"Ellie, the fact that this person knows where you live and work says that you should be more worried!"

"I know, please don't be mad at me." She said quietly

I sighed deeply and let it out.

"I'm not mad, I'm just worried about you. I don't want anything happening to you. I love you and I want you to be safe."

"I know, I love you too. I'm sorry."

"Look, just get some sleep. It'll be better in the morning okay?" 


I kissed her and she kissed me back. 

"I am glad you're here. I was contemplating on coming to get you." 

"Really? How come." 

"Cause I missed you. I hate it when I'm not close to you." I murmured 

"I miss you too, all of the time." 

I snuggled into her more and peppered her cheek with small kisses and held her tightly against me.


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