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Warning: Long author note at the end, make sure to read it!


"Alright, I'm ready. After that day I was the son he picked on. He always asked me if I was going to become a 'faggot' or a 'queer' like my 'worthless' brother, I told him no. But deep inside I felt nothing but hurt and pain and hatred for my father. All he did was talk bad about the son he never wanted to get to know better. Hell, the only one he even remotely paid attention to was Katie, and even that was forced. My mom always struggled with wanting to leave, but she was old fashioned and wanted to stay for the sake of her family. As I got older, dad just continued to tear into me, telling me I was worthless and how I'd never amount to anything."

I wanted to beat the hell out of his dad! Where the hell does he get off!?

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"You're squeezing my hand kind of hard." He said

I looked down and noticed he was right and I eased up a little.

"Sorry about that. Keep going, I'm listening."

"Well, leaving my mom for that slut was the last straw. I vowed from that day that if I ever saw my father again I'd lay him out."

"And you did." I smiled to myself

"Yeah. Well at first I wasn't, but I swear if Oliver and Josh wasn't there, he was going to be leaving in a body bag. I'm sorry for what he did to you."

"It's not your fault. I shouldn't have said what I said."

"That's no excuse. No one touches what's mine! And anyone that puts harm to you will be eating dinner through a straw for the rest of their life." He said sternly

"Stop, you know I don't like it when you're violent."

"I'm supposed to protect you. It's the principle of the matter."

"Let's not think about that right now. We're talking about you remember?" I asked

"You know Leo, your father doesn't know the awesome son that he had. You are one of the most intelligent, interesting, funny, protective, and caring people that I know. And I love you."

"Thanks Ellie... means a lot."

"It's only the truth. Continue."

"Well... getting to why I'm always buying you something: the smug part of my personality would say because I can."

"You sound just like a Christian Grey."

"Ellie that is so insulting! Ugh, me and that guy are totally different." He laughs

"How so?"

"I have more patience, I don't track your phone, I actually trust you, And the most obvious aspect: I'm real. But honestly I buy your things because..... it's cause I don't want you to leave me."

I looked up and saw him look away from me when he said that. I sat up and made him look at me.

"You crazy? You don't have to buy me things to get me to stay! I loved you before I knew you had money, I was just too afraid to tell you. And it hasn't changed because you have a trust fund or wealthy parents. I still love the nerdy, clumsy artist that stole my heart just for just being himself. The man that dressed in interesting clothes to work, the man that painted me that beautiful painting that's hanging in my room, the man that brought me cupcakes and coffee everyday, and the one who defended me when close minded people say mean things about us. And do you know why?"

"Why Pet?" he asked softly

"Because you're you, the best person you can ever be. And you're pretty good looking if I do say so myself." I smiled

He slowly smiled back and looked at me.

"You mean that?"

"Yes. I love you so much. Hell, you've even taught me how to slowly love myself. I love that no matter what, you don't give up on me. That's all I've ever wanted."

He squeezed my hand and sat up to kiss me. I opened my eyes when I tasted saltiness on my lips. He was crying.

"Come here." I said softly, hugging him tight

"Look what you did, you made me soft." He laughed with a sniff

"Maybe, but I'm also getting you to let go and heal. I know how it is to hold in in... let it out." I said quietly


"I love you Ellie." I said quietly

"I know." She said softly

We were lying on the blanket looking at the stars again.

"Like I've said before, you've made me soft." I smirked

"Good, maybe you'll stop being so secretive."

"But that's what makes me so interesting."

She kissed my cheek. I never wanted to let her go.

"Yeah, you are interesting. No doubt about it."

"We should get going soon."

"Yeah. I don't want to go to work tomorrow."

"Who are you kidding, I don't either."

She giggled.

"You want me to drive?"

"Nah, I can handle it. Let's get everything cleaned up."

We both got up and put everything together and then got into the car.


We made a stop at my house first. I cut off my car and we both got out.

"That was a good date. Thank you."

"No problem Pet. Thank you."

"No need, it's my duty."

She hugs me unexpectedly and I soon hug her back.

"You gonna be okay?" She asks

"Yeah, I'm always okay."

"You don't have to be tough all of the time, remember that." She says quietly, looking up at me

"I know."

I bend down to kiss her and take her into my arms tightly. She folds against me and gets as close to me as she can. I grip her hair and gather it at the nape of her neck. She moans and I rub her bottom lip with my tongue, her soon opening her mouth to accept me. In an emotional lust filled cloud, we kiss passionately until I find myself falling against the hood of my car. We pull apart, Ellie startled and looks at me with a smile.

"Heh, sorry, got carried away." She said quietly

I get up and take her hand, pulling her to my house. She says nothing as I unlock the door and step inside.

"Where are we going in such a hurry?"

"I want you, now."

We enter the bedroom and I pick her up, practically throwing her on the bed before I climb atop of her.

"Leo that tickles!" She giggled

"Stop laughing so much."

She started squirming as I kissed her face and everywhere else I could.

"Hold still!" I laughed

She started kissing me too in ticklish places and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

We rolled around in a ball before finally, the smiles subsided and it got really quiet. We both stared at the other quietly, smiling at the other. I couldn't stop staring at her, my eyes tracing over her features.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked softly

"You just make me the happiest man in the world."

"That is so sweet." She smiles

She pulled my head down and started to kiss me sweetly and I kissed her back.

While we're lip locked she starts unbuttoning my shirt and rubbing my chest and back as I cupped her face.

I took off my shirt and threw it towards the floor as her hands glided up and down my back, scratching softly on each pass. I groaned and pressed myself more into her which made her moan and wrap her legs around me in response.

soon after it was a frenzy of kissing and taking off garments of clothes until we're finally naked and in the most intimate embrace. I don't stop until her screams and moans ring in my ear like my most favorite song as I continued to drive into her. She's shaking, moaning, and begging during it all and I love it more and more each minute. I don't know how many rounds we go that night, all I know is, I am beyond exhausted when I'm done.

I'm lying on my stomach and she on her back. My arm grips her waist possessively and doesn't let go.

"Leo... I have to go soon." she says with sleep lacing her voice.

"No, stay. Please." I plead

She looks over wordlessly and strokes my cheek.

"I'll stay." She says, eyes slowly drooping closed.

I move and lay on her. I am immediately hard again.

"No, not again." She giggled

"Can't take it?" I smirk

"No sir, you have worn me out. "

She smiles slightly and runs her fingers through my hair.

"You are so good looking." She smirked

"You're a Goddess, Ellie. Beautiful."

She looks at me a bit surprised, a hint of doubt but she kisses my forehead.

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