Ten *Edited*

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Once we were seated at the table, our menu's were passed to us and the waitress gave us our menu's. This restaurant was very elegant and sophisticated. The room was filled with creams, browns, and soft blues and beiges. The walls were high with a sky light not in use since it was night. A chandelier hung up there as well, and there  was a pianist playing Chopin softly while a soft chatter filled the room. I felt very underdressed and self conscious. It seemed the rich and the beautiful frequented this place. And judging from the menu and it's prices, I would not have enough money to pay for anything, let alone a single ice cube. Yes, it was  that  pricey. $50 for just a steak! Damn.

 "What's the matter?" Leo asked, suddenly looking over at me

 "This place is so expensive, can't we just go to a McDonald's?" I smirked

 He laughed.

 "I prefer this food over fast food. It's not good for you."

 "Well this place isn't good for my wallet." I smiled

 "I will pay." he said

"Then that means after this I will pay you back, no problem. You know where I work so I can't skip out on you when my paycheck comes." I smiled

 "It's a gift, you know, to apologize on getting off on the wrong foot."

 "Why apologize? It's fine. Besides, it wasn't your fault."

 "No, it isn't fine. The night at the club, I was a bit forceful of you and I have a feeling I made you uncomfortable."

 "Who says that I didn't enjoy it?"

 He looks at me with a smirk. And before I realized what came out of my mouth, it was too late.

 "You are definitely not what I expected." He remarked, giving me a smoldering  stare.

 I took a sip of my water that was conveniently by me and I wetted my parched throat.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked

 "You seem shy, yet not afraid to tell people what you think. You say what's on your mind do you not?"

 "I do. But, I wasn't always this way. You should've met me in high school." I smirked, again drinking more water

 "I like that about you."

 I almost choked on my water but it goes down semi-smoothly, missing my trachea opening.

 "Well... thank you."

 "Yet, there is something I don't understand."

 I look up at him as he starts drinking his own glass of water, looking at me over the glasses lip. I clear my throat and look down at my lap.

 "And just what is that?"

 "You dress as if you are scared to show your real self. Like you don't want men near you or to talk to you. Or just people in general. You're open, yet you're closed off. But if a person pushes just enough, you show your real and shy self. Why is that?"

 I swallow hard and force myself to look back up at his persistent stare. Those eyes I could just look in all day, but of course I won't. I had already fallen for them enough.

 "That way I can't get hurt." I said matter of factually

 "But not everyone is out to hurt you."

 "True, but every man I loved has." 

 He was silent as the waitress came back to ask our orders. Once they were filled, she left and he stared at me. For some reason it didn't make me uncomfortable, it only intensified my desire.

 "Excuse me, I have to visit the restroom." 

I got up from the table and walked to the restroom, and once I was in, I immediately called Amber, who picked up on the first few rings.

 "Ellie, where are you? I thought work ended an hour ago."

 "You will never guess where I am." I said


 "A fancy restaurant in Carytown. Guess who with?"

 "No, tell me you are not with Leo right now?!" I heard her squeal

 "I am... but only because he asked."

 I heard her suck her teeth.

 "Yeah, right. And I'm a monkey's uncle. No, you wanted to go. And from what Brandi has told me about this guy, girl, you wouldn't have been able to resist him anyway."

 "Yeah, yeah. I was just calling to tell you guys that I am fine. I'll see you in a few hours."

 "Wouldn't be surprised if she's doing the walk of shame tomorrow. With that sexy Greek like god, I would be doing the walk of shame!" I heard Brandi yell in the background

 "You two are are something else. I'll see you guys later." I laughed  

 I hung up, took a deep breath and started walking back to where we were sitting. When I reached the table, I saw a tall, statuesque blond haired bombshell standing next to Leo laughing with him, hand on his arm. As I neared I could hear more of what she was saying.

 "So, Leo, I was wondering when I could see you again for play time." She whispered, but then again she wasn't that great of a whisperer.

 "Donna, I have already told you me and you are over. And so are our play times."

 "Come on Leo, I know I messed up but I would like to make it up to you."

 "You can't Donna. Leave now while you still have some dignity left." He said sternly, all pleasantness gone from his perfect features.

 There went that authority again. It wasn't even directed towards me and it made my own knees weak. She gave a wounded look and left quickly, not noticing that I was right there.

 "Wow, who was that?"

 "Old friend." He seemed to growl

 Something told me that was false. No way could an old 'friend' get that reaction out of someone, but I left it alone and sat down In my seat.

 "Oh, and the waitress came by while you were in the bathroom. I hope you don't mind that I told her to wait."

 "I don't mind. Why would I?"

 "Bet you want to get out of here as soon as possible." He teased

 "Meh, you're not that bad." I said

 The waitress started coming back.

 "Okay, are we ready for those orders?" She asked

 We gave what we wanted and then she once again left. 

 "So, Ellie. What is your career goal for the remainder of your year as a post master's graduate?"

 "Help people of course. And then at the end pass my boards." I said

 "Okay, good plan. How about in five years?" 

 "Well by then I would have wanted to put in plans of getting my own private practice."

 He smiled.

 "Really? Any partners in mind or do you just want to be the main proprietor?"

 "A partner definitely. I can't do all of the patients alone. But it would have to be someone that I trust."

 "Interesting. Anything else?"

 "Well, on my bucket list I want to do a stint in the Peace Corps. After I get some good bearings in my field, I'm gonna sign up to go."

 He smiled.

 "That sounds great Ellie."

 "And what about you?"

 "Well aren't I already in charge of a practice?" He asked teasingly

 "Yes, I am aware of that. But still, when you get to the top, doesn't mean you can't keep going."

 "Well, yes, you have a point. But I have several avocations that require my attention at the moment."

 I was curious as to what those hobbies were. He didn't strike me as the guy to golf on the weekends or take Karate at your local YMCA. No, it had to be something deliciously sinister. But I guess I would find out in due time.

 "But I will tell you that I would like to see a bigger practice outside of about a year, year and a half tops."

 My eyes grew wide.

 "And where would we get the money for that?"

 He smirked and took a sip of his water.

 "I have my ways Miss Coleman, you will find out in due time." He smiled 

 "Guess I will be anyway since I'll be under your wing for the next six months." I said

 "I see the starting of a interesting mentorship, or even a friendship if you will."

 "You got it Sir." I replied

 I saw a quick look of please and pleasure cross his face before it disappeared a hot second later. I wonder what that was about?

 "Excellent. To new friendships." He said, raising his glass 

 I clanked mine against his

 "To new friendships."

A/N: Sooooo, Ellie and Leo on a date huh? :D In a way, Ellie is me and her wanting to do the Peace Corps is also something I plan on doing after earning my Bachelors in Psych. I hope y'all enjoyed! Y'all know what to do: Comment, Vote, have some cookies and milk lol :)


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