Thirteen *Edited*

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I stepped out of my room and saw that no one was in the living room except Leo who was sitting on the couch, hands on his knees. Once he heard me, his eyes shot to mine and once again there went my solid legs. I just had a five minute conversation to myself that I was not gonna let him make me weak as I slipped on a pair of jeans and a purple shirt. 

I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans as I walked into the living room more. 

"Hello, Leo." I said quietly  

He got up and walked over to me, getting closer than I expected.  

"Ellie. We have to talk." He said curtly

I sighed. I knew what would come next. I had a deep feeling in my stomach that what he had to say wouldn't be good.   


"I'll be outside."  

And with that he walked to the door and I went in my room to grab some tennis shoes and a jacket. I sighed and prepared myself for anything. When I came out, I opened the unlocked door and then closed it softly behind me. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets.  

"Alright, I'm here... talk." I swallowed  

"Look... about today."  

"Yeah?" I said, glancing towards him.  

"I am so sorry about that kiss. I should've never kissed you."  


"I mean, kissing you of all people was a huge mistake. I should've never done that, and I am so sorry."  

My heart dropped. I thought the worst thing he could do is leave... but I see how wrong that was. Now kissing me was a mistake. And he sounded so disgusted about it. Tears filled my eyes but I hid them. 

"Like I said Leo, it's fine. I'll see you tomorrow alright?" I said quietly, trying to keep the tears out of my voice  

I turned back to the door and put my hand on the knob.  

"Wait." I heard him sigh  


"I'm sorry if this isn't what you expected. But you shouldn't get involved with me."  

"I got it Leo, loud and clear."  

I walked in the door and closed it behind me.  

The next morning, I arrived at the office but instead of a confident and peppy stride in my step, I walked slowly dreading seeing him. I clicked to the fifth floor button and slowly rode my way up. Once my floor was reached, I stepped off and immediately went to my office. Then I started my regimen all over again. I checked my list of patients, checked my phone for messages, and got some online charts updated. Also, I did paperwork on the new ones I had and then got  my space ready for my patients. I spritzed some air freshener and then read one of my favorite books while I waited. The first knock came an hour later and I opened the door welcoming my first patient in. His name was Christopher and he was a nice Hispanic man, very soft spoken and very polite with great manners. He was an ex-marine who started to come see me over a year ago for PTSD, and he was making some good progress, even though I hadn't seen him for the last eight months. I smiled as he sat down.  

"Hey Christopher, it's been awhile since I've seen you. How have you been?" I asked as he gave me a hug  

"I've been great Doc. I've been sleeping better, eating normally, and have even gotten myself back out there."  

Christopher was the spitting image of Adam Rodriguez and Jesus he was fine.        

"That's nice to hear. So, who's the lucky lady you've been seeing?"  

"Well.... I haven't been seeing anyone. But, I have been planning to ask a woman out for a long time but I'm thinking it's a little inappropriate."  

"Why inappropriate?" I asked  

"Well... she's in a certain position where if I ask her out and it doesn't go well... we can never see each other again."  

I smiled.  

"Well Christopher, I'll tell you something my friend is always telling me: love is a risk. In the end you determine whether or not in the end it was worth it."  

"So... you're saying go for it?" He asked slowly  

"Yes, I say go for it. Hey, love is never predictable, you kiss a lot of fakes before you find the Real."  

He smiled and nodded.  

"That it is. So Doc, how do you propose I ask this special lady out?"  

I blushed.  

"You're asking me?"  

"You're the only Doc in here aren't you?" He smirked  

"Yes, you have a point. Alright, I'll help you. What questions do you have?"  

"Okay, let's use you as a great example. Say you were the woman I wanted to ask out, how would you like to be asked out?"  

I smiled and leaned back into the chair.  

"Well for starters, I would love to have a bouquet of Iris's to be delivered with a sweet note inside of it."  

"Something simple yet sentimental. Alright, what about the date it's self?"  

"The movies and even just looking at the stars. It's weird but I like doing those things."  

"Alright. I'll keep that in mind, thank you doctor."  

"Sure. Anything else you came to talk about today?" I asked  

"Well, yes actually."  

"Then let's get started."  

We talked for the rest of the hour and then  saw him on his way. Over the next few hours, patients came in and then I went to lunch to take my break. I grabbed my salad out of my fridge and was on my way back to my office when I saw Leo coming my way. I waved but adverted my gaze and walked into my office, closing my door behind me. For once in a year I ate my lunch alone. But I was too upset at the moment to even care that I was alone. As for the rest of the day nothing happened that was worth talking about. After shutting everything down and putting on my jacket, I grabbed my laptop and put it in it's case. Once gathering everything else I left my office and then got onto the elevator. I rode it down and got into my car driving home.     

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