Three *Edited*

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I awoke the next morning from a very startling dream about a man that I hardly knew anything about, but his name.

 What if Leo wasn't even his name? What if he lied like the rest of the men I had the displeasure of coming across? Ugh, I couldn't think of that now, I had to get ready for work. 

I sat up, yawned, and ran a hand through my birds nest of a head. This is what I got for not wrapping my hair up last night. I looked at my clock and saw that I had to get to work.

I was pursuing a career in Psychology and I had already been hired in a small but very promising practice. Since I had been able to graduate with my masters early, I was already on my way to a Ph.D and one day even owning a private practice of my own. I was a counseling psychologist and I had loved every minute of it.

Getting up from my bed, I slowly walked to my bathroom and took took ten minute shower. 

Afterwards I lotioned up and picked out my professional attire. I believed in being early, even if I had gotten up a little late. I picked the black Mary Jane's from last night and placed them on the floor in front of my bed. Putting on a black bra and some pink panties, I walked over towards my vanity and cut on it's lights.  

I sprayed some oil on my hair, brushed it through, and then started curling, making  loose curls that accentuated my face. I then cut off my vanity and the curlers and turned to go get dressed. I shimmed into my skirt, Buttoned up my shirt, and added the necessary accessories. I then put on my blazer, grabbed my bag and laptop bag, and then headed out. 

When I entered the kitchen,I saw Amber sitting at our small kitchen table, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper on her Kindle, something she often did.

 "Hey girl." I said as I grabbed my thermos and filled it with some coffee

 "Hey, off to work?"


  "So, about last night. Who was that guy staring at you?" She smirked, sipping her coffee

 "Some dude named Leo. I bumped into him on my way out of the bathroom."


 "Oh, no wonder your stomach was 'hurting'." She remarked, making air quotes

 I twisted my mouth to the side. She smirked, still looking at her Kindle.

"Mhm, and don't think I didn't see Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome walk outside after you either. "

I started blushing and gripped my computer bag tighter.

"So what happened? Something I should know?"

"Nothing happened. We just talked that's all."

"No wonder you want to go back Friday."

I blushed harsher. She did nothing but beamed happily.

"Nice to see you getting back on the horse so soon. Have a good day at work."

This time she looked at me with a small smile. I smiled back, and I quickly left.

Once I parked in front of the building, I got out of my car, bags in tow and clunky heels pounding the pavement. I entered the modern foyer that screamed professional office, and kept going until I reached my floor. Once I walked off of the elevator, I ran into my best work mate (and mentor), Caine.

"Morning Ellie, how are we doing this morning?" He asked

"Great. Though still a little lagged from last night, my room mates dragged me to yet another club."

He smirked.

"Oh did they now? How was it?"

"Meh, it was okay."

As soon as I thought of the club, I thought of that man, Leo. He had an effect on me and he wasn't even in this room right now.

"You met a guy didn't you?"

"No, I never said that I did." I said quietly

"You know you can't lie to me," He remarked as we started walking to his office. The patients hadn't arrived yet.

"Who says I even met a guy? I could've met a girl for all you know." I teased

He laughed.

"Yeah, right. You can't even get out of the grandma look, I know you Ellie, you aren't that person."

I looked down at my outfit as I sat down at my desk.

"What's wrong with my clothes? I think I look very professional."

"Ellie, you're twenty, not forty. Hell, forty year old women dress younger than you do. I'm just saying, those blacks, browns, and greys aren't expressive, you should jazz yourself up sometimes. The don't do you justice."

I frowned.

"You could try that, but my roommates have tried for years and let's just say, they have failed."

He gave me an exasperated look.

"One day Ellie, and mark my words, but one day someone is going to get you to change your look."

"Doubt it." I smirked at him

He turned back to his desk without another word. I got some paperwork done and then when the first patient came in, Caine let me do my thing solo. 

"Hi, I'm Ellie. What's your name?" I asked her softly

The small girl in front of me looked nervous and quiet, but she shook my hand anyway. I gave her a warm smile, and she smiled back, but not a big one. She had stringy blonde hair, a skinny build, and clothes that looked a little too big on her. She looked tired and her brown eyes, though pretty, seemed vacant.

"I'm Olivia." She said quietly

I showed her to a place where she could sit and grabbed my legal pad to take notes on.

"So Olivia, what brings you to our office today?"

She looked down, twittled with her thumbs, her hair falling into her face a little. I was deeply concerned, because she looked down at her feet. Avoiding eye contacts was always a huge sign of either low self esteem...or abuse from what I've seen in my patients over the years. I had to find out more.

"I uh...I just wanted to talk to some one. I'm not having the best time at home." She said quietly

I wrote something down: possibly abused ;home life not that great

"What's going on at home?" I asked in a soft voice

She looked up at me quickly and then just as quickly, back down. But don't think I didn't catch that shiny gloss covering her eyes.

"He....He does all of these awful things to me." She said in a voice so broken, it's like her words just wasn't words. The pain in it was so thick and tangible even I felt it in my own heart.

I wrote down another note: afraid to look at me.

"Who does sweetie?"

"My-my step dad," She sniffed. I offered her a tissue which she took gratefully.

"What about him?" I asked her

"He locks me in a closet all night. I get beaten, and I'm not fed that often."

I was utterly appalled at this. But then I felt angry but I composed myself.

"Are there other children in your household?" I asked her

"Yes, my brother Declan and my sister Jasmine. They're only four and I take the brunt of the abuse so that they won't have to."

I clenched my teeth. I wanted to scream.

"Olivia, I need for you to tell me all of the things that goes on. Is there anything else?"

"Well, my mom is very sick and she knows the abuse goes on, but she can't do anything about it. She can't even get out of the bed by herself."

I handed her more tissues as she started crying hard. I got out of my seat and carefully sat next to her.

"Sweetie, we have to call the police."

Her head snapped up and her eyes went wide as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

"No no, please don't call the police. My step dad is the only one that can provide for us. My mom's disability checks barely cover the basics."


She got up.

" I should go." She said

I got up with her.

"No wait, don't leave, I can help you." I said

She turned back towards me in a state of utter defeat.

"No one can." She said quietly, disappearing out of the door.

I hurried after her, but she was way too fast for me. Just then Caine came hurrying back in.

"Did that girl just run from here?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"One minute she was talking, and when I mentioned the police, she bolted.''

"Why the police?"

"She's being abused at home. And from the little she has told me about this guy, he's truly a piece of work." I said in disgust

He looked at me sympathetically. I was deeply troubled. 

I felt his hand on my shoulder.

"I know, I know you feel affected right now by this. And I hate to have to say this, but you can't let yourself be too involved with your patients. And the way you are, I know that'll be hard because you care about everyone and you always want to help. But you gotta keep your emotions locked away."

I nodded and wiped a tear that fell from my own eyes.

"Why don't you go take a walk alright? Get some air, and come back when you feel better."

I nodded wordlessly and then grabbed my blazer, heading for the door. 

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