Twenty-Two *Edited*

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A/N: Donna above. 


When I arrived home that Thursday night, I had the stupidest smile of the world on my face. But I hid it as soon as I walked into the house. I had only put my keys into the bowl by the door when I heard yelling and arguing. Oh great, Evan and Jack were at it again.

"No, why would you sign up for that Evan!?" Jack yelled

"All my life I wanted to be a firefighter. You're supposed to be my boyfriend, you're supposed to support me!" He yelled back

"I would if you would talk this stuff over with me first!" Jack said

It was coming from Evan's room. I sighed and looked over to Brandi and Amber who were looking just as nervous as me, standing in the middle of the living room.

"They've been at it an hour now." Amber mused

"What is going on with Jack? I hate that he's changed so much in the past year. He used to be such an easy going person, now... ugh!" I said

Brandi looked at me sympathetically.

"Yeah, we feel the same. He's a sweetheart, and we know he means well, but he just doesn't know when to back off."

"You're never home anymore." Jack said quietly, voice full of hurt

We got quiet again. We heard a muffled but audible sigh come from Evan.

"Why do you think Jack? All we do is argue! Do you think I want to leave my stressful job and come to a place I'm supposed to be relaxed but I'm stressed even more?" He asked

I heard nothing from Jack's end.

"You've changed Jack. I don't know what is going on with you, but you need to fix it, and you need to fix it fast, or we're done."


We heard the door suddenly open and saw Evan storm out. None of us said a thing as he grabbed his keys.

"Wait Evan, where are you going?" Amber asked

"I need a drink." He muttered harshly, before opening the front door and slamming shut behind him.

All three of us jumped at the sudden sound. We all looked to the other uneasily and debated wordlessly if we should go console Jack. We all decided to go. We found him sitting on his bed, staring blankly at the wall. He didn't even look at us when we walked in. We all walked to the front of him and saw tears falling silently down his cheeks.

"Jack." Amber said softly

Nothing... his eyes didn't move and neither did he. Brandi placed her hands on his shoulder and kneeled until she was eye level with him.

"Oh honey, don't cry. Evan didn't mean it." Brandi soothed, face full of concern

He squeezed his eyes shut and more tears spilt. We all hugged him and didn't let go until he was ready for us to.

"I'm losing him." He said quietly, wiping his eyes

"He loves you Jack, he's just frustrated right now. Let him calm down."

He shook his head swiftly.

"No, we've never had a fight like that before. Doesn't he know that I care about him and that I am just worried? I mean, being an EMT and working these late nights always has me racked with worry. I never sleep and I make sure to stay up until he walks into the door. I'm just worried about him, it's dangerous at night. And now he just wants to trade in one danger for another. I don't know if I can handle the possibility of him getting hurt."

I rubbed his back and sat beside him on the bed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"We know sweetie, we worry about him too. But you are a little too protective sometimes." I admitted

"Ellie!" Brandi protested

"No no, she's right. I know I have been a total ass for a little while now. I would like to apologize about the other day... I shouldn't have yelled at you like that."

"It's okay Jack. Now that you've apologized, I don't have to throw that shoe at you." I smiled

I felt his shoulders shake with laughter and it was genuine. We all started laughing until tears fell from our own eyes.

"Let's get up. If you still want to have a pity party, there's a whole tub of Vanilla Blue Bunny ice cream in the freezer. What do you say?"

"Chick flick?" Jack said

"How about The NoteBook?" Brandi said

Jack shot up.

"I'll get the tub and spoons, you get the movie." He said excitedly

And we all went to go do just that.


I stood there, stunned at the sight before me. Donna was naked.... in my living room! She looked at me with those seductive blue eyes with a confident smile. No smile crossed my face, I just stared at her.

"Get Up!" I said to her sternly

She got quickly to her feet and stared at me, everything in view and nothing left to imagination.

"Leo I-"

"Put your clothes on, now." I said sternly

"But master I-"

"NOW!" I yelled

She scrambled for her clothes while I stood there angrily and watched. It was when the last article was in place that I released my tirade.

"What in the hell are you doing in my house!?" I exploded

She walked up to me as calm and slowly as she could and put her arms around my neck. I felt so digested and angry at the gesture that I wasted no time in taking them from around my neck. She stepped back a bit, hurt crossing her face. She was still too close.

"I missed you Mast-"

"Do not call me that." I said sternly


I softly pushed her away from me and walked around her towards the kitchen.

 I needed a drink. 

I grabbed one out of the fridge and popped the top off of it, taking a few large gulps and then walked back into the living room where she waited in the same spot, not moving.

"You need to leave, right now."

I felt so much anger course through me. Also... hurt. I still hadn't gotten over the fact that she left me for another Dom simply because he was "better than me in every way."

"Not until you hear me out. I at least deserve that!"

I glared at her and just laughed. I laughed so hard that a clenched my stomach. Wow, some people really didn't know how entitled they were.

"The only thing you deserve is to get the hell out of my house and never come back here. It's been two years almost, why the hell did you decide to come back now?"

"Me and Brian didn't work out." She said quietly

I looked at her blankly and let out a scoff.

"So, you thought that I would be here with open arms ready to take you back?"

She looked at me quickly and looked back down.

"Oh you have a lot of nerve Donna. In case you didn't know, and I bet you didn't, I have a new Sub."

Her eyes snapped back up and they were instantly filled with anger and jealousy.


"That's right."

"But- but, what about me?"

"What about you? You left me, you hurt me, embarrassed me in front of everyone in my own club! Why the fuck would I care about you or want you back!? Tell you what, go find Brian and reconcile, because I am done with you." I boomed.

I walked to the front door and opened it.

"There's the door." I said coldly

She walked up to me with tears in her eyes.

"Leo please, I am sorry about what I did. But I need you, I realized that no one would treat me the way you did. Please, just consider- "

"No! I am done talking, get the hell out!" I yelled at her

Finally defeated, she put her head down and walked by me slowly. I slammed the door after her and locked it. When I was sure that she was gone, I went to go find my spare key that I kept hidden outside in my rock garden and brought it back into the house. It of course had been moved so I know that's what she used to get in. I have never been so mad in all of my life, and I needed to calm down. I picked up my cell phone and I called Ellie.

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