Kof 95: Destiny

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3rd person pov

Out in the middle of the american state of Texas Terry was seen training.   Charging up a attack Terry unleashed it  leveling a nearby rock.


Seeing the damage he caused Terry took a deep breath before smiling.

Terry; Ok i'm ready to go!

???: Hey Terry you finished your training too?

Terry: Yo Andy yeah and I see your back from Italy. Now all we need to do is get Joe.

Andy:Well Joe is in Thailand you wanna go get him?

Terry: Sounds fine by me.

While the brothers left the man known as Geese Howard sat in his office within South Town. Closing his eyes Geese  sighed before he stood.

Geese: No use hiding in the shadows..you assassins leave your malice to stick out. 

 Within the office shadows 10 assassins dropped down with weapons. Glaring at Geese they watched as the man turned around staring at them.

Geese: Come on..

The assassins rushed towards Geese  causing one to be kicked into the ground by Geese. While that happened Billy was seen walking through Geese towers.

Billy:(mind) Master Geese left me in charge of picking my partners.  But that Yagami guy...he crushed Eiji during our first meeting. Then again the guy understands the situation he's in right now.


After Iori watched Y/n fly off he walked pass Billy and Eiji without a care.

Billy: Where do you think your going?

Iori: Home, I don't have to waste my time alongside you 2. Until the tournament I can do whatever I want.

Eiji: So that's how it is?

Billy: *smirks* Heh No Yagami got the right idea. We don't have to be so buddy buddy until the tournament.  You two both better just be there when it comes around; got it?

Eiji:*nods* So be it.

Iori: Hmph.

(flashback end)

 A minute later Billy made it to Geese's office where he saw most of the assassins beaten into  bloody pulps on the ground.


Running into Geese's office Billy saw Geese land a brutal final blow to the last one .

Geese: How boring... I expected more from you lot.

Billy:(mind) Master Geese is as terrifying as ever. He's the strongest in South town and I'm honored to serve him.

Geese took a deep breathe before he stood straight up. Unscratched Geese threw the broken and beaten body towards the ground next to Billy. 

 Geese: Billy please dispose of  these fools; such trash wasn't worthy to face me.

Billy: Yes sir!

Y/n pov

After returning to Ikari's base I made my  way towards Heidern's office. Upon entering I bowed with respect to Heidern.

Heidern: At ease Y/n. I've been informed you have some news to share.

Y/n: Yes sir...Heidern I ran into Rugal's secretaries earlier today. They mentioned something about that "form" I was in.

Heidern: You mean back on Rugal's ship; the Black Noah?

Y/n: Yeah...they called it Riot of the Blood. But it was the way they spoke about it.

Heidern: What do you mean?

Y/n: They spoke about it as though my blood isn't as potent with whatever power controlled me. They mentioned someone else's being much stronger than mine.

Ralf: You serious? If that's the case then you gotta tell us who it is?

Clark: We don't need to face someone even more berserk than you were.

Y/n:That's the problem I don't know who..They vanished before I could pull anything from them.

Heidern: I see then things truly are grave once again. More over it's around the coming King of Fighters aswell.

Y/n: So what are we gonna go Heidern? You guys helped save my life and even helped during the events of the  last KOF.  

Heidern:  You plan to follow my orders Ryuken?

Y/n: *smirks* Heh I've played Solider this long haven't I? Might as well for a little longer. Not that I would've planned on sitting back anyways.

Heidern: So be it.. as of this moment we shall prepare for the coming battle. Our enemy surely hasn't began their move so soon for nothing. In the next KOF I shall join Team Ikari once again;and we shall take down who ever is in charge this time! So train everyone,for the coming battle!

Y/n/Ikari: YES SIR!

Walking away I went down to the  training deck where I saw Leona lying in wait.

Y/n: You were waiting on me weren't you?

Leona:*nods*My  father believes you are a necessary member and you need as much help as you can get.

Y/n: And what about you? 

Leona: I agree with him and  that's why we plan on helping.

Y/n: We?

After I said those words Clark and Ralf came out cracking their knuckles.

Ralf: You ready to go Y/n?

Clark: Time we help knock you into shape.

Y/n: Heh...yeah ok...bring it on!

3rd person pov (elsewhere)

Inside they building where Rugal remained in his pod;the man  growled. A memory  going through his mind,one singular moment that forever guided his actions. The moment he last his eye. 


The teenage Rugal had been beaten, bloodied, and breathing hardly before a man.

???:So that's all you have? A pity you're strong but before the power my master holds;well you are nothing more than a insect.

Rugal rushed up to his feet and ran at the man.

Rugal: Damn you to hell.. I won't allow you to get away with this. W-Who do you think you are!

 The man grabbed Rugal's fist then chuckled;before reaching out and taking his eye.

Geonitz: One chosen by a god to carry out his will. Let this be a reminder of your weakness before him.

(flashback end)

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

A week later in Thailand  Andy and Terry are seen  watching a match with grins. Seeing Joe  end a match with a single knee brothers chuckled. Joe went to his knees with his arms raised.

Terry: What's he doing?

Seeing Joe take a deep breathe the brothers then watched him  pump his arms into the air with a grin.


With the crowds cheering Andy and Terry watched his hyped up fans going wild/

Andy: Joe's definitely improved since the KOF.

Terry:*grins* Yeah but he hasn't changed that Hyped nature of his one bit.

Joe got up seconds later then saw Terry and Andy by the entrance. Walking over Joe smirked knowing just what they wanted.

Joe: Let me guess the next KOF?

Terry: You got it Joe!

Andy: So what do you think?

Joe: HAHA You don't  even gotta ask! Let's kick some ass this year!

Terry/Andy/Joe: YEAH!

(With Team Queen )

Yuri was seen training alongside Kasumi.  Yuri jumped up then unleashed a  barrage of kicks. Kasumi blocked the strikes then  kicked Yuri back. When Yuri landed on her feet she grinned.

Yuri: That's awesome Kasumi! I can see why King and Mai would want you to take my place in Team Queen!

Kasumi: Thank you Yuri but don't forget i'm not replacing you just yet.

Mai: Yep Kasumi is only a just in case you'd ever want to join your brothers team Yuri.

Yuri: But why would I when I already have the greatest teammates right here?

King: Well come on Yuri you know deep down you wanna be with them don't you?

Yuri: I mean yeah but it's not like i'm not happy being here with you guys. Dad is with them right now and the way I see it;I still got room to improve.

King: Improve?

Yuri: Yeah! I wanna get stronger before I go doing something like teaming up with my brother and dad. So until that day comes  i'm happy to call you both my teammates hehe!

Mai/King:*Smiles* Oh Yuri.

Yuri grinned until she heard her phone go off. 

Yuri: Huh I wonder who that could be?

When Yuri checked it she saw it was Athena  then answered seeing her face.

Yuri: Hiya Athena  been awhile!

Athena: Yeah it really has Yuri! So how have you been lately ? Do you plan on entering the new KOF too?

Yuri; Yep! We got the invite with us.  Oh yeah and your not gonna believe this but Y/n came by  last week!

Athena gasped then smiled excitedly.

Athena: OH THANK GOODNESS SO HE'S FINALLY OK! I'm so glad  to know he's ok!

Yuri: I know right!? But it gets even better he's also gonna join the Tournament too!

Athena: H-He is? Wow I never thought he'd do that after the last time.

Yuri: Yeah... he really is one amazing guy. He's so strong,sweet, and compassionate..He really is the best..I'm so lucky to have a guy like him.

Athena: Yeah...you really are.

Yuri: Hey Athena let's make a promise to each other!.

Athena: Hmm a promise?

Yuri:*nods* Yeah let's make a promise that when the KOF comes we'll show Y/n just how much we've improved!

Athena:*giggles* Sounds great but what if we have to fight?

Yuri: If we fight then we'll go all out  and show each other! Let's just have fun then !

Athena: Sounds like a deal Yuri!

Yuri: YEAH!

While they had their moment Y/n was seen blocking a punch  from Ralf.  Jump kicking Ralf  in the chest Y/n used his hand to hop off Clark. Leona rushed at Y/n with a swing of her arm making him block with a ice covered forearm.

Y/n: Nice try but how about this!

  Hitting her with a palm strike Y/n   got rushed at Leona. Going to hit her with a Kusanagi flame covered fist Y/n notice her dodge.  The girl flipped around kicking  back a foot only for him to roundhouse kick. Leona blocked the kick  with her own causing him to smirk.

Y/n: Nice block Leona...I definitely see how someone like you is Heidern's daughter. 

Leona; Thanks but he wasn't the only one to train me.

Pushing each other back Leona and Y/n stared each other down.

Leona: I was trained by the Ikari warriors  since I was young. 

The battlefield has been the only real place I know. Fighting in wars,stopping terrorists, saving lives;that's been my life.

Y/n: Do you ever regret it? Picking that path I mean.

Leona:*shakes head* No.. I'm content with saving others...it's a mission I take with pride. It's a life i'm glad my father raised  me to do.

Y/n: Fair enough...I guess we're not all that different. See I got a legacy of my own i'm carrying.

Kyo and I were trained as the successors of the Kusanagi style. Our Father Saisyu trusted us with the power of the Kusanagi flames.  We're the ones expected to carry on the Kusanagi legacy and responsibilities.  But also as the last of the L/n I have one more power I must carry on that being the  Kotta Hono Ken. 

Leona: So we're both fighting to carry on our parents legacies.

Y/n: Yeah...I wonder how much we'll have to grow to fit these big shoes.

With the Tournament just over the horizon all fighters   brace for their crossing destinies . All ready to fight one another  to uncover truths and come out the King Of Fighters.  While they had finished the Demon Known as Rugal bursted from his  Pod. Stomping his foot down with power the man chuckled darkly.  With a crimson energy forming in hand he smirked.

Rugal: Heh  Y/n Kusanagi..Ryuken... You shall regret underestimating my power.

Throwing on a coat Rugal stared off before he laughed.


To be continued

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