Kof 95: The meeting of rival blood

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Y/n pov

Having left the party  with Yuri on my back I carried her back to her home.

Yuri: Mmmm Your so gentle with me Y/n~ I lovve you so *hick* m-much.

Y/n: I love you too Yuri. Even if your a fighter it's only natural I'd treat my own girlfriend like this.

 I heard Yuri giggle  as she hugged my back tighter. While I kept walking I looked at the sky seeing the half moon shining on us.

Yuri:I wish mama could've been here to meet you...Y/n. I still m-miss her...I know dad does too.

Y/n: Takuma can be a complex man Yuri but there isn't any doubt in my mind he does. 

Yuri: I gotta be strong for Daddy and my big brother Ryo;and you too Y/n.

Y/n: You don't have to be like that Yuri.. your fine being just yourself.

Entering her home and putting her bed I saw Yuri's eyes fill with tears.

Yuri: B-But I'm just a weakling Y/n! I-I'm supposed to be the daughter that the Sakazaki family can't be proud of! I wanna be a girlfriend your p-proud of;not a bratty l-little girl!  N-Now here I am being a crybaby. Y-You probably hate me right now h-huh?!

I placed my hand on Yuri's face then smiled at her.

Y/n: How could I possibly hate you for being human Yuri? Yuri it's ok to feel pain and cry over those you've lost. Even the most hardened of fighters-no the STRONGEST BEINGS cry for those they've had to say goodbye to. We are both still young Yuri so neither of us are completely matured yet. To call yourself a brat  and a weak girl is like calling a Caterpillar ugly for not  becoming a butterfly. 

Hugging Yuri I undid her hair  while I wiped away her tears.

Y/n: They have always been amazing and beautiful; time only makes it more apparent to the world around them.

Yuri: *Blushes*Y-Y/n....

Yuri and I inched closer together before we slowly kissed each other. While we did her room got brighter causing us to stare at the full moon.

Y/n:*chuckles*See even the moon can bring light to the darkness of the night sky.

Yuri: Y/n....you won't leave me like how my mom did...right?

I turned to Yuri seeing her holding my hand. I ran my hand through her hair before I shook my head.

Y/n: Never even thought of such a thing. Not now and not ever...I swear i'll never let you suffer in this world alone. I love you Yuri Sakazaki and I'll be there to fight for you always.  I'd even fight my way out of the afterlife if it meant seeing you smile once more.

Standing up I went to leave her room after I helped cover her up.

Y/n: Now please Yuri get some rest for me? You need it alright?

Yuri:*Grins* Ok hehe it' s funny it's feels kinda nice...being treated like this.  I hope when we get married one day we can have sweet times like this everyday...

Y/n: Yeah...maybe one day.

Closing the door behind me I left then clenched my fist.

Y/n:(Mind) Seeing Yuri in such a vulnerable state was something I'd never seen. I hate seeing her look so scared and powerless...like I would hurt her.  I have to get much stronger...for her!


(A/n:Play this here)

3rd person pov

 While that happened Kyo was seen  punching Iori who blocked it.

Iori: Useless..

Kyo kicked Iori back  then used his flames to try blast the Yagami back. When he did however Iori countered with his own purple flames.

Kyo: *Smirks* Your not bad for a loser with a long bangs .

Iori:*Smirks* Hmph  you think this is over Kusanagi? 

Kyo: Heh In a few minutes it will be Yagami!

Iori rushed at Kyo with a strike causing the Kusanagi to block. Iori quickly followed up by grabbing Kyo before throwing him over his shoulder.

Iori: Don't go taking me lightly Kyo Kusanagi.

Kyo quickly got up then  charged at Iori before launching him up with a spiral like flame.

Kyo: Right back at you.

Iori landed on his feet before he knocked Kyo away with a barrage of flames;launching Kyo into a wall.

Iori: DIE!

Kyo:(mind) Tch shit this Iori guy is stronger than I thought. 

 When Kyo got up Iori rushed at him before Kyo unleashed a powerful blow.


While they fought Y/n's right arm  began to shake.

Y/n What the hell is this? My blood feels like it's on edge? I can sense it...like someone with my blood is nearby. But it's stronger somehow...what the hell is going on?!

???: Well well well what do we have here?

??? 2: Been awhile hasn't it Y/n Kusanagi?

Y/n: I remember you two...

Mature  and Vice...Rugal's secretary. 

Mature: Well EX secretary...i'm glad you remembered us.

Vice: Looking pretty well for a guy who lost control in the Riot of the blood state.

Y/n: Riot of the blood? What the hell are you two talking about?!

Mature:*Giggles* Oh nothing much however I must say it's not as potent as that man.Nether the less i'm sure our master will have a purpose for you.

Y/n gritted his teeth then  ran at them with a punch.


Before Y/n's punch could even land Mature and Vice jumped on a rooftop.

Vice:*smirks* Don't get so cocky brat!

Mature: In time you'll see  for yourself what's going on. Until then goodbye and try not to forget us ~

Timeskip brought to you by these

3rd person pov

Leona and the other's of team Ikari stood in the city streets. 

Ralf: The kid was supposed to meet up with us here.

Clark;*smirks* Maybe he's spending some private time with his girlfriend.

Leona:...I'm going to go look for him.

Ralf: You sure about that Leona?

Leona:*nods* Yes it shouldn't take long that way.

Clark:Alright if anything goes wrong contact us immediately. 

Leona;*salutes* Yes sir.

While Leona went to find Y/n followed after the  presence he felt through his blood.

Y/n:(mind) I can sense it...the feeling is getting stronger.

Rushing down a Alleyway Y/n saw Iori and Kyo fighting.



Y/n:(mind) That man in black he's the one?!

Y/n dashed at Iori before kicking him away and standing infront of Kyo.

Y/n: Got here in time I see.

Kyo: Huh what are you doing here Y/n don't you have a party to be at?

Y/n;*smirks* Aw come on and miss this party? Besides I already got Yuri home in bed. I don't got anything to worry about.

Iori stared at Y/n before he scoffed.

Iori: Tch  Another  one of you Kusanagi? Hmph it makes no difference to me.

Taking his stance Iori spoke once more.

Iori: I'll kill you now.

Y/n: Hey Kyo...I know I don't gotta say this part but be careful. This guy ain't like anyone else we've fought.

Kyo: Yeah I got that.

Y/n went to attack Iori when a pole was sent at him. Stopping it with his palm Y/n stared at the attacker to see Billy standing there.

Billy: Oi now  I can't have you roughing up Yagami just yet. 

Iori: Billy Kane...I don't need your help;now get out of my business.

Billy: *Smirks* Now come on Yagami you made a deal remember? Best  you keep it and save this for the coming KOF. I mean I can't guarantee your little sister's safety from freaks like Mr Big or Krauser if you don't obey.

Iori glared at Billy before he summoned his flames.

Iori: You'd dare threaten her...are you suicidal fool ?

Billy: I'm just saying master Geese's men are helping keep her safe. So just keep your promise Iori Yagami.

Iori sighed before his flames vanished then he walked away.

Iori:*to Kyo and Y/n* This isn't finished...at the King Of Fighters i'll make sure you remember my name;before I kill you.

Y/n stood by Kyo while Iori and Billy vanished.

Y/n: Iori Yagami...

Kyo: That guy's pretty tough..guess i'll have to pound his face in during the KOF.

Y/n: Hold on Kyo before you go there is something I wanted to talk to you about.

Kyo turned to Y/n who stared at him seriously.

Y/n: Back then the day dad died and I lose control...I had to watch what I did to you..The fact I almost killed you..I can't forgive myself for it. That rage wasn't my own and I-

Kyo: Enough Y/n I already forgave you..I know you weren't in control so I'm not gonna hold it against you.

Y/n: That power...it's something I never want to draw from again. It almost took over me and  who knows what I might do next time.

Kyo placed his arm on his brother's shoulder before he smirked.

Kyo; Well if you ever lose it again I'll just have to kick your ass out of it.  Like or not we're all we have by blood.

Y/n: Yeah your right...thank you Kyo..

Kyo and Kyo fist bumped before Y/n and him walked away. Y/n ran into Leona then apologized.

Y/n: Sorry I was late..I got caught up in something. 

Leona: I see well Ralf and Clark are waiting.

Y/n: Got it then let's go.

Y/n went to walk away when Leona grabbed his arm.

Leona: Hey...are you ok? What is it that concerning you?

Y/n: I'm fine Leona....just something I have to get ready for.

Leona closed her eyes thinking about what Y/n said before she let go. Walking away the two join up with the others. Getting on the chopper Y/n thought about Iori and Kyo's battle. Remembering Iori's words Y/n stared out at the sea.

Y/n:(mind) The Yagami...and the Kusanagi.. why are our fates connected like this? More importantly why does his blood resonate with mine?

Back in Japan Iori watched the chopper leave before he spoke.

Iori: Y/n and Kyo Kusanagi.... heh I'll crush you soon enough.


the Next  morning Yuri woke up then got a call to meet up with Mai and King. Meeting up with them Yuri saw a new girl with them.

Mai: Yuri come on over we'd like you to meet someone.

King: This is Yuri Sakazaki the one we've been talking to you about.

Kasumi: Oh it's nice to meet you Yuri Sakazaki. My name is Kasumi Todoh it's nice to finally meet you. 

Yuri: It's nice to meet ya!

Mai: Kasumi here will be the gal to  substitute for you in case we needed to Yuri.

Kasumi: I promise you i'll do my best to support team Queen!

Yuri: Wow your so cool I wonder what you can do.

King: Well we can always spar and find out Yuri?

Yuri: YEAH good idea King!

Mai: hehe I have a feeling Kasumi is gonna be juust fine with Yuri.

A/n pov

As the women walked off they began their preparations. All fighters  brace themselves for their next test of might. The King Of Fighters once again will these fated friends and rivals to their max.

Techniques and styles smashing head  on in a flaming arena. When Born in blood and sweat who's victory is certain?

And those who's fate is destined  combat who will come out the King? 

To be continued

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