His Butler, Overworked and Overly Relied on

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April 7, 1889

The mist rolled along the estate's moors in the morning light, from the hills in the distance to behind and among the trees before the gardens, shimmering like snowy waves from the early dawn's dew, as if an angel had wept at the beauty of it all. Low rumbles from the forest marked the looming shadow of a demon hound romping within the trees as the gleeful laughs of the servant, Finny, flitted through the air as he rode his mighty steed. A marble statue posing as the fountain preincarnation of Circe Invidiosa, riddled with fresh drops of water, loomed in the middle of the sprawling estate's immediate backyard, where rows upon rows of perfectly trimmed hedges led deep into the gardens on either side of the back doors. Such was the scene when Sebastian was taking momentary leave outside the manor's kitchen door and giving special attention to a pristine black cat that acutely matched his asymmetrical hair, which shone as black as the darkest of nights at the most unholiest of hours. He pressed the feline's paws, the claws sliding in and out like expertly crafted swords leaving and returning to their sheaths. The cat melted into the butler's attire of a crisp black, swallowtail suit; stark white gloves hid black nails and the mark of a Faustian contract on the back of his left hand. The dark alleyway around them could not keep the mewing, black ball of beauty from him. The Young Master could certainly care for himself in the few precious moments in the presence of such a graceful, fascinating young creature.

A dull crash from inside drew his attention back, causing the fine animal to lurch out of his arms, the distance between them growing with every second; those precious few moments gone in an instant. Slipping inside he found the kitchen intact, though upon reaching the entryway of the manor, he found glasses shattered and silverware strewn about, with Mey-Rin in the center of it all looking quite dazed.

"What happened in here?" Sebastian said.

Mey-Rin scurried to her feet, face reddening deeper than the butler's bloody eyes as shards and silverware tumbled from her skirts like snowflakes.

"I was just wanting to help set up for breakfast," she said, "And I was going to take the silverware and glasses inside the dining room and make sure they were all polished, and -"

Sebastian sighed. "And what were you planning to clean them with?"

Mey-Rin peered down at the pot for silver polish, pushing at her glasses as the world swirled in and out of focus, as if she was on a roundabout that moved in time with the frames moving in and out of view.

"I mistook the cleaning liquid for the silver polish!" Mey-Rin said.

"You should seriously consider a new pair of glasses." Sebastian said, "Those simply won't do."

"The Young Master gave me these! They are precious!"

"Very well." Sebastian said, "Clean this mess up."

The butler disappeared into the dining room. In seconds the table was set with the next-best silverware and a pristine white tablecloth. Not a detail out of place.

Upon returning to the kitchen there was yet another early obstacle waiting; Bard stood before the oven, preparing to make use of his flame thrower to cook Ciel's breakfast that Sebastian had begun preparing. Bard, in a rumpled cook's uniform, held a cigarette in his mouth absentmindedly as he aimed at the meal. Before a single word wormed its way to him, Bard ignited the contraption, setting the breakfast aflame; at which point he made eye contact with Sebastian, earning a heated, fake smile from the butler in return. The cook was out of the room before a single reprimanding could occur.

Sebastian flipped open his pocket watch only to find that it was 9:13 - six minutes behind schedule, but fixable. Breakfast would fail to be as intricate as he had planned.

With food trays easily balanced on his arms, Sebastian eased out of the kitchen and to the stairs. After a few precise jumps like a skilled ram or gazelle, he was in the Young Master's wing of the manor with not a single drop spilled or any heat lost, and quickly deposited the contents onto a tray in the side room. The butler eased into the hallway with it and made his way to Ciel's door.

He wheeled the cart of steaming tea and biscuits into the room, closing the door behind him. Silently, Sebastian brought the tray of tea and biscuits to Ciel's lefthand bedside table, and set them down next to the eye patch and rings.

"It's time to wake up, Young Master," the butler said, swiftly making his way past the foot of Ciel's prodigious bed to the looming windows and tied each panel to either side of the colossal glass panes as the scintillating spring light filtered in, sweeping the nighttime shadows from the room. A few strides later and Sebastian was back to the tray of tea, pouring a cup for the Earl.

"Today's tea is Earl Grey, from Piccadilly." Sebastian said, handing Ciel the tea cup, then the day's paper. "Breakfast is classic scones with jam and clotted cream."

Sebastian pulled back the sheets as the Young Master sat up, and assisted him with putting on a white dress shirt, before securing the tie and moving on.

"After breakfast you have a dance lesson with Ms. Hopkins, then lessons with Mr. Hugues on global politics and trade."

Carefully, but smoothly, Sebastian pulled on Ciel's socks and secured them just below the knee. He slipped on the shoes before stepping back to allow the Young Master to finish his tea.

"Following lunch is a meeting with Mr. Damiano regarding the stuffed animal manufacturing." Sebastian said. "Dinner will be served at the regular time. After dinner, you have time for games and a meeting with Lau regarding the case."

The tea finished, the butler took the cup from Ciel and picked up an eye patch, securing it over his master's right eye, covering a Faustian contract symbol that was identical to his pet's. After sliding on Ciel's gold Phantomhive crest and emerald-cut, deep blue rings, Sebastian handed Ciel a letter with the royal insignia.

"Your breakfast will be waiting in the dining room, Young Master."

The Earl of Phantomhive sat at the massive dining room table with a culinary masterpiece dutifully prepared by his butler. His servants milled about the expansive room, basking in the few moments of calm. Finny, on a round by their Young Master, looked up to the chandelier above them as he passed only to find himself enjoying the sight of the floor as Ciel tripped him.

"Quit crying." Ciel said before taking another bite of his food.

"My, my, so many games this early in the day, Young Master." Sebastian said, his dry tone filling the room as he appeared.

As soon as Mey-Rin caught sight of Sebastian from the opposite corner of the room, she, too, tripped, and sent the plate she was cleaning soaring through the air. In an instant, the butler had the plate in hand and shot an exasperated look at the girl, who again turned beet red.

"If you have not done your jobs for today," Sebastian said, looking at Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin in the eye while skimming over Mr. Tanaka. "I suggest you get started immediately. Mr. Tanaka, keep doing what you're doing."

In an abrupt clamor, the group sprung into action with a chorus of apologies to both the head and his butler. All the while Ciel held back a grimace as he struggled to tolerate the commotion, a lord who did not appreciate the slightest of missed precision. Once left alone Ciel spared a glance at Sebastian, who patiently waited by his side.

"Sebastian, cancel all of my appointments today."

"I can cancel all but your dance lesson." Sebastian said. "Lady Elizabeth is arriving at the manor this very moment to join you as your partner. I will be just a moment as I invite her in"

"Do not invite her in." Ciel said.

Sebastian merely ignored him and turned to exit the room. Halfway between the Young Master's chair and the door, a knife flew threw the air, only to be caught easily between the butler's fingers. He paused, turning around slightly with thinly masked annoyance in the form of a terse smile.

"Yes, Young Master?"

Silence as strong as steel responded. Sebastian turned back to the door, smirking when he felt the Earl of Phantomhive's glare on his back.

"1,2,3! 1,2,3! Ciel, lead! Lead!"

"Isn't this fun, Ciel?" Lizzie said.

Ciel only grimaced in response, holding his partner back as she attempted to pull him closer.

The room around them blurred as their intricate steps took them round and round, faster and faster, column upon column twisting in time with the counting until both of the young nobles were out of breath- still their dance was not up to Ms. Hopkins' expectations. The ceiling loomed above them as Ciel's parent's soft, kind laughter filled the room.

"Now, now, Ciel" his mother said, "You cannot assume that Lady Elizabeth knows these dances as well as you do. You must lead her, as you would if showing her something new, as if only you know the path."

The voices faded away as a clap from Ms. Hopkins brought Lizzie's attention back to the room, which had stopped spinning, and was instead waiting patiently alongside Ciel for the impending dance.

"Lizzie?" Ciel said, "Do you need to stop? We can take leave if necessary."

"And stop dancing?" Lizzie said, "We've only just begun! And I've been waiting ages to dance with you again. You're quite the dancer!"

"You overestimate my talents." Ciel said.

Before Lizzie could utter a reply, the boy she so looked up to had begun their next bout, twirling her, and the towering columns and windows following suit.

The royal blue and black cape rustled as Sebastian swung it through the air and onto Ciel's shoulders. The butler straightened the collars of his master's ensemble before handing over the matching top hat and skull-topped cane. In seconds, the seemingly innocent adolescent had transformed into The Queen's Watchdog: the most feared noble in all of Britain. His cold stare was merely accented by an outfit as rich in colour as the singular blue eye that was not imprisoned in his eyepatch.

"Sebastian. Call for the carriage. We are leaving in ten minutes." Ciel said.

Sebastian sank to the ground and knelt, keeping his eyes downcast as he crossed his arm over his chest.

"Yes, My Lord."

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