33◉ Abuser & Saviour

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A man appeared from the room wearing a full-sleeved night robe, a cigar pipe in his hand, and a stern look on his face. He smirked noticing color drain from Haider's face. His gaze fell to his clenched fists and quickly, he looked back into his stepson's eyes.

'Come inside, I need to have a word with you.' He said and walked back inside. Haider found it hard to swallow the lump in his throat, he kept staring at the spot his stepfather was standing seconds ago.

Uzma closed her eyes and calmed herself before looking at her son, - 'Son,' – she held his sleeve, - 'I think you should go.' She urged him. Haider found his legs heavy and could feel his feet rooted on spot.

Jahangir paced in his room with his arms behind him. He took a puff and continued walking. He paused as he heard footsteps. His thin lips curved into a smirk. Slowly, he turned around and looked at a pale and expressionless Haider. He gestured him inside. Haider silently walked in. Jahangir walked up to him. He clenched his fists and stiffened as his stepfather passed him. He shuddered slightly as the door creaked close behind him. There was an uncomfortable silence in the large room.

'So, Uzma told me that you are being a brat again.' – He walked up to him and held his shoulder. Haider felt a shiver run down his spine and he could feel cold sweat beads forming on his forehead. Jahangir stood in front of him. The two men were of almost the same height, with Haider being a little taller.

Jahangir folded his arms behind him, and eyed him from top to bottom, - 'You got engaged and didn't bother to inform your mother. Also, she had a complaint that you have been misbehaving with her. Is it right?' He asked in a deadly calm tone. Haider gulped hard and slowly nodded.

'Yes, I am engaged.' He stammered, blinking as tears pricked his eyes.

'You had always troubled your mother. That is why she wanted to get rid of you.' Jahangir sighed, shaking his head in disappointment.

'Tsk Tsk, Haider.' He walked up to his study table. Haider stood still while his gaze followed his stepdad. Jahangir calmly ran his fingers over a leather belt wounded on the table. Haider froze, sweat trickled down his forehead.

'Is it nice that you still be treated like a child?' – He looked at him, - 'Now, you are full-grown man, Haider. I can't lock you up in the basement.' – he raised and dropped his shoulders, - 'Come on, Haider, man!' He tried to sound weary but came out as amused.

There was silence between them again. Jahangir glanced at him as he picked up the belt and wounded it around his palm. Haider shuddered as he slapped the belt against the floor. His smirked widened.

'Tell me, Haider? What will it take for you to stop being rebellious? I gave you my business to run, this luxurious villa and the fancy lifestyle yet you are so ungrateful.' – He took slow steps towards him, Haider kept staring front, - 'Okay, you don't like me. You hate me. But your mother? You have no respect at all.' He held Haider's shoulder and he cowered taking a step away from his stepfather. Jahangir grabbed his arm and glared at him.

Haider was much powerful now. He had a clear advantage over him, youth, and strength yet he felt he was a clueless eleven-year-old boy standing petrified before his abuser. He felt the same aghast and helplessness as before.


Alina sat on the recliner chair facing the life-size French windows. Outside it was pitch dark and sounds of crickets buzzing outside were muffled. She sighed turning a page of the novel then picked up a mug of warm milk from the armrest and took a sip. She continued reading the thrilling novel, tugging her legs closer to her body. Farhana had slept but Alina found it difficult to sleep. She had just finished working on her design and wanted to relax with some milk and a good read. Alina flipped a page, her gaze glued to the book. Just then, the sound of the opening of the main door startled her and she almost dropped the book.

Alina leaped from her seat and pressed the book tightly against his chest. She felt her heartbeat increase with the approaching footsteps. From the darkness, Haider walked into the light of the well-lit bedroom. She was partly relieved but surprised to see him looking very haphazard. Buttons of his shirt till his chest was unbuttoned, his shirt tugged out of his trousers and his coat missing. He had a very defeated look on his face. Alina dropped her book and hurried to him.

'Haider!' - She held his arm and retracted her hand when he winced, - 'What happened?' She leaned trying to see his face. He let out a shaky breath and fell on the bed. Alina gasped but she relaxed upon seeing the rise and fall of his chest. She hesitated and then sat beside him.

'Haider, are you alright?' She asked cautiously and softly. He looked at her, took a moment, and then stood up on his unsteady legs.

'I am going for a bath.' His voice choked with tears. Alina knew something was off but doesn't say anything. She watched him walk inside the bathroom, the door clicked, and a moment later there was a sound of the shower.

Alina looked away and stood up. She flinched upon hearing a subdued scream from inside.

'Haider!' - She rushed to the door and knocked it hard, - 'is everything alright in there?' There was no response. She panicked as there was pin-drop silence and then a loud splash of water. Alina gasped covering her mouth with both her hands, her heart jumped to her throat.

Mikael was sound asleep when he was jolted from his slumber. Alarmed, he sat up on his bed and sighed deeply. Again, his phone rang, and he realized it wasn't a dream. In a sleepy mode, he picked up his phone.

'Mikael!' Alina's cry made his heart skip a beat. He panicked hearing her fearful, cracking voice.

'Please—please come—Mik—Haider has—not—door—locked—' Then her voice faded with her cries. Mikael slid down the bed, talking to her, trying to calm her down. After he disconnected the call, he hurriedly grabbed his scooter keys and tucked it inside the pocket of his track pants. He fumbled carrying the helmet in his arms, quickly he wore his sneakers.

Alina paced in the room as Farhana's husband and brother banged the door with their shoulders to break it, but the door was too strong for them. Farhana was as frightened as Alina, many times the women stood holding on to each other. They were surprised by the bell, Farhana rushed to get the door. Alina held her forehead and sat on the bed. She licked her lips and wrapped her arms around herself.

'Alina!' Mikael entered the room looking messy, alarmed, and worried. She jumped from the bed and hurried to him, then she flung her arms around his neck and hugged him. She thanked him with no care that her feet were in the air and she was literally hung onto him. Slowly, Mikael moved his arm but doesn't hug her and instead held her shoulders, parting her from him. He asked her to relax and looked at the men struggling to open the door. He walked to them, - 'What are you guys doing. Wait!' He raised his palm. The men stopped and looked at him.

Mikael spoke to Alina, - 'Do you have bobby pins?' He asked.


'Quick, Alina. Don't waste time.' He sounded irritated. Alina nodded fanatically and hurried to the bedside. She pulled out the top drawer and with shaky fingers, she pulled out a few pins. She almost tripped, as she scurried towards Mikael, but she steadied herself. She watched him bend the pins, then he turned, asked the men to move and he kneeled in front of the door. With full concentration, he worked with the pins.

As he worked, he was distracted when he felt wetness against his knees. He lowered his head and was shocked to see water leaking from under the creek of the door.

'Oh, God!' He began working faster. Alina peeped from behind him trying to see, her eyes widened with fear and she cried,

'Water, Mike—'

'Will you shut up, please, Alina.' Mikael scolded her and got busy with his task again.

A few minutes later, he pushed the door and it flung open. The sight further terrified the onlookers. The bathtub tap and shower were running and water from the bathtub overflowed. Inside the tub was Haider lying lifelessly. His one arm and leg stuck out. Farhana let out a shriek whilst Alina drew in a sharp breath. Mikael gaped at the sight while the other two men looked grim.

Oh, No! Is Haider gone *RIP* I am so scared, you guys? What are your thoughts? 

Drop your opinions in the comments, please *muaaah* and Stay Tuned for the next update *lots of love* *hugs and kisses*

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