6◉ Stranger Danger

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Haider stood in front of the canvas and worked over his design when he was distracted by loud giggling and chattering of two women. He frowned and hurried towards the door with the intension of scolding them. He opened the door and paused upon seeing Alina with another girl walking by the cabin. They stopped in their tracks when they spotted Haider at the door. They rooted in the spot. Meera nudged Alina but she ignored her and kept staring at Haider. He stepped out and moved his hand from the door, letting it close on its own.

'Shit, Meera,' - Alina murmured through clenched teeth, - 'I was warning you to not talk so loudly.'

'Come on, Alina you were laughing louder than me.' Meera hissed. Both the ladies had their gaze fixed on their boss.

Haider cleared this throat and gestured the girls with his fingers to come to him. Meera gulped and Alina nudged her. They looked at each other and Alina blinked softly at her.

Haider placed his palms into his pockets and raised his chin. Slowly, the girls walked towards him. While Meera had her gaze lowered, Alina maintained eye-contact. They stood in front of him. Haider was impressed by Alina's guts.

'How long have you interns been working here?' He spoke. Alina felt chills with his deep voice.

'Sir, one week.' Alina replied. She was panicking from inside but tried to maintain a confident façade. She had embarrassed herself enough on the first day. It has been one week since their first meeting and they are seeing each other now.

Haider nodded thoughtfully, he took a moment and then spoke, - 'Then, don't you girls,'- his gaze darted from Meera to Alina, lingering a little longer on the latter, - 'that I prefer silence especially when I am working.' He stopped and pressed his lips.

'Sorry, sir. This won't happen again.' Alina assured him. Haider stilled for a moment and then nodded again.

'Better.' He said strictly and the girls nodded. Then, he turned to open the door and just then Meera praised Alina for her confidence. Haider paused and turned to look at them. He watched them walk away. Meera turned to look at him, gulped and turned the other way instantly. He was surprised that Alina doesn't turn to look at him; he wasn't used to having women not look at him twice. He frowned watching the girls for a little longer and then entered his cabin.

Alina felt frustrated as she erased a rogue line. She pushed back her glasses and bit the corner of her lip. The deadline was tomorrow and she has been still stuck drawing and re-drawing the same thing again and again. Her phone rang and she clicked her tongue in agitation. She doesn't bother checking it and instead glanced up at the wall clock. It was 9.30. Then, she looked around. She was the only one in the activity room. The last intern to leave was Sahil, who had just left half an hour ago. There were other employees, Alina hoped. She could imagine Meera's head floating around her, screaming at her to come home else Mr. Agarwal will have their head. She cursed herself for not being serious about this project earlier. It was a renovation project, yet she was struggling.

Haider left his cabin, loosened his tie and unbuckled the buttons of his sleeves as he walked. He stopped as he noticed lights to the activity room were on. Then, he pulled up the sleeve and checked his watch. 10.30. He was always the first one to arrive and last to leave. Haider pressed his lips and exhaled deeply. He walked towards the large glass window and was about to peep when he cringed noticing the uneven blinds. Ignoring it, he peeped and saw Alina standing near to the window. She was alone. He took a step back but kept his gaze fixed on her. Slowly, he took out his phone and dialed a number.

'Hello, Gopi. I will be getting late, you leave.' He cut the call, glanced at Alina and smiled to himself. Then, he silently walked inside the room.

With her eyebrows furrowed and pencil pressed between her teeth, Alina had all her focus on her design. A deep rough voice alarmed her, and she jumped on the spot, turning around. Haider was taken aback as well.

'Sir, sir—good morning, I mean good night, I mean—' She stammered yanking off her glasses.

'Don't you think it is late Miss. Alina?' His deep voice resonated a little. Alina nodded; her cheeks flushed. There was a silence for a moment before Haider spoke again, - 'Pack your bags and come, I will drop you home.' He said seriously and turned around. He had taken a step when Alina's voice stopped him. He twisted a little and looked at her.

'Um, sir. It is okay.' – she looked away tugging her hair behind her ear and then made eye contact with her boss, - 'Don't trouble yourself, sir. I will hire a cab.' She explained.

Haider frowned; this was first for him as well. Someone turning him down. For a moment he wondered how he has zero effect on her.

He took a step towards her and wandered his gaze around the empty room. He adjusted the edge of his coat, - 'Do you know anyone in the cab service?' He asked. Alina looked puzzled for a moment and then shook her head.

'It is better to trust a known stranger than a complete stranger. So,' – he paused observing her expressions, - 'You are worried about stranger danger, right, Miss. Alina. You can trust me.' He said. Alina fidgeted with the tip of the pencil while debating in her head. Haider's gaze lingered at her lips as she softly bit them. He blinked, looking away and cleared his throat.

'I don't have all night. I am leaving.' He said and turned around. He didn't want to let go of this chance to be with her, but he didn't want to compromise on his self-respect either. He had taken a few steps when Alina called him, and he stopped in his tracks.

'I will pack my stuff.' She said. Alina didn't want to offend him and decided to take a chance. Haider is a celeb and trustworthy compared to a cab driver. Besides, an opportunity of riding home with the handsome, rich, eligible bachelor Haider Minhas Zaidi comes only once a lifetime.

Alina stuffed everything into her leather olive handbag, finger-combed her hair and adjusted it on her shoulder and back. She fished out a hand mirror and re-applied her cherry lip balm, smacked her lips and checked her eyes.

She hurried out of her cubicle, switched off all the lights, tugged down her dress and took the elevator. It was all glass elevator from either side. Alina noticed there were many glasses in the building.

Haider stood outside the building, he kept checking his watch and agitatedly fidgeted with his steps. Finally, he saw Alina exiting the building. She smiled nervously at him but reflexively he doesn't, and her smile dropped instantly. He walked up to the car and opened the passenger seat door for her. Alina was taken aback by his gesture and felt slightly excited because the Haider Minhas Zaidi, their boss was opening the door for her.

'Thanks.' She muttered clenching the strap of her handbag tightly. Haider watched her sit and then closed the door. Alina drew in a sharp breath and leaned against the car seat. The car smelt of exotic perfume and everything was spotlessly clean. She felt Haider sit next to her. She stiffened as his sleeve brushed against her palm, she pulled her hand back. She eyed him from the corner of her eyes as he connected his mobile to the LCD on the car panel. He looked at her and asked for her address.

'JP Gardens.' She said and watched him enter the address in google maps. She bit her lip as he switched on the car.

OOOO, Stranger Danger 

What do you guys think will happen next? And how was the Chapter? Drop your thoughts in the comments *lots of love* *muah* *muah*

And Stay Tuned for the next update, my lovelies *smiles* *waves*

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