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Right now i am sitting in the same all black bedroom.I was looking around the room when some one came inside making me flinch a little bit.

"Ayo my cutie patotie your dinner is here" Mina said with a cute smile.

" chocolatessssssss?!? "My eyes glistened

 "Baby you have to finish the soup first"Mina said

 "But i don't like soup unnie"

"Can i have the chocolates first then the soup?"I tried convincing her with my puppy eyes.

"Nah baby first you have to finish veggie then only"she replied

"But-"I was about to butter her up when some one cut me off

"Mina leave it I will feed her "A cold voice echoed "Okay kook"Mina left the room keeping the tray on the side table.

"Was my doll throwing tantrums while eating her dinner?"He said in his cold dominant voice which gave me chills through my body.

"N-no" I said softly 

I saw him removing his belt and tie ,is he going to beat me with that ?? My hands were getting sweaty.

He came near me , picked me up like i was just a little kid and made me sit in his lap.

"Am sorry for shouting on you earlier"he said in normal voice.

"But that does not mean you can skip your dinner and eat some unhealthy food .Now like a good girl eat it."again his cold strict voice came

"P-please"I tried to convince him one more time but this time he just held me tightly using his legs and started feeding me .I tried moving but failed miserably."Mmm "tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

After feeding whole bowl he loosened the grip.

"You are so badddddd"while crying bitterly.

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