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I woke up with the phone blazing and sounding loudly.

I groaned.

It was 7 in the morning.

I hated it.

It was bright and sunny.

My phone. Should I pick it up? Or should I just let it ring?

The phone that rang was the work phone. I really didn't want to pick up. But if I didn't, I was afraid that Hoseok-Hyung would call the police.

"Hello?" I groaned out, sleep obviously the cause of my hostility.


"What is it now?" I shouldn't have picked up. It was my manager. His voice something I did not want to hear so early in the morning. "I'm going to hang up..."

"N-no! Jimin!" He screeched an di pulle she phone away from my ear. I slammed my body back unto the bed letting the soft mattress take me into it's embrace.

"It's the holiday..." I already knew. It was about work. He only called me about work.

A weekend, I was promised a weekend to rest. I wasn't even going to go out. I just wanted to stay home and sleep.

"I thought I was supposed to have a weekend today." I groaned.

"I know." My manager said.

"I'm going to tell Hoseok on you." I complained. This was ridiculous. 

"Please don't."

"Then why did you schedule something?" I was annoyed.

"I'm sorry but it's Jack Michêl. You know he only wants you as his model." He explained.

"He's here? Again?"

Jack Michêl...the internationally famous designer who is known as the future and past of fashion. He loved mixing old outdated styles with newer ingeniousness.

He was great, he really was, but he was really burdensome sometimes. I wasn't ready for all that.

"He has a new line of clothinf. But..."

"But...?" I asked annoyed. This sucked ass. I hadn't even gotten five hours of sleep. "Hurry up, or I'm going to hang up!"

"It's a couple clothing line." The manager spilled and that caused me to forcibly awaken my mind.

"What?" I threw my body up, my mind clearer and fully awake, getting momentum by kicking my leg down.

"Clothing line for couples." He softly whispered.

The little pig...

"I know what you mean. I'm not an idiot." I snapped. Did he take me for a damn fool? He did this on purpose.


"You're my manager, not their personal sucker. Are you getting paid by them?" I pushed my hair back letting the follicles slide through my fingers. "How long have you been my manager?"

"Four years..." he cautiously said.

Even that was annoying. This morning was not pleasant. Damn.


"You don't do couple pictures."

"Right. You know that. You know very well that I do not—ever—share the camera for candid couple pictures."

"I know. I know, but Mr. Michêl was so adamant about the male model being you." I groaned loudly as I rubbed the aching temples. "He won't accept anyone except you for his clothes."

"I'm resting!" I shouted, my fingers pulling at my hair. "I'm supposed to be resting!"

"Jimin, I'm sorry. We can't do anything."

"Put Hyung on the line." I demanded. This was supposed to be my well-needed resting time. It was only four days too.

"Director Jung is...well, he's busy."

"Say that again?" I rolled my eyes as I sighed loudly.

"He's...preoccupied at the moment."

"What?" I gritted my teeth. This wasn't happening. "Put him on!" I shouted.

"Jimin-Hyung?" It was not the person I was expecting.

"Jungkook why are you on the phone?" I knew he was back from the hiatus but I thought he was busy being with his lover.

"I saw your mamanger in front of Hoseok Hyung's room. Do you need something?" He asked, his heavy low.

"I want to know why I am shooting a couple shot on my vacation." I angrily said.

"I don't know anything about that but Hoseok-Hyung is at the hospital." He replied.

"What! Why didn't you say that front he beginning?" I shouted worried for Hyung.

"Relax." Jungkook replied soothingly with that voice of his. "It's not too bad. It's mainly because of exhaustion. The doctor says that he needs to rest in bed and for him to try not to be stressed."

"Ugh..." I groaned. How was I supposed to complain and get angry if Hoseok Hyung needed total calm. I was not calm.

I was so mad, and I didn't want to do a damn couple shoot. But...if it was to give that workaholic man some rest, I would suffer through that insufferable shoot.

Ugh, if I didn't love him as my own brother...

"Jimin?" Jungkook broke my thoughts.

Pulling myself off the bed, I moved to get ready. This was happening...

"Jungkook, put my idiotic manager on the phone.

"Okay." I didn't hear anything as I made the call on-speaker. I walked to the closer pulled a pair of black jeans and striped long sleeve and a leather belt with a silver buckle.

I pushed myself in through the holes and sat on the couch, waiting for the man to speak.


"I swear to you, if I have to do this again, I'm going to kill you and retire." I threatened.

It was real, I wasn't joking. I would never joke when my life was on the line.

"I swear, Jimin! Thank you! Thank you!"

I rolled my eyes before hanging off the phone.


Uh, I will just leave this here.

If I'm lucky, maybe I can publish another chapter!

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