T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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At the start, it was drizzling but a little later, it started to rain heavily. I ran towards the swing and sat on one along with enjoying the rain and humming a song.

Jimin stood leaning to a pole and I was busy in my world getting drenched along with playing around, spinning and jumping in puddles.

Ever since the day we have been married, I always seemed sad and felt lonely but after a long time, I feel happy.

Looking at me dance and enjoy the rain and be so carefree made him lower his eyes as he got busy in his thoughts.

I lifted my gaze slightly sneaking a glimpse at Jimin who stood at a distance away from me.

"I thought you didn't like the rain much," I said trying to start a conversation.

He was busy admiring my face, because of the cold weather, my face had a drunken red tint and water dripped down my hair and I continued looking at the sky.

"Not really, but I do now," he said in a deep voice which made me press my lips together.

"Anyway let's dance, shall we?" I asked to lighten his serious mood.

"You want to dance?" He asked lifting his head gazing at me with a small smile. He is always in a bad mood but I wanted him to take a break from all the stress that he has in his life.

"Yeah, the weather is so beautiful," I said and jumped into a puddle and sprinkled some drops of water on his face.

"Hey, don't do that," he said playfully as I purposely did it again to annoy him.

"You don't know what you're getting yourself into," he said raising his eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"Do you think I'm scared?" I mocked sticking my tongue out.

"Well, you should be," he said and ran behind me as I tried my best to run away. I knew I had annoyed him to an extent that did make him mad but at the same time, I finally saw him getting comfortable with me.

Suddenly he caught me from the back as he held my waist making it impossible for me to move.

"Stop it, this is cheating, you can't use your strength so much, you aren't even letting me move Jimin," I said trying to struggle from his grip but all he did was chuckle making his grasp tighter around me.

"Fine, I give up," I said as he loosened his grip and I finally took a breath while he sprinkled water on my face and I chuckled. After a long time, I'd seen the smile I did when we were kids.

All of a sudden, his smile disappeared as I could sense moisture collected in the corner of his eyes.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked as I caressed his cheek.

He lowered his eyes and held my hand, I thought he might jerk my hand off but he entwined my fingers with his own and pulled me towards him.

His arm snaked around my waist, it was still raining.

My shirt was light pink which was now, transparent and I was shivering due to the cold weather.

He pulled me closer to him and caressed my cheek and said, "From those simple moments in the beginning to a deep obsession later, you have become a woman I will never be capable of nor do I deserve you."

"Jimin, why would you say that," I asked as he had a sad expression on his face.

He was holding me close to him. I didn't struggle to move away at all.

"Is it because of the contract that I didn't sign?" I asked because the contract did have some conditions about submitting myself to him that I thought would be wrong to do since he loved Jia but now, it seems different.

"No," he answered.

I didn't want this playful side of him to again turn into being serious.

"Come dance with me," I said and started to sway my body getting away from him.

He pulled my arm to get me closer to him and all his actions were abrupt as I found myself close to him. He held my waist as I placed my hand on his chest and slowly he began to dance with me.

"I thought you didn't know how to dance but you ain't bad," I said and all of a sudden he lifted me from the ground spinning me as I squealed in excitement.

I chuckled as he placed me on the ground.

"So you don't hate me anymore?" I asked but the minute I said that he placed his thumb on my lip lining it romantically and said, "I never hated you and I can't, ever."

His words made me nervous.

"By the way, it's not just dancing, I can do everything, really well," he said emphasizing the last two words which made my thoughts run wild.

I was losing myself in his touch, he makes me feel possessed by his presence, I closed my eyes as his slender fingers touched my face running on the bare skin of my neck.

The minute I opened my eyes, his gaze met mine and for a minute or two, none of us said anything but enjoyed the silence. I could hear his breath and then, slowly he tilted his neck towards my lips.

My heart raced so fast, it felt like it would jump out of my mouth any moment.

"Ara, I'm sorry for the times I've hurt you, I never wanted to," he said in almost a whisper wherein all my attention was only on those plump lips of his which were too close to me.

"You don't have to---," I said but he didn't let me complete and started to lower his head inch by inch, very slowly making my heart beat faster than ever. I gulped, his lips trembled slightly as they finally touched mine.

He cupped my cheek as his other hand pulled me closer to him by my waist and then his hand travelled to my neck as a strong current travelled to my entire body.

Suddenly, his stationary lips pried apart my lips as he forced his tongue in my mouth wrapping it gently around mine. He then started to kiss me without hesitation and I couldn't hold back and wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him as he tossed and turned out tongues together.

He started to kiss me boldly, deeper and deeper tilting his head as he held my body tightly touching his.

I was losing control, the kiss was passionate as I started to feel breathless.

The water trickled down our already dampened skin but that didn't stop him nor did the heavy rains. I shut my eyes feeling every moment we were sharing. The heavy rains mixed with the hectic wind only made the moment more powerful.

He stopped as we were both panting, his forehead rested on mine as he caressed my face. A soft smile formed on his face which had a feeling of satisfaction but his eyes didn't say the same though.

The kiss had a feeling of love mixed with lust as his arms grabbed my body tightly wrapping me in his embrace while his eyes never left mine.

"Let's go home," he said intertwining our fingers together and walked to the car.

The minute I sat inside, all the memories of us kissing flashed back.

"My first kiss was so pleasurable and beautiful," I thought as I couldn't stop touching those swollen lips of mine.

He sat on his side and I asked him to turn on the heater.

He passed me his jacket as I put it on inhaling sharply trying to calm myself. I didn't have the guts to look back into his eyes again. On the other hand, from the moment we got inside, his eyes didn't stop peeking at me from time to time.



Get holy water naughty people XD ✨🎀

Next update: within this week only!
Please keep supporting and of course, commenting and sharing the story!


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