Chapter 15: Coffee prince

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I can’t fall asleep at the thought of you
Even my dreams are all filled with you


"This is for only one day right?" Wonho asked with a confused look on his face.

I nodded still grasping what was happening in front me. Everyone either trying to wear their apron or giving me confused looks. Jooheon and Changkyun still hadn't changed into white shirts.

"I can't believe I am doing this shit." Hyungwon came out of the changing room wearing a white shirt and black pants, his hair combed neatly to the back. "It's weekend and I'm working in a coffee shop instead of sleeping," he mumbled as if he couldn't believe himself.

Just a few minutes ago, it was all normal. Just another day, but, I had to come to work and officially quit this time.

I also had to collect my pays. But when my stupid mouth blurted out about the café yesterday, Changkyun helped me out again saying that it's the place where I used to work before I started working for them.

I wondered how he could lie in such a straight face.

When I started early for coming here Changkyun got ready too, saying that he would visit that place anyway for a morning coffee. But I think he was worried for my health.

In no time, I realized everyone was coming with me. As if it was a picnic some sorts of.

When we got here, the first thing I did was talk to Sehun. He understood, or so I'd thought. His brain seemed to function something else because the moment he came to know the boys were with me, he straight up asked them to help out in the cafe for a day.

In my guess, he understood his business better than anyone else. He could see how customers were swooning over them.

Flower boys and cafe. What else do you need to make more money!

Not hard to guess that only showing their faces was enough. Sehun even said that he would pay them but who would agree to that offer? Well, Minhyuk did.

"Holy shit, there's a big line outside the shop! Is it this busy every day?" Jooheon said incredulously, making his small eyes wide.

"I told you it would be fun!" Minhyuk was excited.

I coughed a little eyeing them all. Surely they looked like eye candies and that's why so many people were coming today.

Kihyun looked the most natural. He didn't ask any question or complained about it. He was taking orders as well as making the coffee even though Sehun said they didn't have to.

What's more surprising that he was smiling as if he was enjoying it. All I could hear was fangirls squealing from the long line that was in front of him.

Other workers, Hongbin and Suzy were busy teaching them how everything worked. I slowly moved closer to Kihyun. He smiled seeing that I was there. "Help me serving!" His smile faded away for a second as he ordered me like a boss.

"You seem to enjoy it." I chirped, handing out the coffee he was making.

"Well." He let out a small sigh handing another cup to a customer, earning a squeal from her as he smiled politely. "I've never done any part time jobs so I always wondered how it felt like."

I nodded as if I understood. Part time jobs? He wondered how it felt like? And here I had to spend my whole effing day doing part time jobs.

"Hi!" A girl waved at me from the front, two other girls with her. It took me a second to realize they were the regular customers from when I worked here.

"Why didn't you come here these days!" A girl managed to say aloud in the big crowd. "We missed you oppa," another said shyly.

"I missed you guys too!" I felt this overwhelming happiness hearing that they'd missed me. "I've been busy a little. You would like the regulars, right?"

They nodded, agreeing. I placed my mouth close to the one that was the closest to me. Making her flush red. "Then it's free for you guys. I will add it in my tab." I whispered. Since it was my last day anyway I wanted to make it memorable in some kind of way.

"Oppa?" Kihyun mimicked giving me a look of disgust seeing that I was trying to flirt with the girls. "Get your ass back here!"

I showed him my tongue, but went back anyway. He stared at me for a second then took steps closer putting down the cups that were in his hands.

He came really close and wrapped his arms around me. "What the heck are you doing!" For some weird reason, I blushed a little. He was too close!

"Your apron is loose," he whispered. I realized that he was tying my apron putting his hands behind my back. I bit my lips waiting for him to be done.

Suddenly we heard a wave of squeals. Kihyun was done and he looked ahead. I could see too since he wasn't covering what was in front anymore.

People were taking photos of us. Young girls holding both their cheeks and screeching. What the hell happened? Kihyun and I gave each other confused looks.

"Fuck! I live for yaoi!" An over excited girl screamed clicking photos of us nonstop. "Please do more pose."

I couldn't help but start laughing. However, Kihyun's face was bright red. He quickly hid from the cameras. "It's nothing like that!"

"Oppa!" Someone said in a high pitched tone. Byul made her way to us, pushing everyone out of her way. Her face lit up when she saw me. She gave me a tight hug out of nowhere, even when the counter was in the middle of us. I hugged her back earning a disappointed groan from the crowd.

"What's their case?" Byul looked at them and then asked me.

"Well, they wanted to see some boys love but is now disappointed to think you're my girlfriend."

"But I am your girlfriend!" She puffed her cheeks. I patted her head and came out of the counter.

"Don't leave me alone!" Kihyun ordered from the back again but I ignored him and took Byul to a lone corner.

"You look great." She eyed me from head to toe. "I was missing you. When you texted me today to meet up I was really happy."

Since I hadn't been able to spend time with, Byul I figured that it would upset her. I was missing her myself too.

"What do you want? I will pay for it." I offered. I was making way more money I'd ever made in my life, and I wanted to share that happiness with Byul.

"Really!? Then I want..."

"Whoa, what's happening here?" A deep voice made us look the way it was coming from, finding Changkyun there standing with his hands placed on his hip.

Byul instantly rolled her eyes. "Did you have to follow us?"

"Well, I would like to see some lesbian shit," Changkyun smirked handing me a towel. "Some tables are dirty I can't wipe them alone."

"Can't you be more quiet about this?" Byul hissed. "Are you trying to give away that Minjae is a girl!"

"You're the one who's screaming now. So maybe you are the one who want to give it away," Changkyun said playfully, making Byul realize that she did shout just now.

Her face became red in anger. "No one's here now!"

"Isn't that just plain stupid?" Changkyun snickered then looked at me. "Your girlfriend was just accusing me of exposing your truth and now that she's done it, in her case, it's innocent cause no one's here!" He said in a mocking tone.

"If you guys continue this, my truth will be exposed in no time anyway." I massaged the bridge of my nose.

"Byul, find a vacant place. I'm coming back to you in a minute. Changkyun, you come with me and wipe the tables." I pushed them both away to the opposite sides.

Bu before parting they glared at each other again. "I hope that girl fails all her test this semester." Changkyun murmured earning a smack on the head from me.

"Yah! I'm older than you." He was looking pissed off but I just shrugged it away. Next second, I went running as he came chasing to hit me back.

The busy day ended quite soon. Meanwhile, we got to eat a delicious lunch and snacks in the evening. We even got some gifts in such a short amount of time from the customers. It was a success and I'd never seen Sehun happier in my life.

The amount of the pay wasn't much but I think this was the first time they'd actually worked hard and got money for that. It made them extremely happy and I couldn't help but smile too watching them.

"Wh-what do we do with this money!" Minhyuk made a surprised face.

"W-we could do so so many things!" Jooheon almost looked like he was about to shed some happy tears.

"You get way more money than this from your parents, guys!" I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Yeah, but what do we do with this!" It looked like Minhyuk didn't even understand what I was saying.

"Should we go and buy ramen?" Wonho offered with a big grin on his face, making everyone shoo him away.

"What if we go to an amusement park and spend it there?" Hyungwon placed an idea and everyone seemed to like it.

"We could do something else too. What if we go camping?" Shownu said. "We could add some of our own money and it could turn into a good trip."

Everyone cheered like they were kindergarten children. I was more than excited as I'd never gone to camping before.

"It would be amazing!" I told the one who was walking beside me, Kihyun.

"Yeah." He said in a distant tone. "The manager from the cafe. Does he like men? I think he was giving you looks.."

"Shut the hell up!" I clasped his mouth with my hands. What was wrong with him?

His eyes danced as his body shook with laughter. Realizing that he was joking, I let him go after rolling my eyes.

"Soyou's birthday is in two days right? You have to make me proud."

"I will," he said with his usual tone of confidence.

A/n: Many people have already realized that I was inspired to write this book from this drama called "coffee prince". This chapter is dedicated to that amazing drama and if you haven't watched it yet you have to!


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