Chapter 19: He's mine

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Not me but another person
Just stop talking about him Stop it


Yoo Kihyun

"Oh my god he's so cute!" Jackson screamed loud enough for Minjae to hear, of course that was intended.

"I know I'm cute." Minjae laughed at his silliness then continued. "But you're handsome Jackson-sshi."

Jackson let out a muffled squeal clasping his mouth with both his hands. "I swear I'll forget bambam and mark like this shut up!" Then he playfully slapped Minjae's shoulder as they both laughed again.

How the heck can people become best friends in such a short amount of time I swear to god.

"Stop bringing up your friends and tell me why the heck are you so early!" Jooheon snapped. "I'm still so sleepy! If only you weren't this loud."

"Well, I've told you a countless times since last night," Jackson deadpanned then looked at Minjae who was the only one that didn't look tired. "Get ready. We're all going to hiking!"

The second I heard the word hiking I let myself fall on the sofa quietly. I couldn't sleep at all last night and I was tired as heck. It's not like I hadn't shared a room with someone before but I don't know why I felt uncomfortable, no, that's not the right word. I don't just know why I couldn't rest at all last night.

To add more to that I feel so annoyed with Jackson.

I told Minjae that he was gay just for fun.

And now he'd been all touchy feely with Minjae making me rethink if he's actually a gay.

But then, why was I not liking this.
Perhaps, Jackson was not the right guy.

"Then should we eat breakfast now then proceed getting ready for the..." Minhyuk let out a big yawn then continued, "hiking?"

"We should eat on the way! Pack different foods in each of our bagpacks. That will be more fun!" Jackson replied and I groaned slightly turning from the other side.

Good for me cause I absolutely don't want to make breakfast for you.

Gosh, why am I so salty today!


"Can't I just stay at home and sleep?" Hyungwon said in a low voice, his shoulders were slumped making his tall body look frail and small. "I really am not liking this at all."

"Hey it's not that bad." Wonho took in a deep breath. "I feel so refreshed!"

"It will also help you stay healthy. The air is fresh and it's nice having this kind of exercises." Shownu said showing his goofy eye smile.

"It's easy for you. Both you guys are like buffed body builders" Jooheon joined in the conversation.

I filtered their loud voices out of my head as I concentrated on what was ahead. The ground only went up steadily indicating it was a cliff. There was a plain field few miles ahead and Jackson thinks it would be fun to eat lunch there.

"Why don't we make this a game? The one that reaches the field first is the winner!" Minhyuk suggested all of a sudden, making a scowl appear on my face.

"Why do you bring competitions in-!"

"I'm listening!" Jackson yelled cutting me off. Again I got annoyed by him.

Minhyuk looked more enthusiastic seeing Jackson joining in his evil idea. "So there will be a winner and a loser. The winner can order anything to the loser. What do you think!"

"That's a stupid-"

"That's a great idea!" Jackson cut me off yet again with his loud voice. Everyone seemed to agree with their idea since for the first time in a while they all looked pretty excited.

"See? That's what I'm talking about! A game to keep us going!" Jackson cheered as if he was a leader of some sorts.

"Then I'm sure I'm winning!" Minjae suddenly said, a huge grin covering half of his face.

"With this much load? And your small body? Don't even joke." I snickered being amused hearing his brave words.

"Don't forget that I grew up in the rural areas." He snapped his fingers."And my friends! If I win, I will surely make it hard for the loser."

"Oh I like this Minjae!" Jackson put a fist into the air. "Let's start then!"

We all started separately. Only Jooheon and Changkyun teamed up because Jooheon was scared for his life thinking he would get lost in the woods.

I didn't rush at all thinking I would need the energy for later. Everyone dashed at full speed at the very moment we started and I knew that soon they would be tired.

But then I realized, Minjae was there too.

"Hyung!" He waved from the side then took steps closer seeing that I'd noticed him. "You seem to know what you're doing!"

"And you seem to like Jackson a lot!" There was an unusual venom in my tone, which surprised even my own self. 

"Yeah! He's great! I've never seen someone so friendly like him."

He then showed a toothy grin as I looked away, not wanting to show the scowl that had formed on my face.

Yeah you've known him only for a few hours and now it's like you want to marry him. Where did your love for Shownu go! You stupid ass moron!

I continued cursing Minjae inside my head. My fists made into balls and the knuckles were turning white, my nails digging into the flesh of my palms. It's his choice so why was I so annoyed.

"Oh look! little birds!" He suddenly started running towards a big tree. Then he took out his cellphone to click photos. He pointed up jumping like a child, his face lighting up with happiness.


"I'm going to take photos. I'm going to climb up and take them! Then send them to Byul!" He kept on rambling on and on by himself.

"On that topic, where is Byul today?" I asked realizing Byul hadn't come to bother us.

"Oh, her family came with her too. She has to hang out with them."

Finally, some good news! "Good luck taking the photos. I'll be going ahead." I said as I started walking away.

"Fighting!" He cheered from behind.

Yep, fighting. Because you'll surely come last today!

I put on my headphones as I clicked on shuffle so random songs in my phone would keep on playing. Twice cheer up came first. And, I remembered last nice.

Minjae looked cute doing the dance on a panda outfit. It almost felt like he was a girl.

What the heck am I thinking!

But he just gave off this vibe a girl would give, probably. Maybe that's why I couldn't sleep last night. Yes that must be the reason!

And the way he teased me by calling me oppa in the store the other day, I keep on seeing that in my dreams. Dreams? I should call those nightmares.

Something must be wrong with me.

It's because he's gay I keep on having weird thoughts. He's just gay. Not a girl!

After countless of hours, countless thoughts, countless songs and several times of drinking water I was tired and exhausted. The nature didn't feel as refreshing anymore and I only wished of only going home. Finally, the map on my phone showed that I was close to the field.

It was noon but the sun-rays didn't feel too scorching as the trees were saving me from them. I knew I wouldn't come first. It's probably Shownu or Wonho, Jackson might come first too. But I knew I wouldn't be the last.

My hope was shattered into pieces when I approached the place. Everyone, every one of them was chilling out there, sitting on mattresses.

I rubbed my eyes as I went closer. "Look who's back finally!" Changkyun brought everyone's attention to me.

"Thanks god you're here. Please someone start with the foods now!" Jooheon screeched. Everyone got busy taking out the lunch boxes Shownu carried in a different bag since he was the strongest.

"What's happening here?" I asked dumbfounded, still unable to get a hold of what was happening here.

"Well, we all sticked together since we started ahead. Jackson was with us and he's done hiking in this place before with his friends so he knew a shorter way that doesn't show in the map."  Wonho explained and Jackson nodded agreeing.

"We texted you dude. You didn't text back." Jackson said and I took out the phone from my pocket. I was so occupied with my thoughts and those songs I never realized texts were incoming.

And now I wanted to rip my hair out of my head.

"Don't worry, since we did kind of cheat we were going to call off the competition. Until-" Wonho swallowed hard.

"Until what?" I snapped at him.

"Until we saw that Minjae had already reached before us. And he didn't cheat in any kind of way."

Minjae waved both his hand after Wonho was finished. I couldn't say anything at all as I took a seat on the mattress. This wasn't fair and I was speechless.

"So in addition for winning. I'm of course going to give a order to Kihyun hyung." Minjae announced standing up, everyone clapped and cheered for him.

"And since it's my first time ordering him to do something I'm kinda nervous too." He took in a breath.

"You'll be okay just say it!" Jackson yelled to give him strength.

Who the fuck are you to say it will be okay.

"You'll have to confess your love to Soyou noona." Minjae said after a silent moment.

And the loud cheering began, bottles of sodas were opened. I stayed quiet and gulped down the coke in my hand.

I was sure as hell not as much of a coward they think I was. So I did agree in silent, after going back I'll confess to Soyou.

Everyone looked like they were having fun excluding me. Jackson wouldn't leave Minjae's side so I couldn't go up and scold that disrespectful kid for ordering me around.

After we were done with lunch, we finally started climbing down. This time everyone together. Jackson leading the way as his left hand hung over Minjae's shoulder. I was close to them but wasn't paying attention to their animated conversation.

Until I did in one point.

"Do you know how to drive? Then I can give you my car! You can drive and I'll sit back!" Jackson said making Minjae squeal in excitement.

"Really? I wish I could drive. I can't."

"Then I can teach you?" Jackson suggested in response. "I can teach you basic driving in an hour or two."

"You can do that in only an hour or two? Awesome!" Minjae's mouth parted in awe.

"Yeah I taught Mark too." Jackson said proudly, then continued. "There's this food stall by the river. You and I could drive their in ten minutes and have ddeokboki. They make amazing of those. Let's go and buy them for others too."

"Hey," I joined in the conversation before Minjae could give a reply.

I pulled Minjae's hand making him come closer to me and of course, out of Jackson's grip.

"I wouldn't make this many plans if I were you. He's mine."

A/n: 17th chapter up. Say the name!

Also can you smell that distant scent of romance coming your way?

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