Chapter 23: Second lead

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I can only see you
I’m crazy in love

-crazy in love

"T-try? What did he mean by try? And why the fuck are you telling me all these now!" Byul cried holding her head with both her hands. I had to draw back and grasp all those screams of her.

"A week has gone by and nothing happened? That can't be the last thing. Please give me a lead, my brain is going crazy!" She continued throwing a tantrum.

I let out a frustrated groan as we were both sitting on the campus ground and Byul kept on asking questions I had no answers of. "I don't know. He said that but now he's acting all normal again while I keep thinking about stuff."

Suddenly I blushed remembering his words again. Could it be that he liked me? No! That's impossible.

"He deffo likes you! Now, tell me," Byul came closer narrowing her eyes at me and I leaned my head backwards. "Do you like him?"

"No!" I screamed as if it was totally impossible. "I don't! Not in that way! I mean.. Argh, I'm not sure." I groaned again hiding my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry for telling you all this so late Byul. Everything is just driving me mad. I had to talk to someone."

"It's okay." She gestured her hand at me to let it go. "I'm really happy that you're finally acting like a girl. I've always wanted to deal with love problems!"

"Love problems? What love? There's no love between us, I don't even know if I like him or not!"

"That's why we need to figure it out. We need a plan." Her eyes showed a glint of cleverness as she smirked.

"What are you talking about?" I gulped hard staring at her.

"Yah!" She turned her face to the other side and yelled out to Changkyun who was playing football nearby. He pointed at himself to make sure and Byul shook her head making him run towards us.

"What do you want?" Changkyun asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"I want you to act like you love her." She pointed at me making Changkyun and I both scream in unison.


Byul crossed her arms over her chest wearing a know it all expression. "Look, I've watched enough kdramas and read enough fan-fictions. In times like this you need a second lead to appear okay?

"You know why it's not working out in your case? Because the second lead game isn't strong. You're living with seven freaking guys! You need atleast another guy to like you so we can have the second lead syndrome girl!"

"What the hell are you talking about? Care to spill some beans cause I can't understand any fucking thing!" Changkyun huffed as sweat was still dropping from his forehead.

"We need Kihyun and Minjae to realise that they like each other." Byul explained in short.

"Oh, okay." Changkyun nodded but screamed the next second. "Wait, what? What in the world!?"

"There's nothing going on I swear." I cried but Byul made me stop. "For God's sake you guys kissed! He kissed you!"

"He kissed what?" Changkyun yelled louder.

"Shut up," Byul and I yelled back at him together.

"First, calm your non existent tits. Second, sit here and listen. We need someone trustworthy in our team." Byul ordered making Changkyun sit without asking anything in again. 

"Trustworthy?" He cocked an eyebrow at her after calming down a little.

Byul rolled her eyes then let out a sigh. "As much as I hate to say this but you're pretty much trustworthy."

"Ew, you're weird, but thank you." Changkyun made a face. "Now Minjae, tell me everything in detail. I knew something was going on."

"You knew?" I asked although I know he's quick to catch on things.

"Yeah. You guys are so awkward with each other these days. But I always find you staring at him. Or him staring at you."

I felt my cheeks going red, he often stared at me?

Taking in a deep intake of air I tried telling him most of the parts. Byul listened everything again with sheer excitement. After I was done, Changkyun didn't look that much surprised I thought he would.

"I don't think the second lead thing would happen if it's me. And to be honest that's a stupid idea."

"What do you know anyway?" Byul grimaced rolling her eyes at him.

"More than you, now stop meddling. It's better if they figure out their feelings by themselves. Though, I think one person could've been a good second lead." He scratched his chin thinking hard. "Wang Jackson."


"Did you tell him to come?" I whispered low enough so only Changkyun would listen. As soon as we entered the mansion my eyes landed on Jackson who was lazily sitting on the couch, conversing with Jooheon.

"No, I don't even have his number." Changkyun answered and we both gave each other a look.

Then why was he here?

"Minjae ah!" Jackson sprinted up from his seat then gave me bear hug after quickly approaching me.

"Hyung, what are you doing here?" I asked after he let go. A big grin spread across his face.

"Jooheon and I were planning to go clubbing today. But I wanted to know if you would come too, so we waited for you!"

I looked at Changkyun and he shrugged. "Okay, I'll go." I replied, thinking a little.

"Anyone else wants to come?" Jooheon happily yelled out to others who were doing their things across the living room but no one showed any interest.

"I knew no one would want to come!" Jooheon's smile got replaced with a scowl.

"How about Kihyun hyung?" Changkyun suggested out of nowhere. Kihyun was sitting close to us but he was concentrating on his phone, not listening to us.

Changkyun called out his name again and this time he looked up. "Me? No, I'm fine. I don't want to go."

"Come on dude!" Jackson went towards him excitedly. "Loosen up a little!"

Kihyun looked at me and I bobbed my head vigorously so he would come too. Letting out a sigh of defeat he got up. "Okay."

"Yay!" Jackson and I both danced putting our hands up. Jooheon went to give Kihyun a hug. "That's my bro!" 

We all took our seats in Jackson's car while he was the one driving. It took us twenty minutes to reach the place Jackson and Jooheon were so excited about. I was thrilled thinking how a club would be like, it was my first time going to one.

There were lots of people outside, a big line forming at the entrance too. However we didn't need to wait in a line, the scary looking security guard opened the front door for us after checking Jackson's card.

The loud music hit me as soon as we entered. It was hard to see at first considering how dark it was with only red and blue neon lights here and there. Soon I discovered myself on the midst of people grooving to the music and I felt like dancing too. Even though I didn't know anything about dancing.

"This place is awesome!" I screamed but Jackson had to move his head closer to listen, everything else was too loud.

"Really? Wanna dance?" He screamed back close to my ear.

"Yeah! But I look like a potato trying to flap it's arms around when I try to dance."

He started laughing then came close to my head again and shouted, "but that sounds really cute to me!"

"What about you guys?" We looked back at Jooheon and Kihyun. Jooheon was bobbing his head to the music but Kihyun stood still.

"Kihyun? Kihyun! Is that you?" An unknown voice suddenly came from another direction and we all turned our heads there.

A girl in shorts and blue shirt with long black hair pushed her way out of the crowd and came stood closer to us.

"Oh my god it is you!" She screamed being surprised. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

Kihyun scrunched up his eyebrows then shouted back. "Jung Eunbi!? I never thought of seeing you-!"

Before he could complete his sentence the girl named Eunbi jumped at him giving a hug. Kihyun looked surprised at first then hugged back.

"You don't know how much I missed you. You stupid asshole how could you change your number!" Her voice told me she was on the verge of crying.

"I'm sorry. My phone got stolen." Kihyun pulled away then smiled at her. "Oh and these are my friends. Minjae, Jackson and you know Jooheon."

Jooheon showed her a small hi then Kihyun turned to us. "And guys this is Eunbi, my friend from high school."

"Really nice to meet you." She greeted us politely. "Sorry for the drama I just caused. I'm just so excited seeing him after like three years!"

"It's okay." I assured her as I checked her out a little. She had a nice body and a really cute face. She felt like a nice girl too.

"Why don't you guys go and catch up with each other?" Jooheon suggested and Jackson agreed. "We are fine here by ourselves. You should go and talk to your old friend."

"Really? Thank you so much for lending him!" Eunbi screeched then looked at Kihyun. "Now you deserve some scoldings from me."

She pulled him away by hand as Kihyun gave us a defeated look. "That girl still has a lowkey crush on him." Jooheon commented as soon as they were gone from our sight.

"Still?" I asked.

"Yeah. She was head over heals for him back in high school, we all knew about it."

"Whoa, that's lucky for him. That girl looks fine." Jackson whistled and I nodded agreeing.

"You guys want any drinks? Imma go and get some." Jooheom suggested whilst jumping up and down with the music.

"I have a photoshoot tomorrow so nope!" Jackson responded. "No for me too," I replied.

"I'll be back soon. My other friend Hoshi is here too." Jooheon said after checking a text on his phone.

Soon only Jackson and I were there and our crazy dance battle begun. Since he was professional anyway I told him to go easy on me. At the end we were just mimicking animal moves that could go with the music. Anyone would say that we were a bunch of psychos that just escaped a mental hospital.

But inside my mind I kept thinking other things. That girl called Eunbi, was she Kihyun's type? Soyou was more mature but they both were cute and girly. Which I'd never be.

Heck he doesn't even know I'm a girl!

Later Jackson introduced me to his friends, his list of friends that were never ending. The funniest was the guy named Namjoon who taught me his famous 'seaweed' dance.

However, our fun vanished when Jooheon suddenly came back, looking all pale and sick.

"Oh my god! What happened to you!" I held him from the side since he looked like he couldn't even keep his balance. Jackson got worried too.

"I just drank a little a-and threw up." He slurred his word, gagging as if he would throw up again.

"I think we should go home." Jackson said and looked at me, I quickly agreed.

"Can you walk? Then you can go and wait in the car, we are coming back after finding Kihyun," Jackson asked him and he nodded slowly before scurrying away in the crowd again.

"Let's quickly find Kihyun," I suggested, we both started walking to the corner where Eunbi said they would be. But it'd been hours already so I wondered if they were still there. 

There was a VIP sofa there and we had to make our way through a lot of people. Finally we reached it, it was dark and no one was actually there. Until I found them.

I couldn't see Kihyun's face at first as Eunbi's back was blocking my view. It seemed like Kihyun was sitting down and Eunbi was on top of him.

My hands started trembling, I grabbed Jackson's arm in horror. They still hadn't noticed that we were there.

They were kissing, more like smooching each others faces off.

With Eunbi's head parted to the side, Kihyun with his closed. Eunbi had her arms all over him and I just couldn't watch no more. My grip on Jackson's shirt got tighter.

Suddenly Kihyun pushed her away and got up with a startled look seeing us. His face was all red and flustered.

However Eunbi couldn't even stand still, she was swaying back and fourth. "Ohh hi!" She waved her hands at us being completely drunk.

"It's not what you think!" Kihyun protested before I could ask anything.

"J-jackson hyung, can you take me home?" I managed to whisper. My head was spinning, it felt like I would actually black out any second. My mouth felt really bitter, like a bile was rising in my throat.

"Sure. Let's go." Jackson removed my hand from his arm and locked his hand with mine. "Kihyun, your friend seems really drunk, you should take her home." He added before we started walking towards the back door.

"Wait I-!" Kihyun couldn't complete his sentence, Eunbi fainted and fell on the sofa. Giving them a last look, I continued walking holding Jackson's hand. I didn't know what I was feeling.

We reached the car without saying another word. Jooheon was already sleeping in the back seat. Jackson started the engine and took the wheel.

We were both quiet until Jackson spoke first in a really low voice as his eyes were still on the road. "Minjae, do you like Kihyun?"

He then looked at me for a second giving a closed mouth smile. "It's okay, you can tell me. There's nothing wrong with a boy liking another boy."

"I don't." I said wryly then rested my head against the seat of the car.

I really don't like him. Not at all.

A/n: the chapters are so big oml, I hope you don't get bored reading them!

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