How It All Started

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"Are you sure about this?" Cally asked nervously. She took a large bag out of her car trunk and hand it to Simon, who is trying to focus on his cigarette, but to no avail.

Layla walked over form afar,  her left arm wrapped in a cast. Simon's eyes instantly lit up when he saw her.

"Layla! I was afraid that you wouldn't show!"

Layla smiled, not her usual 'you are an idiot' smile, but a real, happy smile. She gently caress Simon's swollen eyes and kissed his lips.

"You don't believe in me enough don't you?" She asked jokingly.

Simon smirked, "we've been through so fucking much Layla, I will never, ever not believe you".

Their conversation could have gone on forever, if that car didn't show up.

As Layla and Simon suspiciously looked on, two men in black stepped out carrying guns. They took their first shots at Layla, but Simon stepped in front, taking all of those bullets.


9 months ago...

Layla stepped into the crowded hallway. Today was supposed to be her first day at Billington High, but she felt more annoyed than excited. If not because of her stupid dad who kept getting scared over some kind of shit, she wouldn't have to be here. She wished she could just teleport herself back to New York, where all of her friends were, where all of those wild parties and crazy adventure were. This boring small town was totally a nightmare for troublemaker like Layla, until a tall bulky figure bumped into her, making all of her books collapsed.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!", she yelled at the figure, but he casually laughed and walk away.

'Such a jerk', she thought.

As she bent down to pick up the books, a boy ran over and helped her.

"I am so sorry about that. He's my brother, he usually act like that", the boy said.

"By "act" you mean treating people like crap and laugh at them when he make them drop their stuffs?", Layla scoffed.

The boy didn't say anything back, he handed Layla her books, suddenly, his eyes fell on her schedule.

"Hey! You have function first period? Then we're in the same class!"

"Then can you show me where the class is, cause you know, your brother was such a jerk to me"

The boy laughed, "right, so I guess this is me apologizing on behalf of my brother?"

"Yeah whatever"

"Alright, then let's go, and by the way, I'm Landon"



"You don't need to know that much, I don't intend to make friends here anyway"

Landon shrugged. The two of them proceeded to walk quietly to Function. By the time they got to class, it was already ten minutes late. Mrs. Hall, the teacher, was too busy handing out papers that she didn't pay attention to them tip toeing into class. Layla took a seat at the back, where she would usually seat at her old school in New York, while Landon moved to the front. Layla saw him joking around with another group of kids, all seems like nerd to her. Mrs. Hall came back to her desk and open the textbook, she then looked at the back of the room, and lucky for Layla, she was the only at the back.

"Ms...I believe you're new here", Mrs. Hall glared at Layla, who rolled her eyes to the back so hard that it looks like she was about to faint.

"Yeah, the name is Layla, L A Y L A"

That generate some laughs across the room, which made Mrs. Hall angrier.

"Alright Layla, how about you tell us where you came from, and maybe some fun facts about yourself!"

"Fun facts? Ma'am, this is high school, not second grade, you don't really expect high schoolers to list out their favourite food and cartoon characters don't you?", Layla chuckled. Her attitude was always a problem back at her old school, but Mrs. Hall is not like the teachers in New York, she apparently doesn't like to take no for an answer.

"Layla, I'll let it pass cause you're new here, but you should know that at this school, if a a teacher ask you something, then you better come up with something for them".

Layla rolled her eyes. This day just keep getting worse and worse for her.

The class wen on without any other mishaps, but Layla's mind wasn't focused on the school works. She was busy reminiscing her life back in New York, how she could easily just slack off with all of her friends and went to the nearest pub.

Suddenly a loud knock was heard, and as she turned her head over to see, she was shocked. It was him, that jerk, knocking on the window looking for her. She carefully open the window, avoiding eye contacts with the girl sitting across from her, who literally is confused about what was happening.

"What do you want?", she asked him annoyingly.

"I came to apologize. I guess I was kind of a jerk to you when we met this morning"

"Well good that you know, now fuck off, I don't want to get in trouble with this nasty woman again"

But he doesn't seem to be listening to her, instead, he offered his hand.

"I believe that you don't really want to be here anyway. How about we go on a little adventure"


"Let this Simon Steele show you the true picture of Branford".

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