11. Director

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Emara Stone

"Shhh! Do not make a sound shorty.. or I won't refrain myself to tie you up." 

I feel butterflies doing breakdance inside my stomach as he threatens to tie me up. Christian Grey pops up in my head with a face of Ryan, a bruised eye, swollen lips, and printed leather tie. So damn-fucking-cookie-baking hot!

Ryan's eyes hold me captive in his vicious tyranny gaze that is more fearsome than a tiger. Dark, crystal brown sugar eyes bore into me with fierce intensity. "No sound. Got it?" He whispers again. His beautiful voice sounds exactly like Jack Sparrow. Heavy, husky, and stinks of alcohol. I find myself slowly nodding at his magical words. 

Hell! I would have agreed to become his nanny if he would ask me right now. 

"Now tell me where is that half-chewed pencil?" Ryan spats with disgust, his words were acute and sharp like an axe. "What? I-I don't chew pencils." I reply confusedly. "Where is that pan-fried burnt pancake?" He aggressively asks me as he pins me harshly with his cement body.

My chest uncontrollably beats with his rough actions, "I-I am sor-ry, I-I don't know cook-ing." I stutter like a broken fan under him. Ryan's expressions get cold as he opens his mouth and snarls while showing his white crayon teeth, "That dicknipple, where is he?"

Who are these people? And why is he asking me about them? "Dick who?" I immediately seal my mouth as he glares me with his demonic eyes, ready to rip out my soul and play with it. So dangerous!

Ryan's eyes have fury, rage, anger, wrath, madness, and lust, he licks his lips as he slowly leans towards me. His clutch gets tighten on my tiny fragile waist as he whispers every word soberly, "Where-is-your-brother-shorty?" Oh! Ethan. 

"I-I dont-t know. Maybe at friends to learn web designing." I mumble-jumble with the words as they get scared to come out. Suddenly, I hear growling and swearing sounds coming from the outside of my window. "Motherfuckers!" Ryan curses as he lowers his head to my shoulder.

All the atoms in body freeze on his action, like a hunter's whip my body goes stiff and my lungs go into hibernation. Ryan is using my shoulder!


I never paid attention to that part of mine but now I couldn't help but feel proud of my shoulders. Suddenly, an unruly shiver passes through my body as I feel Ryan's hot breath on my sensitive chest. His warm breath directly falls in between my breast and they instantly get erect under the tee. 

"I want to pee." 

I hear a crying voice from the outside of my window, I peek a boo from Ryan's broad shoulder and see Daniel forcefully pulling someone along with him inside my room. "Fucking dinosaurs got extinct and you want to pee." He snarls.

Daniel and the quivering guy jumps in my room, I have seen the other guy hanging out with them in the canteen but I couldn't remember his name. What was it, Mandy, Melvin? The guy falls on my bed holding his stomach and cries silently, he twists and turns with shaky legs whereas Daniel stands in horror as he looks at my room. 

"Jesus's nightmare!" He screams in panic, his eyes spin faster than a helicopter's blade as they gawk with terror at the clothes, books, cups, and cookie wrappers in my room. His breath hikes up and in no second he starts to hyper vent. Wait... is he getting a heart attack?

"Where is the vacuum cleaner?" Daniel screams at me louder than the hard rock banging in the background. "Please I want to pee." The guy cries again, he holds his bladder with Almighty's hired superpowers. "Will you both shut the fuck up?" Ryan growls beside me, his chest vibrates in anger and I feel the perilous vibrations percolating in his ribcage. So hot!

Daniel in hyperactive mode starts to moonwalks in the room and picks my clothes one by one from the floor as he murmurs something to himself. What is he doing, stealing my clothes? He collects all the plastic waste wrappers and put them all in a waste bag. Is he stealing the wrappers too?

"What the hell are you doing?" Ryan growls at his buddy who is perfectly moonwalking and aggressively collecting all my books from the floor, "You know I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I am crazily obsessed with neat and tidiness." He says while placing the books alphabetically on my table. How sweet! He is cleaning my room.

"I am doing it now, I can't control it." The guy in pain walks to the open window holding his jeans, he bends a little and spreads his legs wide. What is he doing? Daniel urgently moonwalks towards him, "No, no! Good boys don't pee from the window." He cooes as he pulls the guy strenuously.

"But I am not a good boy." He cries with painful tears, I couldn't help but feel sad for the guy. All he wants to do is pee. "Th-there is a bathroom." I shyly point to the door to my right. His eyes light up with hope as he looks at the bathroom door with affection. "Daniel, let him pee." Ryan orders, his heavy and hoarse voice resonates in the room like a ruthless general's command.

Wow! That was so hot.

"Oh, Hi chica! I am Daniel, the editor, director, and screenwriter of your kiss." Daniel says as he forwards his hand to me. I fiddly forward my hand and we handshake under the awkward situation, "Mahn, it was so good! The kiss was like 9/11, I'll never forget it in my life." He sneers. My cheeks instantly turn bright pink as I recall the PDA, Ryan's eyebrow raises in amusement at my reaction. He then turns to his jovial friend and burst like a birthday balloon on him, "Daniel, fuck off!" 

"Of course." Daniel flirtily winks at me as he goes back to pick my clothes, I couldn't help but admire his cleaning skills as he neatly aligns my clothes in the cupboard. I secretly wish my brother had OCD too. Or maybe if I get Daniel's number, I can call him every weekend to clean my room. Wouldn't that be better?

Suddenly my jaw is twisted with force, Ryan's fingers dig in my cheeks as he makes me look at him. Ryan looks like an angry man who just discovered his wife is a lesbian and the kids are of neighbors. "What is your name?" His hoarse voice has tenacious power and his eyes have burning flames. I gulp down nervously in his cage and whisper inaudibly, "Emara..."

"Eww what?" Ryan asks as he leans down to my lips, my spit gets stuck in the throat as my eyes catch his plum lips, they are pale pink in color that reminds me of rosebuds. The bottom one is larger and perkier than the above, but I know those soft things can go fiercely rough and are capable of doing great damage.

If the eyes are the gateway to the soul, the lips are the same thing for the body. My stomach turns over as my mind races to places I didn't know it could go until I realize we are in my room and there's a guy peeing in my bathroom and another one freely moonwalking behind us. 

"Eh-Emara." I reply sheepishly. 

"Amara, huh?" Ryan's eyebrow shoots up in interest, his lips curve up in a wolfish grin as he whispers so low that it felt like he simply blew air in my ear, "Why do you smell of cherries, Amara?" His swollen eyes gawk at me seductively like Cleopatra. 

"I-It's my lip sauce-gloss." I reply short, not sure if I sound smart or dumb. Ryan's wet tongue rolls over his sinister lower lip making it wetter and juicer, "Is it tasty?" He asks curiously like a nine year old kid, wanting to experience the flavor of my lips. 

"Ye-ah." I guess. My breath hikes up as Ryan presses his hard body making me feel his masculine and tender parts, "Do you mind if.. I.. have a taste?" He whispers oh so sultrily in my ear. The world stops spinning as he leans in with promise scrawled on his cruel lips. My lips part up as if they sent out an invitation for him.

Ryan raises his thumb and slowly rubs it on my lower lip, in an instance, I feel my heartbeat... every single pound in my chest as his rough thumb mops my flimsy petal lips. My eyes fall to the rings in his thick and long fingers, hefty metallic rings with razor-sharp spikes on it. Spikes so acute that it could easily puncture a hippopotamus also.

All the blood freely roaming in my veins gets impossibly hotter as Ryan licks his thumb that touched my lips. His eyes don't leave mine, even for a micro-mili-second. Ryan's lips make sucking sound as he sensually sucks his thumb in between his perky lips. I dare not moved, I dare not even breathe, I'm frozen to the spot. All I can feel is my heart pounding wildly in my chest...duh-duhn, duh-duhnduh-duhn

The sucking sound makes me feel wet, damp, moist, soaked, H2O in my panties.

I think I just had an orgasm.

"Excuse me, where do you keep this?" Daniel intervenes as he waves a pink color bra in the air in front of us. My slow brain slowly registers that the undergarment is mine. My face flush with redness and embarrassment as Ryan slowly turns his attention to my net lace bra hanging in Daniel's hand.

His eyes penetrate through the pink transparent bralette and glare at the man behind it. "Daniel, for fuck's sake stop cleaning. And go search that fucker in other rooms." Ryan growls as he snatches my bra from his hand and throws it somewhere behind him. 

"Okay, got it." Daniel nods as he moonwalks and leaves us alone in the room. The room echoes with my pounding heart, I can feel it beating, pulsing, thumping wildly behind my boobs. A slick smooth smile spreads on Ryan's face, dimples peek out from his cheeks in a way I find it extremely cute and highly concerning at once.

Mischief lurks in his eyes, he bites his lower lip in his white crayon teeth and sneers, "Let's continue where we left." He looks at me with mere determination as if he will not only wipe the cherry gloss off my lips but also the skin. Cannibalism! 

With great strength, Ryan pulls me towards him. His huge cave hands cup my buttocks with force and presses them to his masculinity. I gasp at the new strange hot feeling coming from the south, he radiates hotness like a nuclear fission's reactor, "By the way, I like pink color." He purrs huskily.

Suddenly we hear the flushing sound of the toilet, our heads turn to the right as the bathroom door opens, and with a skeptical look, the pee-pee guy walks out. "You like pink? Since when?" He asks surprisingly. "Cockblocker!" Ryan curses as he brutally looks back the guy as if he will pluck out all his eyebrow hair in the most painful way.

"Oh my god!"

I look around as I hear some kind of noise, more like an echo. Ryan and the pee-pee guy share a look of confusion as well as they both raise their eyebrows in unison. His clutch loses on my ass and I immediately step away from his heating body. 

"Oh my god!"

I again hear the unusual echo, Ryan slowly backs off and walks to the window in a state of distinctness. "What?" He screams at someone, "Oh my god!" Again the voice echoes. "What the fuck are you telling?" He growls loudly while throwing hands but in return, all we could is, OMG OMG.

I can't believe Ryan called his whole gang to beat Ethan. I can't see this, I need to call dad now. I slowly step back towards the door of my room, with silent steps I pull the knob but it abruptly opens with force as Daniel barges in screaming, "The nerd is here. He is talking to the cop."

Ryan spins around, rage dancing in his eyes as he spats with anger, "That bitch!" As if a cyclone entered in his veins, his eyes depict pure destruction. Ryan's fist curls up in a weapon as he mentally snaps, "Even if he calls military tonight, I will squeeze his balls." Squeeze? I bet he meant 'Crush'.

Fear creeps in me after seeing the sardonic smile on his face, I turn my heels and with a supersonic speed run towards the exit screaming for help. But before I could leap out, someone strongly clamps my arms and silents me by his rough palm, "Now now, we don't want any chica screwing our plans, right?"

Daniel forcefully drags me back in my room, I try to alert Ethan and scream for help but other than muffling noises I couldn't make out anything. "Shhh! Keep quiet or I'll throw you out from the window, I am not the nicest guy to be around, Chica." Daniel whispers threateningly. His strength is immense, my face already feels under heavy pressure as if it will be deformed by the constraints.

My eyes bulge out in shock, fear crawls inside me as I see Ryan wearing a metal steel-brass knuckles on his hand that is used in underground fistfights. One punch from that can send anyone to a plastic surgeon. The pee-pee guy pulls out a knife from his pocket and hides it somewhere in his jacket. What are these guys doing?

"Keep her quiet, till we finish our business." Ryan orders Daniel, "We'll only attack after he walks inside his room and text Shawn to park the car in front." Ryan tells the pee-pee guy, they both cautiously keep their ears on the door, waiting for the right moment to catch my brother solitarily.

I panic in fear, wonder what are they planning to do with Ethan. I silently pray that Ethan doesn't come up, or at least not alone. But I know from my past test records, God doesn't listen to me. I try to move hands and legs to get free from Daniel's clutch but like a tiger, his claws hold me tightly in one place.

And suddenly, I don't find any one of them attractive. They are dangerous, savage, and mentally unstable. "I am going to call you Cheetos, coz you are looking tasty tonight." Daniel purrs as he drags me to the corner of my room and throws me carefreely on the bed. I bounce a few times before I come face to face with Daniel who is removing the belt from his jeans.

Adrenaline floods my system, my breath quickens as I hear the metal and leather sound from the belt. Sweat prickles on my skin and I gasp in fear as Daniel leans down at me and speaks in his cold heartless voice, "Your choice Cheetos, you want to be a good girl or you want your mouth to be wrapped with my belt?"


Sorry for the late update, quarantine depression phase. This corona shit is starting to hit me!

I just don't feel like doing anything, maybe it is one of those isolation melancholy days. I hope you all are coping well with this dark time of humanity. 

Shout out to these amazing readers for showering with votes ❤️
13_Carpediem , naidooskyler , winnienickie , almaquinto4 , PriyaTyagi940 , miamor1204 

And Lynnkuku , NanaEphyarh , omosheye , kemish07

Here are the quarantine memes,



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