16. Unicorn

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Emara Stone

"Have you done it before?" 

He lifts his dark lashes and stares at me with keen interest like a lion finds beauty in the deer. I gulp nervously under his gaze as his eyes scrutinize my every atom, sharply, and very intriguingly. 

Slowly shyness takes the front seat. 

"Um... no." I shake my head, red tint glows on my cheeks like a danger siren. "Here, I'll teach you." My heart beats loudly as Ryan takes my hand and keeps it on his warm 7-inch device. "It's hot." I gasp in surprise as soon as I feel the heat transfer. "Yeah! Everyone say that." Ryan replies huskily beside my ear which makes me giggle and bite my lips sheepishly.

Though I should have learned this from my friends or from the videos online, I feel a little stupid and excited as Ryan teaches me how to do it. "Get on your knees." Shy at first, I do as he says. "Bend down." I lower my head slowly and bring it closer to his long erect tool.

"Like this?" I ask him immaturely, not sure if I am doing it right.

He nods slightly. His large gorilla hands grip my hand on his hot gadget and slowly slides it down in an angle that I could take it all. "Like this." He purrs slowly, satisfaction radiating from him like nuclear fission as he gets me into the position he wanted. I couldn't stop thinking how good he is at this all teaching thing.

He wants me to watch it, imprison the moment in my eyes forever as he takes the initiative. My lips open apart and I lick my lower lip slowly as I concentrate hard on the head. I gasp as Ryan's grip gets harder and his eyes get darker like a predator on the hunt. My pussy meows under his domineering personality and he takes that moment to capture it forever.

"And that's how you take pictures of cats." Ryan says as he helps me take the perfect shots of kittens in a defined angle on his phone. The pictures came perfectly in the HDR setting with blur background and highly explicate details. The spiky hair of kitties looks beautiful under the bright light, something I could never do.

"Wow! Thank you so much. I was worried who could teach me to take pictures of my cats." I thank him deeply. "I am always there to teach you." He smiles, his dimples get prominent as his lips curve up appealingly. I couldn't help but smile in return, he is such a kind-hearted and lovely person. So rare to find nowadays. 

"They are beautiful, can I play with your kitty?" He asks excitedly as if he has never touched a pussy before. "Of course! They want to be played by you." I reply as I hand him my beloved cats of rainbow colors with three eyes and nine tails. They immediately fly to his laps, curl up in a snake and lay multicolored eggs of different sizes.



Suddenly my eyes shoot open as the annoying sound of the alarm clock buzzes beside my ear. I bang my fist right on its head but that motherfucker won't shut up. With murder in my mind, I rise from my sleeping throne and thoughtfully search the silent button on the machine. "Ah! There it is." 

I press the button, once, twice, thrice... Ten fucking times but that bitch won't fucking stop screaming like I am trying to kill it with a saw. "What are you doing?" Ethan burst into my room with an annoying morning face. "This thing... is not shutting up!" I scream as I slap, mash, squash the clock from all sides hoping some default in the circuit would make it stop.

"Give me here." Ethan fiercely snatches the screaming machine from my hand, rolls it, and snaps out its cells from the casket. Wow! Smart. I would have been more stupid without him. Ethan does a big yawn in front of my face as he asks, "Why would you set the alarm so early?" 

That suddenly clicks me, why I woke up early for the first time in the history of past ten years of my life. I immediately grab my towel, push the geek aside, and rush inside the bathroom to shower. 

Yes! Today for the first time in the decade, I'll shower before going to the institution. I don't waste much time building action figures or playing with the foam. I scrub my body and wash it fast. I just do it like I do!

I surf through my cupboard looking for my clothes but other than my old ones I don't find my regular pitch black dark clothes. I can't believe my mother chose this day to wash all of my camouflage clothes that makes me look concealed and invisible. I grab the only black tee I find along with the rest of my clothes and wear them speedily. 

I don't want to miss today, even if a huge asteroid collides with earth, I'll still go to college. Not even an apocalypse, tsunami, or earthquake can stop me today. If I didn't go and meet that demon, he will upload all the pages of my book with my name on it. Save me today god!

Slowly my whole life is getting out of syllabus... And I can't even prepare for surprise tests.

I comb my blue hair, the end looks fried but at least now hardly anyone will recognize me, I guess. My parents badly freaked out last night when they saw my chill look. My mother looked like a shocked fish, trying to comprehend when did I get so cool. Whereas my father straight away asked if I am into drugs or probably selling them to others.

I glance myself in the mirror, my butt looks round and tight in my old jeans but I cover it up with my tee. I grab my empty bag throw some books for weight and get down for breakfast. But my steps suddenly freeze on the way as I ask myself the most consequential question, "Did I brush?" Shit.

I stride back to my room, grab the brush, make it wet, dripping wet and put toothpaste, lots of toothpaste on-shit! Fuck FUCK! I squeal as a great amount of white toothpaste falls on my pitch-black t-shirt. I immediately try to pick it up but instead it spreads all over my tee like clouds. Motherfuckingcatsinbikinis!

I can't believe it. I had one tee. ONE FUCKING TEE and it got spoiled

I aggressively search deeper through my cupboard for a t-shirt, shirt, blouse, even a blanket would work. Clothes of medieval and ancient age come out but none of them suits my current personality. I still can't believe it, I woke up early today and now all my time is getting wasted in search of a top.

My luck is so bad if I bought a cemetery people would stop dying.

"Got it." I pick one tee that I had worn on my 15th birthday, but now it looks more like a crop top than a t-shirt. It is plain black in color and a red kiss is printed in the middle, giving a rock and roll vibe. Perfect. If pooh bear can wear a crop top, so can I!

I throw the toothpaste stained tee in the piles of medieval clothes and wear my kiss tee. The t-shirt seems a little tight and a little too short for my grown-up ass. It hardly covers my belly button and my 7th-grade boobs look like 36D in them. Is this tee from Hogwarts? 

I twist and turn my body in the mirror as I surprisingly glance at the newly developed curves. My thighs look thick and my ass thicker. My stomach looks malnourished and breast looks puffed up like balloons. No doubt why bitches were short and tight clothes. 

I once again comb my fried blue hair, grab my air-filled bag, and rush down for breakfast. My mother continuously stares at me from far as I hastily eat my sandwich. She ogles my clothes and hair as she anxiously whispers to my dad, "Where did we go wrong? Did we really fail as parents?"

"I am pretty sure it is just the college vibe." My dad whispers back looking at me. I focus on my half-eaten vegetable sub as my mother sobs mutely in the background. "Hey, it's okay we have another one." My dad consoles her. "Oh yes, Ethan! Thank god my Ethan doesn't do anything." Are they high on their tea? What are they talking about?

I ignore their private gossip and complete my breakfast. Suddenly my dad walks up to me, "Hey camp, good morning." I look up at his over smiling face and greet him with the sandwich in my mouth, "Gooo more-ink." He scrutinizes my palms, arms, and nerves carefully as he asks, "You are still scared of needles, right?" 

"Yyaahh." I stare at him wondering from which side of the bed did he woke up today. "Good. Good." He nods being a little content. I put an apple and bag of chips in my bag and stand up, "Um dad, can you drop me off the college? I am really getting late." He gladly picks the keys as he gives me another bright smile, "Sure."

He paddles on the gas and we hit off the road within minutes. I look outside the window and wonder how I am going to face Ryan knowing he has read everything from my book. I hope he doesn't think I masturbate while imagining him. Oh god no! And damn it I forgot my hat at Ana's place. Errr level of bad luck!

"You know Emara when I was your age I was very wild too." Suddenly my father talks about his childhood. I can feel a long lecture is on its way. "I used to do drugs daily with friends, girlfriends, neighbors, sometimes alone. I remember one day I was so high that I tried to introduce my parents to each other." Wait... what?

I roll my eyes annoyingly as I tell him, "Dad, I don't do drugs." His eyes meet mine, he holds the gaze checking if I am lying or not. "Are you sure?" I nod. After all, drugs are so expensive and why would anyone give it to me? 

"That's good. That's very good." He says as he takes a right turn. "But you know what, suddenly I stopped taking drugs and instead I became a homey drug dealer of my neighborhood. I was rolling in money boy!" My father again continued with his story with a twist. 

"Dad! I don't sell drugs and I am not a drug dealer of any hood." I clarify him before he tries to confess something else out of my mouth. "Wow! That's great. I knew my daughter won't be into such things. Your mom was so worried and I told her it's just college vibes. Haha." He tries to dust off the topic with an awkward laugh. I can't believe I was his superfast sperm.

The car halts outside my university, "Dad, I am going to help Ana after college so I'll be late. And she will drop me off so you don't need to pick me up." I clearly explain my lies so no confusion turns up this time. "Okay but no coloring your hair anymore or on your body." He strictly warns me in a dictator's tone. I nod obediently. The damage is already done!

I turn around and walk inside the gate recalling all the stanzas of the holy book, hoping no one would recognize me with my new look. But as soon as I walk inside the gate, everyone turns their heads surprisingly at me as if I am an octopus and they have never seen a walking octopus. 

I keep my head low not glancing back in their unblinking eyes that constantly follow me, probably making some opinion of me. My steps slowed down a little as even the students walking in front, driving on the road turn back around to stare at me. What am I, Mona Lisa? 

"Who is she?" "I don't know." "Never seen her before." "I think she is Kathy."

I surprisingly walk in between them wondering if my outfit looks cheap or appear shorter or maybe some of my assets are peeking out from my clothes that interest them. I pull my tee down to cover up my bare stomach that catches maximum eyes but it bounces back up to my bra the more I try. 

I gulp nervously as girls glare venomously, ready to attack me with their pointed nails and tear down my tight jeans and burn my frizzle hair. Whereas boys stare at me territorially like I am the only girl left in the universe, some astonished and others sharpen their claws to fight the competition.

"Damn! She is hot." "Oooooh sexy" "She looks cool" "Which class?"

I never got so much attention in life, not even when I was born, my parents were awestruck by Ethan's long hair rather than the pissed kid beside him. And right now, when I wanted to be transparent, camouflaged in the crowd, everyone is gawking at me like a prey. The worst kind of luck is when your luck is so bad that no one believes it.

The Instagram beauties who glared at me with flames in their eyes yesterday are shockingly staring at new me. Their polished red lips are opened wide as their envious eyes gape my ocean strands and malnourished stomach with frozen jealously. I smile, feeling a little better than the Trump blonde beauties of my campus. Alexa, play everyone who played me.

I throw a lock of my hair behind my shoulders as I walk past the basic blondies, I couldn't help but feel like a unicorn in a herd of donkeys, they can kiss ma ass. I intentionally sway my hips and walk with utter confidence like an angel walking in between peasants and low life humans.

My wings slap everyone who walks past me and they swiftly turn around to stare my booty with heart eyes. They get possessed by my shimmers and glimmers as they fall unconscious to my heavenly beauty. I mentally reject every guy who passes me a look or flirtatious smirk. Not you. Nope. Ewww. One star. 

I am so confident right now that I can walk on water.

Suddenly the angel in me screams in horror as she sees a pitch black car with a devil's trident parked right in front of her. The halo falls off and my wings get vapored in the air as I see the malicious Devil of the Evil Land standing casually in front of me with his possessed goats. 

Ryan looks fresh from the hell as he leans on his car in his black shirt and ripped denim. His dark brown hair roughly falls on his eyes as he nonchalantly types on his phone. Though he appears decent and virgin, I can see his invisible horns and that sinful pointed tail coming out from his evil butt.

Suddenly Ryan casually looks up from his phone, his head slowly turns towards the direction where the crowd is gawking at. And in a micro-mili second, our eyes collide with an intense fierce fusillade.

In that moment I knew, the 'L' in my luck is replaced with a... Fuck!


Every angel deserves a devil! 😈

Honestly, I love reading ya all comments and votes. It motivates me to write and upload fast <3

Don't forget to vote on other chapters also if you forgot. Next chapter in on the way ;)

Shoutout of these amazing readers for showering with votes❤️
sweetlanabae , smokeinalleys , CherylMosquera0 , DipanjanRoy0 , Gboyinde0208 

And to ❤️  24_tobi , adella_bae , gaitsuanita , MaryNduku4 , EniolaGold8 , 

Here is a meme



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