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Cover by SarcasticWife thanks for the cover

Standing in the bathroom I look at the pregnancy test on the counter and there are two pink lines on it and it's telling me as clear as day that I'm pregnant with my husband's child. Tears spring to my eyes as I realise that this child isn't going to fix the problems that I have with Theodore it will probably make him hate me even more and that's something I don't want to deal with in my life. There's a knock on the front door and I leave the bathroom to answer it.

A woman in a pencil skirt, white shirt and black jacket stands at the door. She pulls out an envelope and she says. "You've been served."

Taking the manila envelope from her. I don't say anything and kick the door shut and walk into the living room, of the house I share with Theodore. Opening the envelope I see divorce papers drawn up by him. I flick through the papers and see that Theodore has already signed them. Picking up a pen I sign it as well and leave it on the kitchen counter.

I'm leaving this afternoon. I don't want to be here when he finishes work.

Heading up to our room I pack a suitcase with the things that I brought when I moved in. I pull a picture off the wall of our wedding day and put it in the suitcase. I move to the bathroom and put the pregnancy test and box in my bag. I zip it up. Pulling the bag off the bed I set the handle up and walk out of the room. As I leave the house I pull the engagement ring and wedding band off my ring finger and I place it on the table with the divorce papers.

I write a letter to Theodore and place it on top of the manila envelope.

Dear Theodore,
                        I hope you're happy with the choice that you made of divorcing me. I told you from the beginning that I wasn't with you for your money and that is still true now. When you read this you'll know that I'm gone and I won't be coming back.

Have a good life.

Yours truly,

- Harlow.

Ps. Give the rings to someone worthy of your heart and not the thing between your legs.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket I call a taxi. I walk out the front door and wait for the car by the road.

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