10 - A Little Wager

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Pleaease go read my book

Incraved with his fucking mark
On my other account The_Writing_Machine it only takes you 2 seconds to follow her and read the book later.

Y/N pov

Rolling my eyes I just went with it. Better then being cramped here all day. So i followed him down the halls. Untill i saw it. We were heading towards a training centre.

I gaspped as we enterd the massive room. There were targets, punching bags and rings. Areas that you could climb and do a fitness course, and so much more.

But what amzed me the most caused me to walk over to them. A whole wall full of weapons.

I stared in amazement. Layers over  layers were stacked. They were all fantastic  quality and just plain beautiful. There was: Macees, Crossbows, swords, Flails, Halberds, spears, Battle axes, Caltrops and the most beautiful bows and arrows ive ever encountere.  I walked closer exsaming them more.
"I brought you here because i was thinking we could have a little wager" he annouced.

The two things i love. Weapons and bets. Oh this is perfect.

I slightly turning  head so from the corner of my eye i could see him, smirking.

I had picked up a bow and I was feeling the heavy duty of it. Good quality but actrully not that heavy. Isnt that ironic?

"Im listening" i stated as a sign that he can continue.

"I was thinking of a dule" his smirk seemed to grow. "But to make it a bit more special. I was thinking we could have a little bet..?"

I honestly couldn't help but allow the smirk that tugged at my lip.

I remeberd how when i snuck out into town id go down the dark alley ways. Id follow my friends down there and we all do some bets with other gangs. People always betterd large on me when they first met me as i was a girl amd gonna loose. Well that's what they thought. I never lost once and would give all my earned mouney to my friends as they were pore and to kids and others who begged  for food. I loved hangong with them. They didnt know that i was a princess. They didnt treat me like a princess they just treated me like a fellow dude in there squad even tho they new i was a girl.

"Ok" i spoke, covering my tone witg pure innocence just like i did the nights in the alley ways. "If i win you let me go forever, creat a allience with my village but not in a marrage way and never bother us again."



I eyes him. He didnt look like he was joking. Was he gonna go back on his word or something?

"I never go back on my word"

"Ok thats a plain out lye" i rolled my eyes.

"I promice I'll let you go if bye some miracle you can beat me"

That was it! He was like the men in the alley way. 'A girl cant fight' type of guy. Well F him.

"Now if i win" zane spoke. "You got to kiss me and act like you wanna be here in front of my mother.

"Im not gonna bother say you have to be obiedent because  i know you wont. But you also have to go out with me tonight, because my mum will probbally sugest that once you say you do want to be here."

Wow he bassically going through this so his mum isnt on his back,  W   O    W.   Wow

"Wait one more thing" i quickly said "where both aloud to choose any weapon we want and i need new clothes. I dont fight in dresses." I stated making sure he couldn't trick me any way possible.

"Ok, go through there and get anything you want then come out and choose your wepons."

I put the bow back. And walked of. This was gonna be fun

I walked through some curtains and saw racks of clothes. Yes there was a girl section and boy section but the boy section was 3× bigger.

Sighing i walked over to the girl section and esaamined it.

I grabbed a F/C crop top  tank top thing and some long black ripped jeans. Also some black combat boots that reminded me of my old ones.

I picked up the hoody i saw. It didnt have an actrully 'hoody' but it had a neck peice that coverd the top half of you face, simular to some of zanes. I through it on the ground under the racks of clothes. Maybe ill grab it before we leave. It looked cool as it was dark F/C and had a weird oh'kasis symbol that was white and
S/F/C on the top left side. It was kinda weird but cool.

I flipped my head forward and grabbed my hair, putting it into a high pony tail. And changing into these clothes.

Once i was ready i walked out. I glanced at zane who was staring at me. He had not moved. I guess he will just use his normal sword. He wasnt even trying to hide the fact that he was checking me out. Seriously?!??!

I ignored him and turned around. I picked up the bow that I was looking at before. Also grabbed a bunch of arows and put em over my sholder. They were all tipped with some diffrent colour. I didnt really know what they did but still. Then a grabbed a medium sized iron sword and place it where i placed my arrows. I grabbed my bow and pulled out an arrow tipped with light blue.

"Ok, when your ready" i stated smugly. Inhaling.

He drew his black sword. "Those pants make you butt look good"


"what the fuck" i said almosr instantly

"Im just saying" he shrugged as if it was no big deal that he was obviously checking out my butt.

My face had already gone a crimson pink but i shook my head. "LLLets just do this" i saved myself from studdering by dragging out the letter 'L' instead.

"Go ahead"

I placed the arow along the bow and drew it back. It slipped through my fingers instantly and head straight for his heart. Ok maybe i went a bit over bored. But then it exsploed and i heard a slash. A net was cut in half  laying on either side of zane. Fuck it was a net arrow.

"Carful houney, you tryin to kill me?" He smirked.

Well yea. I am.

I pulled out another 2 arrows 1 tipped with red. Fire for sure.
The other grey.

They were positioned correctly. This was one of my signitrue moves. I had held the bow a bit diagnal. And just before the arrows slipped through my fingers i seperated them to diffrent angles. If it did hit him it would of sliced his sides, leaving an opening for me to attack with my sword but instead he simply dogded them.

As if he could see things that moved at the speed of light!

They ended up hiting two targets, both in the centre.

Even when Y/N doesn't suceed he does!

The fire tip did a litt poof, the target was fully burnt. the other one turned it grey and i watched in amazement  as it turned it to stone.

"Ok im bored" zane stated. "Lets quit the play and get into this"

I rolled my eyes but did drop the arrows and bow pulling out my sword.

Our sword clashed but he easily pushed me back. I stumbled a bit but slashed at his right arm. He blocked it. I growled.

I stepped to the right hoping becaus of the preasure of his block he would  fall but alast he did not. He slashed  at me straight on.

Normally thats a noob mistake beacuse there are various moves that can counter that. But when i blocked it i trip. His foot was begind me.

What a Scum! He played like he was a noob using his streangh against me.

"Scum bag! You cant do that"

"Im sorry didnt know you were a sore looser." Sarcasim laced his voice.

"No! Double or nothing!"

He laughed. "I would really but i dont think i need anything elles from you."

"Wait no! Um....." i despratly  tried to think of something he needed. I couldnt say  id be 'obedient' as he called it because he new that would never happen.

"Deal with it, love"

"No... nononono wait. If we do double or nothing. If you win not only will i kiss you and put on a show for your mum" i rolled my eyes "ill put on the show for everyone elles aswell"

He thought for a moment.

"Oh and!" I continued. "If i win scratch eveything about me leaving just never touch my village again and stop with the nicknames"

At this point i new i couldn't beat him. I couldnt win my freedom. I though he was thinking less if me but hnoestly i was being too confident. This is fucking zane Ro'meave I despretly didnt want to fake a show. I didnt want to kiss him though.

But after he complined and said deal i instantly regrettedd it.

We ran at each other again and swords clashed iron sparks flew. I was in a foward stance now as my sword was trying to hold off zanes sword that was clashing down towards my  head. I felt my arms getting weaker. I probbaly couldn't hold this of for longer.


Continue to try and put of his strength

Dive out of the way and hope to not get nocked to the ground  on the way

Try and distract him so you can jump to the bow on the floor.

That was not editored :/ sorry

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