7 - My Blood

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Edit: this chapter contains slight abuse (torturing)

Y/N pov

I had to move. I wold  freeze to death if i did not. Sighing with grief i slolwy shuffled to behind him. I didnt touch him but just  tried to get some of his body heat.

Zane put the reigns on a piece of wood infront of him. We were on a plain felid so im guessing the horses would just go straight.

Streaching, he then wrapped his arm around me pulling me next to him. I shiverd feeling is breath on me.

"You afraid that I bite, hun?"  he whisperd deadly into my ear. I felt more goosbumbs form on me but not because of the cold.

Then suddenly he nipped my ear. From my slouched let-me-get-away-from-you position i was inedetley sitting up right. 

And he laughed. Just fucking laughed. A dark cold laugh.

My jumpyness automatically turned to annoyingness. I got up ignore the painfully cold breeze. And jumpped onto the roof of the carriage. I was sick of these games. Not suprusingly he stood up aswell looking on the roof, where  i layed.

"Y/N"  he spoke my name is a waring tone.

" im saying up here" i fied back like a 3 year old girl.

He sighed annoyed. "Get down from there" zane sat back down assumingly returning to the horses.

I hated him. With all my heart. He killed the one person i loved most. I was going to escape.
Ive had my fare share of talking and games with him. But ive snapped. I was over being calm. I was over somehow not being frightened. Like I was as a kid.  I was gonna leave. Finally gonna run. best be convincing about this.

"Can i stay up here" i muted.

If i wanted to run i better do it just as we enter the outskirts of the forest.


Blunt much.

"Please....." i asked again. " Im not an idiot Y/N you will jump of and leave. Then ill have to hunt you down again. Then you would wish you were dead beacause i will fucking make you pay for making my life harder."


"I wont leave i-"
"Get down here now."

I needed to run, I had to run. So with out thinking through my plan propperly i was done. Done with it all. I dont want to see my dad. I dont want to marry zane. I was done.

"Fine" i stated loud and clear. Then in a instant i jumped down.

Sprinting. And not looking back. Straight through the feild untill i reeched the last forest. Then i stopped. Inhaled and looked behind me. He wasn't there. The carraige sat still, but he wasent behind me. Feeling as if i was in a horror film i started turning in a circle.

Before you could say fuck my life.  I was on the ground. Black sword to neck. My eyes were closed because i already new what came next.

⚠⚠Warning  a bit of gore below,  ⚠⚠⚠⚠ you sorta have to read it tho.

"Didnt think you were that stupid" Zane spat.

He wasn't gonna kill me. He didn't all those times before. But i new he would do something. Then i felt it. Opening my eyes slightly. To only see his face. His angry cracking - ice looking blue eye shimmerd in the moonlight. He was holding a small throwing nife. He placed the cold blade on my soft skin and started tracing my features. My breaths were slow and low. I didnt dare  move as he had his sword still agaist my neck.

His hand quickly slashed leaving a gash on my left cheek. So much for Zoey healing all my cuts. I felt the blodd drip on my face. Biting my. Feeling as my old habit was returning.

But i kept my eyes open. I stared him  into his eye.

"Don't try to stand tall" he said bring the nife away from my face. He grabbed my arm and even though i struggled agaist it he pinned the one arm above my head. Slicing the throwing nife to the side of that oh so important vein. I felt the pain and the sting but i bit my lip more. Refusing to scream for mercy. My breathing had quickened and all i could feel was pain. The cold breeze made it 20× worse. But it was bearabel. The blood dripping down my arm was berable.

"Now" he said, laying the nife on my lip. So i couldn't bit it any more. My own blood dripped  on them. "Are you gonna behave?" Slicing my lip and a bit of my chin. Making a small yet wide gash.

I didn't dare move. "I said, are you gonna behave?" He asked more firmly now.

I didn't answer him. I wouldn't back down. Foolish as it sounded. I couldn't back down. Seperating my legs with his knees. He put away his sword. His right hand held my arm above my head as his left hand was with the throwing nife near my thigh.  His eyes still stared into mine.

The tip of the blood stained metal was touching my extremely upper  inner thigh now. Yes, i wore long thin pants but that would be no use.

Smirking. He slowly cut the fabric of the pants carful not to cut me.

Scared of all the things he could do to me i craved. All i though about was stab woons and sxutral abuse.  The pain in my arm was the worst but i couldn't bite my lip anymore. So i fucking craved.

"Fine, you win! You win" i pleeded quietly.

Angry with myself now as i didnt even last 10 minutes.

He smirked. Before yanking me up with him.

He was not carful with my cut as he yanked my arms behind my back.  Pushing me towards the carriage. He reached into the back of it and pulled out some rope. Irene knows why he carries that around.

Yanking my hands more tight in the most uncomfortable possible position he tightly tied my hands together. He picked me in a bridle style position and placed me on the front of the carriage. I fucking felt like a kidnapped princess.

Jumping on it himself we continue  to ride in scilence. As the sun rose.





2 chapters in 1 day yes!
Sorry if it wasn't what u wanted

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