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Jungkook's eyes followed Park Jimin as the class president walked down the hallway calmly. Ever since Jimin had told him to back off, the two hadn't spoken, but Jungkook had been keeping a close eye on him.

There was nothing he could do when Jimin was in class because they weren't even in the same year, but he slowly noticed little ticks Jimin had been picking up. For example he clenched his fist really hard, but only on his left hand, and scratched his body a lot when he was uncomfortable.

Jimin he had never even heard of just a week before had now become a huge part of his school life. Jungkook noticed him wherever he was, and stared at him so much even his friends had started to notice.

"So kookie are we going to talk about your crush on class pres'?" One of them teased.

"Maybe later." Jungkook said as he stood up, following after Jimin discreetly.

Jimin was acting weird. His arms were limply falling to his sides, and wasn't exercising any of his ticks, wasn't clenching his fist, not biting his lip or scratching his skin, nothing. He seemed too calm, too serene especially when Mr Kang was still in the school.

Of course Jungkook could have been wrong, but when Jimin walked up the stairs to the roof, that's when he felt like his intuition had been correct.

He had been keeping his distance for Jimin not to notice him, but as soon as he turned that corner Jungkook quickened his steps. He opened the door to the roof, eyes widening as he saw Park Jimin stand over the railing.

Cold dread washed over him, and he ran fast, faster than he had ever ran and latched his arms around Jimin's waist, pulling him away from his death as hard as he could, both of them falling back harshly.

Jungkook's heart was beating so fast he felt like it would burst out of his ribcage, holding the other student close without even minding the weight of his body on his.

"There's no fucking way I'm letting you die because fo something that wasn't your fault." He yelled, making Jimin's eyes widen. "I'm not fucking standing on the sidleines again!"

Jimin wanted to protest, but hearing Jungkook's choked sobs behind him stopped him. For the first time since his assault, Jimin let someone hold him close without getting the urge to shower.

"I'm tired, Jungkook." He said, looking down at the younger's hands who was holding his uniform close. "Let me go."

"No." Jungkook said, his arms tightening around Jimin's waist.

And it made Jimin feel warm, not only physically from being so close to someone else, but emotionally. He hadn't realised him not being there would truly impact someone else's life, but having Jungkook, a younger schoolmate he knew barely anything about, holding him so tightly and crying on his shoulder made him feel validated.


Yoongi cursed, biting on his lip as he paced into the hospital. He wasn't supposed to kill Mr Kang so early, he had initially planned to do it in the middle of his class, the one he gave a few students that were behind in his chemistry class.

Now Min Yoongi was never one to lose his cool, but seeing him touch a student in the viewfinder had made him press the trigger too soon.  It didn't help that the student in question was none other than the deep voiced guitarist he had seen on the plaza.

He was worried, very worried, because he knew that bullet had been way too close to the student's head. If he had injured the student instead of his teacher he would never forgive himself.

His guitar case was still on his shoulder and eyes still bare under his sunglasses when he finally made it to the ER. Of course this was an insanely studid thing to do. If anyone asked him either about his guitar or sunglasses, he was pretty much done for. Best case scenario he would be jailed about carrying a weapon illegally, worst case scenario they would lock him up in a lab for testing on his eyes.

The mere thought of the latter made his skin crawl.

He tried to calm his pace down, looking more attentively at the patience in hope of recognising the singer, but none of the faces seemed familiar.

Suddenly his blood ran cold as a man's eyes fixed on him.

That was definitely the detective in charge of his case, no doubt about it, Yoongi watched every single report he spoke on tv. To make matters worse, he was carrying his guitar case that Detective Kim had expressed his suspicions about. He no longer looked like a simple musician now, he looked like a suspect.

Especially with the way he was dressed, in loose fitting, black clothing. There possibly couldn't have been a worse time for him to run into the police.

His heart hammered in his chest, praying to all the gods above that the detective hadn't noticed him as he walked by.

"Excuse me?" A voice asked, and Yoongi cursed, mind going at hyper speed to figure out an escape plan.

He turned around, meeting the eyes of the detective from behind his glasses. The man was right in front of him, his badge pinned to the side of his black blazer. Rather fit for a man his age, though the wrinkles around his almond eyes, his salt and pepper hair and the slight stubble under his chin gave it away. Never in his life would Yoongi have expected him to get this close to him.

"Yes?" He asked, pushing the glasses further up his eyes nervously.

"Is that a fashion statement." The detective joked as he pointed at her glasses, probably having noticed the nervous tick.

"Excuse me?" Yoongi asked, completely stunned. He sure as hell did not expect the Detective in charge of his case to joke around with such a friendly smile.

"Your glasses." The man specified.

"Oh" Yoongi laughed awkwardly. "I have a condition, I can't be exposed to too much light."

"Ah, I see." The man laughed just as awkwardly, probably realising he was out of line. "Anyways, do you know where I can find a vending machine? My son wanted a snack."

"Uhm no sorry." Yoongi said politely, adrenaline levels finally steadying as the man walked away.

Eager to get the hell out and not cross paths with the detective again, Yoongi resumed his search. He finally spotted the high schooler, who was sitting upright, looking down at his phone. There was a slightly bloody gauze on his ear, but other than that he seemed fine.

Yoongi let out a relieved sigh, shoulder slumping slightly as he looked down. He ran a hand through his hair before gazing back at the student, trying to convince himself it was to make sure he was alright and not jsut to stare at his handsome features.

His heart tightened slightly as his eyes met the ones of the student. As soon as Taehyung saw him, his eyes widened.

"Hyung!" He beamed, recognising him instantly and raising his hand to wave at him.

But Yoongi panicked, and quickly dashed away.


almost forgot to update today,
that would have been tragic...

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