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"How do you know my name?"

Each muscle in Yoongi's body flexed, lungs completely crushed as he looked at the high school boy, sitting right there, on the tatami of his workplace. If Jimin were to figure him out, the police would have no trouble tracing back to him through Hoseok. Taehyung would probably be questioned as well, and there was no way he would lie to his father.

Park Jimin looked like he had nothing to lose when he contacted him, Yoongi was surprised he was even alive. If he were to be found out by him, Yoongi had no doubt in his mind that he would denounce him, even if it meant he would go to an underage detention centre.

Min Yoongi however, was guilty for the murder of almost 50 people, making him the most wanted criminal in Seoul, if not all of South Korea. His chase was one the most mediatised in the history of his country, and he had lit the fire for a new debate in Korea.

Could we judge the value of a life based on a person's actions?

He smiled reassuringly, under the burning gaze of both Jimin and Jungkook, Taehyung looking worriedly between all of them.

"Your name tag," he said nonchalantly, as if he hadn't been seconds away from a heart attack.

Jimin looked down to his uniform blazer slowly, eyes locking on the small pin clipped to the fabric, with his name printed on it. The tension that had fallen over them slowly rose away, and Jungkook finally looked away from him, laughing nervously to disperse the awkwardness. Taehyung let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Jimin-ah,"Jungkook joked. "Just take the bun and move on geez."

And with that, he took the treat from Yoongi's hands and handed it to Jimin.

"Thanks hyung," he said.

Yoongi smiled at the group, slipping his hands in the front pocket of his apron to hide his jitters, feigning innocence as Jimin still stared at him intently. After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, Yoongi walked away with a friendly wave and a forced smile.

"Taehyung," Jimin called as soon as Yoongi was out of ear range. "How do you know that guy?"

His eyes had never left the caregiver, eyes still locked on his figure as he walked towards Hoseok and the rest of the group, catching a kid who had been running to him under his arm and bringing him back to the others.

"Yoongi-hyung? We met here. I told you my siblings come here right?"

Jimin nodded hesitantly, slowly looking back to the assignment. He had been so on edge in the past few days, he had to calm down.

"We're leaving now," Jungkook chirped as Jimin tied his shoelaces behind him.

Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi were standing at the doorframe of the main room, Taesong wrapped around Yoongi's leg as Hoseok held one of the younger toddlers in his arms, patting his back gently.

"Take care kids," Yoongi said warmly, waving them goodbye as they left.

Both Taheyung and Hoseok turned to him with questioning looks, utterly baffled at his soft smile and caring eyes. Min Yoongi, as far as they knew, had never been one for affection. He was rather reserved, and even getting him to smile was a challenge. He was constantly tired, as if the weight of the universe constantly rested on his shoulders.

As soon as the door closed again, with both Jungkook and Jimin out of his view, his eyes reverted back to their usual bored look, shoulder slumping as well. Yoongi had completely filled his human interaction level, and wanted nothing more than an empty room and silence.

"Jesus Chirst Taehyung, don't you dare ever bring your friends here again," he said, dragging his feet back into the room painfully, Taesong still latched onto his leg.

Other children started swarming, now awake from the nap they had taken whilst the high schooler's worked on their assignments, their little energy tanks up the roof as they ran around the daycare and chirped at Yoongi loudly.

"Why were you being so nice? I thought you were sick, had me worried," Hoseok joked, sitting next to him.

"Tell me about it," Taehyung laughed. "Your eyes were dripping with honey, did Jimin swoon you or what?"

"Shut up," Yoongi sighed, letting his body fall flat against the tatamis. "That kid's from your class right? He seems pretty shaken."

"About what?" Hoseok asked, settling down next to the elder.

"Christ Hoseok do you not watch the news, SUGA attacked their class, they shot Taehyung right in the ear, see?" He answered, rolling over on his back and pointing at Taehyung's bandage.

"Shit for real?" Hoseok looked at Taehyung worriedly, eyes following his figure as he sat down, before they clouded completely. "Wait why did you get targeted by SUGA Tae?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes. "Why does everyone think i'm a rapist now? He was aiming for my teacher, I just happen to be in the way."

"Damn are you okay?" He asked.

Taehyung grinned, leaning down to lay on Yoongi, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and rubbing his cheek against Yoongi's.

"Nah," he purred. "Yoongi's been so nice to me since I got out of the hospital, I've never been happier."

Hoseok chuckled as he looked at them, noticing how Yoongi was indeed not pushing Taehyung away, despite the younger crawling all over him. If he tried anything like that he would have his arm locked behind his back by now.

"You sure like Yoongi," he joked.

Taehyung nodded, turning his head to place a sloppy kiss on Yoongi's cheek. Now that was just going too far, Yoongi yelled a 'yah' in protest and pushed the high schooler off him, wiping his cheek dry. Taehyung kept laughing, Hoseok snickering at their little antics, which only made Yoongi more mad.

He tried to grab Taehyung's arm, probably to put him in an arm lock and make him promise to never do that ever again, but the younger sprung to his feet and ran away from him. Yoongi followed after him, scrambling up and chasing after him.

Hoseok looked with caring eyes as the two ran around the daycare under the amused eyes of the toddlers. He had never seen Yoongi put so much physical effort into anything.

He looked happy.


new chapter yay!

I'm really sorry for the long wait.
I hope you guys liked the chapter,

leaves looots comments if you did,
it really helps me stay motivated :))

Hope everyone is doing good and staying healthy

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