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"Yah! Jungkook-ah!" One of his friends called as she jogged up to him to wrap an arm around his shoulder.

But the boy wasn't listening. His eyes were trained across the hall, to a certain Senior who was carrying a bunch of books, probably on Class president duty.

"Noona," He said, leaning to his friend but keeping his eyes on Jimin. "Who's the homeroom teacher of class 3-E"

She senior hummed.

"Pretty sure it's Mr Kang." She said, just as Jimin reached the teacher's office, looking up at the tag on top of the door with clearly worried eyes. "Why?"

Jungkook pushed her hand away and started speed walking without even thinking. Just before the older could open the door, he took half of the pile of books and smiled.

"Ehm..." Jimin looked up hesitantly, smiling awkwardly. "Do I know you?"

"Ah..." Jungkook laughed nervously. "I just saw you holding these books and they looked heavy." He said, pushing the door to the side and walking inside.

The room was pretty much empty,with the lunch break teacher's usually took the opportunity to drive outside of the school for a meal, except for a certain chemistry teacher who was sitting at his desk.

Jungkook couldn't help but glare at him as he felt the student next to him tense.

"Ah, Jimin." The teacher said, a warm smile on his lips as he turned his office chair to see them. "And Jeon Jungkook I believe your name is?"

Jimin stayed silent as the second year nodded, simply placing the books on the teacher's table and immediately taking a large step back. Jungkook noticed this and shifted to the side slightly, shielding the slightly shorter student behind him.

"Wah." Mr Kang said, a joking tone in his voice. "You have really sharp eyes Jungkook-ah, if I didn't know any better I'd scold you for glaring at me."

Jimin looked up to him nervously, wondering where the evident tension between the two was coming from, but Jungkook forced a smile, disperse the gloomy mood slightly.

"Ah sorry," He said, looking down. "I get that a lot."

Mr Kang nodded with another disgusting smile, taking a hold of the pile of textbooks Jungkook had been gripping tightly. Although he probably hadn't meant it, Mr Kang brushed his hands against Jungkook's, and it almost made him gag.

Fucking cockroach. Jungkook thought.

"Well, thanks kids. You can go back to lunch then." He said gently, waving at them with a warm smile.

Both Jimin and Jungkook bowed before walking outside the stuffy room.

As soon as Jungkook closed the door, Jimin's legs gave in and he almost collapsed. Jungkook reached to help him, but a violent jolt coursed through his small frame as his hand touched him. Jungkook swallowed thickly, refraining from touching Jimin but still keeping his hand close in case he needed it.

He looked at Jungkook's hand, but held onto the wall instead.

"Sunbae-nim." Jungkook called. "Can we talk?"

Jimin looked at him, before nodding softly, both of them walking to an empty staircase. Although Jungkook usually walked briskly with long strides, he matched his pace to Jimin's wobbly steps instead.

"I'm... I'm really sorry." Jungkook said once both of them were seated. "I-If I had walked a little faster to the class, and if I had knocked on the door and insisted, maybe i could have-"

"Jungkook-ssi." Jimin laughed nervously, as dread filled him. "What are you talking about?"

Jungkook looked at him with sheer guilt painted in his eyes.

"I know." He whispered. "What Mr Kang did to you."

Jimin's eyes widened, his entire world crashing. Jungkook knew, they knew, everyone probably knew by now. He looked around the hallway, feeling like everyone who was in his line of sight had heard and was now looking at him weirdly.

"I didn't tell anyone!" Jungkook assured. "I was supposed to come get the coach's notebook for the taekwondo club, but the door was locked. I waited outside the class because I thought some seniors were hooking up and wanted to know who, but then i saw Mr Kang walk out and went to check it out."

Jimin didn't say anything, simply digging his thumbnail into the palm of his hand again, picking at the wound that was already starting to form there from the tick. That's why Jungkook, one of the insider's of the school, had talked to him. Not because the books actually seemed heavy, but to pity him.

"Are you..." Jimin's small voice ushered. "Are you trying to get your way with me too?"

Jungkook's eyes widened.

"No! Oh my god no!" He protested, feeling increasingly distressed at how uncomfortable Jimin seemed. "No, I just- I wanted to apologize. I'm really sorry i didn't do anything. I- i was really shocked, i didn't know what to do and I-"

Jimin cut him short with a soft whisper. "Does anyone else know?"

"No, but Jimin you should say something, contact the police or SUGA, anyone! But don't st-"

"Please, don't talk to me anymore." Jimin said painfully before rushing away.

It was only when he left that Jungkook realised Jimin had been looking down the whole time. In their entire conversation, their eyes hadn't met once.


Jimin breathed heavily as he paced in his room, running his hand through his hair.

"I've seen how you look at me Jimin-ah, you've really been asking for it."

"Well, not like anyone would care anyway, you're just some gay teen whose been having fantasies about his teacher, try telling them that."

"Fuck Jimin, you were cute from afar but you're even better like this."

He hit his own ears, trying to silence the memories. It was like he could still feel his lips right next to his ear and his warm breath tickling the skin of his neck.

They know, I'm sure everyone knows. He thought, picking at the cut in the palm of his hand nervously.

He looked at his phone on the nightstand and sighed.

Fuck this.


double update today!

You can thank @mehman00 bc that's what they asked as a prise for recognising the idol (:

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