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The eyes of the singer immediately lit up, and he speed walked towards a very confused Yoongi. Did the boy know him or something? Why did he seem so excited to see him?

"Are you a guitarist too?" He asked, voice louder than necessary.

Yoongi knew instantly that he didn't want to withhold a conversation with him. He had a pretty voice and was beautiful to watch when singing, but attracted attention too much.

"Yeah, I started yesterday." He lied smoothly.

"Really?!" Taehyung beamed. "Your guitar must be brand new then, can I see it?"

Yoongi snapped his hand, that had somehow been wrapped into the boy's warmly, back to his side.

"Ehm... I don't know." Maybe if he seemed uncomfortable the boy wouldn't push it.

"Ah sorry!" The boy said, finally taking a step back. "I should introduce myself first. I'm Kim Taehyung, and you?"

"Sang Kisong." He answered with a carefully crafted smile.

"How old are you Sang Kisong-ssi?" Taehyung asked.


"Wow! You're a hyung then. I'm 18." Taehyung smiled another toothy smile.

Just when Yoongi thought he would smoothly walk away from the scene, the younger's eyes shifted to his guitar case again.

"Can I see your guitar now?" He asked.

"No, my teacher told me not to take it out of the case." He said, slowly inching away from his interlocutor.

"Aww please?" Taehyung whined as he started following him.

"No." Yoongi said, starting to quicken his pace.

"Come on!" Taehyung insisted, taking hold of Yoongi's hand again.

Yoongi sighed. There was only one way he could get this annoying teenager to stop following him around. He had given a fake name, no one would trace anything back to him. He was a highschooler anyway, no one would believe him.

He turned around, wrapping a pale hand around Taehyung's tie and pulled him closer. His other hand rose to his glasses and pushed them down slightly, revealing his eyes.

Taehyung's eyes widened instantly.

Bright, golden eyes were staring at him, swirls of glitter pooling them. Two slits tightened as soon as the glasses went down, thinning from the amount of light pouring in them.

"Get lost." Yoongi rasped, voice no longer quiet and hesitant but sharp and clear.

His bright eyes seemed to pour into Taehyung's dark ones, everything around them a complete blur as rays of sunshine made the valleys in his pupils even more visible. Taehyung had never seen anything like it, but before he could completely grasp the beauty of them, the eyes were hidden behind the black sunglasses again.

The mysterious man walked away briskly, turning the first corner. As soon he was out of sight, Taehyung seemed to snap back to reality, his limbs unfreezing as he took in a large gulp of air.

"Wait!" He yelled, legs dashing towards the corner the stranger had turned.

His heart was hammering against his chest as he ran and ran, desperately trying to find the man amongst the crowd, but none of them were the mysterious guitarist with golden eyes.


"I'm home." The high schooler yelled into his home as he kicked his shoes off and waddled into his house slippers.

"Oppa!" A shrill yell came from further into the house, the patter of feet getting closer before two young girls rushed to greet him with large smiles and big hugs.

"Hey there brats, how were your days?" He asked, taking both his school bag and guitar case further into the small apartment and placing them into his room before closing it and following the two girls back to the open kitchen and living area.

"-and then we went on a walk with the dogs form the refuge with the daycare oppas and noonas and, and, and, they were really cute." Taehyung's youngest sister, Taesong said in her high pitched voice as she pulled him to sit on the living room floor, at the short table they ate their meals at.

"Really? Did you get to pet them?" Taehyung asked gently with his everlasting smile, leaning onto the couch behind him.

Taesong nodded enthusiastically.

"And then Taehwa and Taeyun came to pick me up and we all walked back home hand in hand!" She ginned proudly.

"Taehwa agreed to that?" Taehyung asked with surprised eyes as he looked over his shoulder to his younger brother who was playing video games with his large headphones on.

He looked at Taehyun, his eight year old sister for confirmation about what Taesong was just saying, but she only nodded.

"Wah!" Taehyung said. "Lucky you, he doesn't even say hi to me when I'm home." He pouted.

"Alright kids." Their mother said, having had enough of her children's loud banter.

She exited the kitchen with a large pot of kimchi stew, placing it on the table.

"Wash your hands, Taehyung, go get us some rice dear." She said, wiping her hands on her aprons before turning to her second child, Taehwa, and slapping his shoulder, scolding him about playing video games all day long.

Taehyung came back to the table to see all of his family members gathered around it, his father having just come home from work and setting his things down next to the door as his two daughters yelled excitedly.

"Alright, alright, calm down." His mother sighed, serving some rice into each of their bowls generously. "Let's eat before it's cold."

"Thanks for the food." Taehyung said with a smile.


Taegi finally met yay!

Thank you for all the support I'm getting already!
Next chapter up tomorrow (:

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