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Votes and comments are always highly appreciated :)

"Yah, turn the fucking alarm off Jesus Christ!" Taehwa, Taehyung's younger brother yelled from his bed across the room, throwing his pillow square into Taehyung's face.

Taehyung grumbled, rolling in his covers lazily and reaching for his phone, turning the cursed alarm off and allowing the two boys to rejoice in the short lived silence of their room in the morning.

"TAEHYUNG! TAEWHA! TAESONG! BREAKFAST IS READY!" Their mother yelled from the kitchen.

He groaned again, very much aware that he had a long day of school ahead of him, and wouldn't even be able to see Yoongi afterwards because he wasn't working at the day care.

Climbing down the ladder of his bed and rubbing his eyes, he quickly caught a glimpse of his reflection mirror that laid on the table crammed under his bunk. He chuckled at his messy bed hair and puffy eyes.

He wondered what Yoongi looked like when he woke up.

Taehyung picked up the uniform he had half hazardly thrown over his desk chair and got dressed, leaving the room after chucking Taewha's pillow right back into his face.

"Taehyung-Ah, good morning," his mother ushered gently as she placed a fried egg on top of his plate, his father pulling the chair for him.

Ever since the accident with SUGA, both of his parents had been even more affectionate towards him, much to his two siblings's jealousy, especially Taesong, who was used to receiving more attention as the youngest. He hadn't sustained any lasting injuries or serious mental trauma, expect for the permanent dent in his ear's cartilage and his new aversion to loud sounds too close to his ear.

He had also become especially reactive to the sight of blood, which immediately triggered memories of a person literally falling dead in front of him, but it wasn't enough to make Taehyung feel like he needed any professional help.

"Thanks mom," he smiled, quickly gulping the food in one bite before standing back to his feet, kissing both his parents goodbye and making his way to the door.

He shrugged his winter coat on, before smiling up at the thick yellow scarf that hung next to it.

His mind quickly drifted back to the boy who had rocked his world, had given him the will to be an active character in his own life as well as ingage with the ones around him instead of simply staying a spectator.

A melody quickly came to him, and he started humming it softly as he wrapped the scarf around his neck and took off, bookbag on one shoulder and guitar on the other.

The garment smelled of Yoongi, a soft mix of clean clothes and lavender.

On the bus, he took the music notebook that he always left in the pocket of his guitar case, quickly jotting down the melody that had been nagging him. His head was nodding slightly, pen tapping the paper in rhythm as he started scribbling the lyrics for a semblance of a chorus down.

As he stepped off he bus, he caught sight of Jungkook and Jimin walking side by side towards the school, and for what might have been the first time of his life, he was curious of their conversations.

He didn't want to imagine what their lives where like, didn't want to write lyrics into their mouths. He wanted to know them as people, as entities with lives just as complex as his own.

The feeling was exilerating, sparking the same kind of excitement that coursed through his veins when he gazed into Yoongi's golden eyes.

"Hey friends!" He said as he hooked and arm around each of their shoulders.

"Hey Tae," Jungkook chirped, mirroring his enthusiasm as the two grinned at each other.

Jimin seemed a lot less bright than his friends, as he usual did, simply nodding off with a soft smile and shrugging Taehyung's arm off his shoulder subtly.

"You seem even more energetic than usual," Jungkook said.

"Mhm! Look at the scarf Yoongi-hyung gave me, isn't it cute?" Taehyung said, posing cutely with a finger poking his cheek.

Jimin couldn't help the soft giggle that left his lips. The two had been classmates for half a year and yet he had never seen Taehyung's eyes shine so bright.

They had hardly spoken to each other before the assignment that Mr Kang's replacement, Mr Kim Seokjin, has given them, but as far as he had known, Taehyung was just an insanely musically talented kid who spaced out constantly and did just enough not to fail in his studies.

As he looked up at the two boys walking into the school on either side of him, Jungkook teasing Taehyung about his obvious soft spot and Taehyung going along with it jokingly, the two of them smiling widely, he wondered what he had done to deserve having such people to call friends.

Growing up rather shy, forming close bonds with people had always been hard, especially when he was studying so hard to keep up his perfect GPA.

Yet these two had instantly accepted him, forcing him almost into a friendship he didn't need to do anything but be himself to entertain.

Although he would never have the courage to say it, he was grateful for them.

"I'm going that way," Jungkook said as he nodded towards the second year's hallway.

"Bye Jungkookie," Taehyung cheered with a wave of his hand.

Jungkook chuckled, waving back before he turned to Jimin to shuffle his hair gently and walking away.

"Come on Jimin, let go," Taehyung said, taking a hold of the sleeve of Jimin's blazer and guiding him toward the third year's hall.

The morning classes went by in a blur, and suddenly it was time for their ten minute break before the next block.

Jungkook had come rushing into their class, as he now had custom to do, with a handful of snacks for the three of them.

"Taehyung?" Jimin asked softly, opening the chocolate bread Jungkook had given him.

"Mhm?" Taehyung hummed, having à dragged a chair to sit on his side.

"Do you like Min Yoongi?" He asked.

"Oh Yoongi-hyung?" Taehyung chuckled. "Yeah of course I do."

That startled Jimin, quickly looking over to Jungkook to gauge his reaction. He didn't seem phased at all, way too focused on his own snack to care much about there revelations.

"I mean, romantically," Jimin then added.

"Yeah, romantically. I'm head over heals for him, why?" Taehyung answered.

Jimin couldn't believe his ears, looking up to him with surprised and impressed eyes.

"So you're uhm, gay?" He asked, lowering his voice.

"Mhm, I am."

Jimin nodded, letting out a shaky breath before taking one of his notebooks out and quickly jotting down some words.

He then slid the notebook over to Taehyung, quickly glancing around the room to make sure no one was paying too much attention to their conversation.

A lot of them were in fact, probably because of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung, the somewhat heart throbs of the school sitting right there, for all eyes to admire.

Taehyung chuckled as he read over the words.

"Mhm, congrats." He said.

Jimin smiled softly, a small weight lifting off his chest, looking down at the words again as Taehyung slid the notebook back to him.

'Me too.' He had scribbled.

The feeling of warmth did not last long, and as he quickly erased the words for no one else to see.

And the weight was back, pressing against his lungs.


oh my god I haven't updated this fic in like three months

I am sooo sorry!!

To be really honest I remember the last time I updated, there weren't that many reactions/ comments so I kinda felt like no one care about the story.

But then someone commented on my message board asking about HIS EYES so it motivated me to get back into it!!

Anyways, hope you liked this chapter and see ya in the next one :))

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