Chapter 14

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Surprise wala chappy. 😝😝


Away from the hustle and bustle of city,
Enveloping within the peaceful vibes of nature.
Avneil were enjoying their us time,
While sitting in the soothing place.
Winds were kissing their faces,
The shrubs were spreading their  mushy fragrance.
The tall plants hiding them from unwanted stares.

They were sitting in a meadow full of silence and nature's aura scribbling them with peaceful warmth that they both were offering each other.

Neil was sitting on a picnic mat with Avni's head on his lap. She was busy in reading her novel while he was caressing her hairs and feeling the fresh air that was blowing there.

Neil - Avni. ( softly )

Avni - Hmmm. ( still engrossed in her novel ).

Neil sighs while looking at her curiosity towards the fictional story. Here he wants to create a story of them and this girl is busy in reading other's story.

( No worry Neilu, I am there for writing your story 😜😜 )

Neil snatched her book while she pouts.

Avni - You know, the hero was about to propose his lady. Give me the book now, I want to read how will he propose her. ( scrunched her face )

Neil - No.

Avni got up from his lap and tried to take her book back but Neil didn't gave her.

Neil - If you want, I can plan a proposal so that you can enjoy that proposal scene which will be 100 times better than your so called romantic novel. ( huskily )

Avni gulps down a hard lump, her eyes widened at his statement while he smirked after seeing her condition.

Avni - I want my book. ( puppy face )

Neil held her waist and pulled her closer. Her hands were clutching his t-shirt while their bodies were pressing against each other.

Neil - Here, I am planning to write my own story and you want to read this story. ( whispers )

Avni's breathe hitched after listening his words, a crimson red coloured hue formed on her face making her resemble with a tomato. He smiles at her condition while she avoid any eye contact with him. He made her face him by lifting her chin through his index finger and whispered huskily making her feeling all those unusual sensations which resulted in closing of her eyes.

Neil - Did I tell you before that how much this blush suits you ? ( huskily )

Avni nods her head into no and a shy smile emerged on her lips due to Neil's intensified actions.

She immediately got up and started running in the meadow laughing her heart out. Neil on the other side was smiling foolishly after seeing her antics and started chasing her.

He caught hold of her after few minutes and snaked his arms around her waist, making her back collide with his chest, lifting her up by holding her hips and twirls her around while Avni chuckles and closes her eyes feeling the air and Ofcourse the snuggly that muffled up her waist courtesy his comfortable arms.

He made her stand on the ground and joins his forehead with hers.

Avni - Just few more days. ( whispers )

Neil opens his eyes after listening her words and made her face him. He held her hands and pulled her more closer to him. Wrapping his arms around her back and caressing her cheeks with another hand immersing her into the pool of emotions.

Avni - After that we both will go away from each other. ( slightly broken voice ) 

Neil - We won't go away Avni. Time will make us more stronger. ( whispers )

He leans towards her lips while she closed her eyes feeling his warm breathe.

Avni - Our closeness is not good Neil. ( she said with great difficulty )

Neil - Now I won't let you go away. Mark my words. ( whispers )

Their lips were an inch apart from each other.

Avni - But.....

Neil - Do words play any role between us ? ( whispers )

Avni was amazed, how this person understand her unspoken feelings.

Neil - Our hearts know what we feel for each other and words can't define those feelings. ( while leaning closer to her )

The time stopped, both shrugged away their thoughts and finished the gap between their lips. As soon as their lips met, their eyes closed and all they can feel was the soothing touch of each other's lips. His lips felt feathery against hers, as soft as petals, as warm as an embrace, as divine as a pray. Their lips melted within each other while no one was in the mood to dominate, everything was going into perfect sync. Devouring each other's taste, encrypting something within themselves. No one can understand their situation cos they were lost within each other, not caring about anything else. His hands never left her waist while her hands were busy in caressing his dense hairs. He trailed his hands from her waist towards her hairs and deepened the kiss, giving her several reasons to think how much he craves for her, how much he loves her, how much he wants her.

If the need of air wasn't a requirement for breathing then they wouldn't have stopped right there. Joined foreheads with eyes closed and trying to grasp some air. Looking cute in their dishevelled state with messy hairs and swollen lips. Finally they managed to open their eyes in order to face each other. He smiled after seeing her swollen lips and caressed them with his thumb pad, all she can do was closing her eyes due to immense pleasure.

Neil pecked her lips slightly and broke her trance.

Neil - I don't think there is any need to name this. ( smiles )

Avni just smiled at him and engulfed him into a tight hug while he hugs her back with full affection. She buried her face into the crook of his neck while he squeezed her within his warmth.

How time was skipping they weren't aware about the same. Both surrendered themselves to their dreams.

Ths weather was having some weird mood swings, it was warm yet cool. Sun was shinning bright but cool winds were blowing. Neil was lying on the mat with Avni being wrapped within his arms. Both were in deep slumber. After sometime, Neil woke up and found Avni sleeping peacefully while clinging to him like a baby with a cute pout adoring her face. He caressed her hairs tenderly while she groans indicating that her sleep will leave her very soon. After few minutes, she opened her eyes and blinks them several times in order to register her surroundings.

She smiles after realising that she is enveloped within Neil's arms and lift her face from his chest only to find him staring her with love in his eyes.

Neil rolls over the top of her not putting his entire weight on her, she laid on the mat and wrapped her arms around his neck. Neil pressed his lips on her forehead, taking his time to feel the sensation her warm skin was causing over his lips. He trails down his lips to every inch of her skin leaving her lips. He slightly brushed his lips over hers while she opens her eyes which were closed all this time. She buried her face within his chest and pulled him closer for a tight hug switching their positions. Now, Neil was laying at the mat and Avni was on top of him hugging his torso and inhaling his cologne making him smile.

Neil - This is the best journey and I know that the upcoming phase will be the best. ( kissing her hairs )

Avni - Are you sure ? ( innocently )

Neil nods making Avni smile.

Neil - Avni I am hungry.

Avni - Again Neil. ( unbelievably )

Neil - Again ? ( confused ) Wait !! What are you thinking ?

Avni - About your single track mind.

Neil - Avni I am hungry for food. ( unbelievably )

Avni - Oopsie !! ( bitting her tongue ) ... I... I... will ... ( slightly embarrassed )

Neil - But if you want, I can....

Avni - No no.... ( while getting up )

She started searching for something inside the picnic basket and was struggling to hide her blush. Neil was trying his best to control his laugh after seeing her antics.

After having their lunch with lots of teasings and bantherings. Avni decided to resume her reading while Neil was trying to stop her but her puppy face is the key to success.

Neil adjusted her in his lap in such a way that her back was resting against his chest. Her legs were in the middle and Neil's legs were beside hers. Avni was again immersed in reading while Neil was immersed in staring her. Though she didn't show but he was affecting her very badly. Those occasional warm breaths that were fanning her skin was giving her hard time. Neil knew very well that she is getting affected due to his indirect ministrations still decided to tease her more.

He caressed her waist while she felt numbness but didn't showed it on her face and continued reading. Neil silently smiled at her.

After few minutes, he made her wear a flower crown that he was making since she started reading her book. Avni became astonished when she felt something on her head. She inclined her head towards him while he smiles at her.

Neil - You look beautiful. ( kissing her temple affectionately )

Avni was about to remove the crown in order to have a glimpse of it but Neil stopped her and asked her to look into his eyes. When she did, she was surprised after seeing the crown. She closed the book and hugged his torso still sitting in their earlier position. Neil wraps his arms around her and the peaceful silence engulfs them once again.

A start of new journey.
How their love will progress ?

If you guys want answers then,

Wait for upcoming chapters of, "His fangirl" 😆😆

Do drop your views regarding the chappy.

Much love
Thanks 😍

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