Blue Leader, or so the Red Soldiers call him

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+Red Army Base: The Hanger+

Tom walked next to Tord with a group of soldiers following behind them after Paul and Patryk.

"I can't believe you're leaving me in charge of your base, the fucking main base!" Tom emphasizes, clearly not happy with the arrangement as he continues escorting Tord to the hanger where the planes are kept.

Tord chuckles, "It's not like you can't handle it, you were practically the leader of one section of the Rebels." Seriously he wonders why Tom is even complaining about this matter.

Crossing his arms, Tom's digital eyes narrow as he side glances at him. "That's not the problem Commie. I'm willing to be a leader for a good cause, but this." His eyes look left and right as a way to say it's the base. "I'm not willing to help this army take over the world."

"There is no way out of this Witness. You work for the Red Army now." Tord puts into finalization of Tom's complaint as he pats his shoulder.

They all enter the hanger where multiple planes are running and waiting to be boarded for take off. The soldiers behind them get split into groups for each plane to get on.

Tom follows Tord and his soldiers to the head plane with a large Red Army symbol marked on the side. Paul and Patryk board the plan first while the two leaders finish their conversation.

"I'll be back in three weeks." Tord turns to enter the plan before stopping again to look back at Tom. "Don't mess the place up." He turns again to enter the plan again but stops once more. Tord looks back at Tom once more, "Also don't have this base turn on me when I come back."

"I got it, I got it." Tom waves him off understanding where Tord was getting at. "But I make no promises about a mess when you return."

Tord rolls his eye and finally enters the plan while Tom gets off the stairs. Two Red soldiers push the movable stairs away once the door to the plane is closed up and locked.

Tord rests his elbows on the armrest of his seat. His gaze looking at Tom who stares back up at him through the window. The leading plane takes to move out onto the tracks first, Tom moving out of his view in the window.

He won't be long. Tord thinks to himself as the plane starts speeding up and taking flight.

He will be back soon, that is a promise.

+With Tom+

Tom stays in the hanger until Tord's plane is out of view. He turns around to exit the building until he's stopped by two Red soldiers.

"Uh, can I help you?" Tom asks confused.

The female soldier was the first to speak. "The hanger is clear of planes at the moment since Red Leader left. What would you like us to do with the empty hanger?"

Were they really asking him this? Judging by their faces, they were serious. "Close up this hanger until the Commie comes back with the group that left. Have the radio tower open for any calls coming from them."

"As you wish Blue Leader." The male soldier replies.

Tom shakes his head. "Just Tom or Blue is okay."

"Blue Leader is Blue Leader. We'll be addressing you by your title like Red Leader." The female soldier concludes as she and her partner leave with a salute.

Tom watches them leave with an unamused expression. "You're even getting your soldier to be so formal." He makes his way out of the hanger to go back to the Leader section of the base. Tom got salutes from Red Soldiers and hellos from his soldiers.

As he entered the Leader section of the base, Tom went straight to Tord's office to pick up profiles on his soldiers. He might as well start learning names of the soldiers stationed here.

Tom went through drawer after drawer until he found where the Leader kept all his soldiers' profiles. "Here they are..." He piles the folders in his arms and takes them back to his office to read.

The walk to and from Tord's office to his office wasn't that far, so he didn't have to carry the heavy folders for too long. He dumped the folders on his desk and sat down to go through them.

"Let's see, this shouldn't be too hard. I memorized all my first set of soldiers in about a week. Then let's try learning all these in two days." Tom shrugs his shoulders.

"What me to help Tom?" Tomi asks as he appears in the body length mirror again.

"It's alright Tomi, I got this." The man says as he cracks his knuckles.

Tomi giggles and continues watching from the mirror as Tom starts mumbling names while his eyes shift back and forth to words and their picture.

"I bet Tordy's gonna be really surprised when he comes home."

~Time Skip: 3 hours later~

Two Red soldiers in charge of watching over and assisting Tom came into the Leader section of the base to check on him.

At first, they assumed Tom would be sleeping on the job, but instead they found said Leader drinking coffee from his mug while reading papers in red folders.


Tom looks up from the folder to the open door where a pair of soldiers stood. "Do you need something Jason, Yan?" The two soldiers, Jason and Yan look at him in surprise. They haven't even introduced themselves yet.

"How do you know our names? This is the first time we ever spoke to you." Yan says as he starts fiddling with her caramel colored hair.

"I was just learning names of the Red soldiers stationed here. I found your boss's profiles on each and every one of you." He sets the red folder down on his desk which seems to be the last of the files he had seeing as all the other folders were set on the other side of him like the rest. Tom gets up from his seat and walks over to them. "So do you have something to say or did you just want to check up on me?"

Jason shakes his head, "U-Uh, we came to check up on you sir. You also have a request from the radio tower to head over there. They said you have a call." The two soldiers part an opening to let Tom pass out his office door.

"Alright then, something tells me this call is from the Commie anyways."

Tom and the two soldiers make their way across the base to head for the main radio tower stationed in front of the base. Reggie and Zack just happened to be passing by when they saw Tom having two other red soldiers following behind him.

"Reggie, the red soldiers are taking our spot," Zack complains with a childish pout as he glares at the two behind Tom.

Reggie chuckles and ruffles Zack's hair, "Come on, let's butt into what they're doing."

Tom only notices the two when they jump on him, a set of arms slung around his shoulders. He looks at his two soldiers with a familiar smile. "Hey you two."

"Hey Blue, whatcha doing?" Reggie asks.

"Heading to the main radio tower, I've got a call."

Zack sly smirks as he comes to look at his Leader. "Red already worried about you Blue?"

Tom rolls his eyes at the two soldiers he trusts with his life. The both of them were part of their first set of soldiers when the Rebellion began and they worked so hard to earn the spot they're in now. So loyal, yet ever so playful. "I'm assuming it's him Zack. Other than him it might be from someone else at another base."

Yan clears her throat to gather their attention. "Blue Leader we must continue to head to the tower. The call is urgent." She and her partner Jason stand side by side with no relaxation in their stand.

Tom goes over to the two, raising both of his hands to them. They were scared he was possibly going to punish them for speaking out of term but were met with a calm hand on their head. The leader in blue ruffling their hair with a soft smile on his face.

"I understand you two but try loosening up alright. I'm not a strict or formal leader like your idiot boss." A light chuckle escapes his lips as he turns around again to start walking to the radio tower followed by Reggie and Zack who grins back at the two Red soldiers.

"What are you waiting for you two?"

"Come on!"

Never before had two Red soldiers felt like they were home.

~Time Skip: Radio Tower~

The five of them entered the radio tower after the elevator took them up to the control center. The room itself is in excellent condition for every soldier giving them a specific job. The room didn't feel too hot or cold even with all these soldiers up here.

"Who am I suppose to talk to here?" Tom asks the two soldier behind him after scanning the room for someone to speak too. Although there seems like no one can talk to them since they're so busy with calls or operating the board.

"The head of the Radio Department, General Fredrick," Jason tells him as he points out the man across the room, who is shuffling through papers.

The group makes their way over to the man in the casual Red Amy uniform. His hair is all messed around, probably from running his hand through his hair over and over again. His face appearing very tired that Tom had to frown upon coming close to the man. When Fredrick notices the group he looks up at them from his seat and takes a stand.

"Ah, Blue Leader..." Fredrick blinks slowly a few times. He shakes his head to push away the drowsiness before holding his forehead with one hand. "You're here for the call that's on hold."

"Yes, is it from Tord?" Tom answers in a calm tone that was very familiar to his two soldiers. Reggie and Zack had to take a few steps back while pulling Yan and Jason with them.

"What's the matter?" Yan questions, as she doesn't understand why the two guys were pulling her and her partner back.

"Wait for it," Reggie responds as he surveys around them to give any warning looks to soldiers near Tom and Fredrick.

Fredrick, not noticing the situation at hand due to his tiredness, nods. "Red Leader is on hold at the moment. He's waiting for you to pick up. His group is currently flying over the Atlantic Ocean."

"Please take a seat Fredrick, I need to speak with you more after I finish this call." When the general sat back down, Tom went over to the radio board where one soldier is currently holding the call from Tord. "Hector, the phone please."

Hector, surprised by being addressed by his name, nods his head quietly. He picks up the phone to give it over to the blue wearing leader that was left in charge of the base.

Tom puts the phone against his ear.

"Thomas, it's me. Just calling in to check on how things are going for you over there." Tord's voice flows through the phone with a tone of amusement. "You haven't destroyed my base have you?" He asks jokingly.

Tom's strained smile from his held back irritation and anger final came out physical. He clenched his hand into a fist to punch the top of the table with full force. Some of Tomi's strength was put into it too, making the top of the table crack.

Hector had to get out of his seat to dodge the punch to the desk. His hands failing around after he got up to steady the radio equipment shaking on the table.

"Tord, you are a piece of shit!" Tom exclaims into the mic of the phone sternly.

"Aaannnddd there it is~" Zack points out to the two soldiers in their hold.

"He's blowing a fuse again." Reggie sighs with a light hearted laugh.

"Wha-What did I do?" Tord questions the other on the phone with confusion as to why Tom is so mad at him.

Tom started scolding Tord over the phone while at the Red soldiers in the radio tower, plus two Blue soldiers witness all of it with awe.

"I can't believe you don't consider your soldiers' health! What are you trying to do? Make them sleep deprived?!"

"We have coffee for a reason Tom!"

"Bullshit! They're going to die early at this rate without the proper amount of sleep. Honestly, you could have just set up a system of night soldiers who sleep during the day and day soldier to sleep during the night!" Tom remarks as he puts the palm of his hand against his face. "What do you think they are, immortal beings who don't need food or sleep?!"

"May I remind you we're at war." Tord crossed his arms as he has a not so happy expression on his face. The soldiers in the plane with him keep their distance as the happy call turned to tread on dangerous waters.

"Oh, you don't need to remind me, because I have to see your face, reminding me every day of what you caused!" Tom got so fed up with his emotions that he slammed the phone down back to its holder, thus ending the call then and there. He huffs in and out from all the verbal fighting he had with Tord. He turns around making the soldiers in the room tense up.

Tom crosses his arms and leans his torso back against the edge of the table, digital eyes taking a close eyes appearance.

No one spoke a word, scared that they'll invoke more anger from him.

"All right," were the first words that left his mouth. "We're going to change a few things around the base."

"Sir I don't know if that would be a good idea..." Jason hesitantly puts in. "I'm not sure Red Leader would agree."

"Well, that fucking Commie isn't here right now." The corner of Tom's lips tugs up into a smirk. "He also left me in charge of the base."

Hector gulps from the authority now radiating off the man. One who can lead an army with just the flick of his wrist, but still different than others.

"Zack, Reggie."

"Yes, Blue?" The two soldiers let go of Jason and Yan to stand in front of them.

"Round up all the Blue soldiers. We've got so redirecting to do around here." They give him a giddy salute before retreating out of the tower with grins. Tom looks around the room searching for a healthy looking person who isn't tired down to the bone. "Heather."

The young woman perks up at the sound of her name being called by him. She stutters as she responds, "Y-Y-Yes Sir?!"

"You're going to be temporary department head until General Fredrick here catches up on his sleep." Tom actually read her file just before Jason and Yan came to report to him. She excelled very well in her position here at the radio tower and had an organized system of the way she works. Looking at her, the woman was about to protest, but he quickly counters it. "I read your profile earlier Miss Heather, you cannot deny this position as the temporary replacement. I am very sure you are capable of leading everyone in this room."

Heather closed her mouth and blushes as what she thinks of what Tom says as a compliment.

"I need two soldiers to take Fredrick here to the medical ward or his room to rest up. He is not allowed back here until he looks well again. Am I understood?"

"Yes, sir!" The soldiers in the room chorused together.

"Now can some on lead me to the PA room. I need to make an announcement." Tom watches as the soldiers get back to work, two soldiers came and took Fredrick away to get some rest while another soldier comes towards him to get him to the PA room.

On their way there Reggie and Zack came back and informed him that all Blue soldiers were on standby to help. Tom then asked them to bring them all to the assembly room.

"I'll come as soon as I make my announcement around the base."

"We got it Blue." The soldiers saluted once more and headed off to relay his orders.

Once Tom made it to the PA room with the guiding Red soldier. They set up the mic and turn it on.

"Attention all Red Soldiers," Tom says into the mic with a serious tone. "It has come to my attention that your leader is incapable of taking care of all of you. For that reason, I request that all of you head to the assembly room. It's time to have a changeup in the system of this base."

Lauren, the soldier who guided Tom to the room knew most of them wouldn't answer to him. She had witnessed many stubborn soldiers at this base deny their generals until Red Leader set them straight to actually listen to their higher ups.

"Those who aren't present in the assembly will be tracked down by my soldiers. Let's say they have a persuasive way of getting people to follow what I say." Tom added lastly before turning the mic off. He gets up from his seat and heads to the door.

Lauren follows after him with some distance. Soldiers always follow a little behind leaders.

"Lauren you could walk next to me you know." The Blue Leader stops his steps to look back at the Red soldier.

The female soldier shakes her head, "A soldier always follows behind their leader sir."

Tom chuckles as he finds what the soldier said funny. "Who taught you that?"

"It's common knowledge Blue Leader," Lauren tells the other confused as to why he's laughing. It's shouldn't be funny, right?

"Well, it's a stupid idea." He beckons Lauren to come next to him. She hesitantly steps closer to him until she's standing by his side. "A team is stronger when they learn about one another and become friends who respect each other."

"I respect you sir, after what you did during the Luis Randel problem." They both knew she was talking about when the Red soldiers came to know of his half monster side. It was undeniable he did gain the respect of some soldiers through his hidden power.

"Yes, but you do not know me..." Tom smiles a bit as they turn around the corner. "You may respect me, however, we are not close enough to be strong. Do you have anyone you're close to?"

Lauren nods as she thinks about her friend and partner Payton. "Yes sir, he's my best friend and we'd do anything to protect each other."

"Now that's where the team between you and him is strong. Not just in respect and knowing them, but the relationship you share together." Tom holds his hands behind his back as he thinks about his group and friends. "That is why my soldiers are so invaluable and my friends are priceless. I'd give anything to keep them safe because they've earned my full trust."

Lauren wanted to ask more from the Blue Leader, but they had finally reached the assembly room. Tom goes in before her while she watches him leave to speak to the soldiers inside. She's left standing in the doorway with her thoughts. Many of which she thought Tom might be a good change to the base. Maybe she could speak with him another time just like this. She smiles.

The Red Army knows little about him, although they still have time to learn with him here.

She secretly hopes her leader could become great friends with this man one day.

<Now for something special>

Hey Soldiers, got some fanart from a follower and they are amazingly amazing lol! If you guys wanna make something too and give it to me that would be cool XD

These lovely images were made by a wattpader who wishes to stay anonymous.

I love your art story by the way and how you pictured the scenes. Thanks again soldier :)

Before I sign off, I just wanna say I will be off wattpad for the next two days because I have exams before Christmas break. So that's why I posted this chapter today.

I really hoped all of you enjoyed this chapter and the fan art (thanks again)!

Write again soon,

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