Get Back to Work, I'm Busy

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+Red Army Base: Medical Ward+

"I'm surprised you figured it out," Grace says impressed with Tord's deduction. "Like you said he has Eye Cancer. It's likely so that Tom will be blind by the time he wakes up."

Tord thinks for a moment about this situation. "Alright then."

The Blue soldiers look back at him confused. "What do you mean 'Alright then.' This is not a good thing you idiot!" Zack practically scolds him not caring if he had to be punished for calling Tord an idiot.

Lizzie opens the door to the medical ward again, stepping out with a happy look. "Doctor Grace, Blue's waking up!"

Tord passes both the medical staff of the Blue group and steps inside. He holds the doorknob, looking back at Tom's soldiers from over his shoulder. "All if you get back to work. I'll take care of Thomas from here on out." He closes the door behind him before anyone could protest.

"What do you mean you'll take care of him Red?!"

"Hey! Let us in!"

Tord ignored their yelling from the other side of the door and proceeds to go find Tom. He walked down the allies of the medical ward to find Tom's section until he heard someone fall to the floor giving out a quiet cuss. The man turns around the corner where he heard the fall to find the room Tom is occupying.

"Tom." He was once he pushes the curtains aside.

"Tord?" Tom says from the floor next to his medical bed.

Tord comes into the makeshift room and helps Tom back on his feet. "You gotta stay in bed. You got shot in the chest, your medical team recently got you stable." He was surprised the British man was able to recover and wake up so fast. He thought again and assumes it's because of the monster genetics in his blood that's healing him so quickly.

Tom rubs the back of his head. "Ugh, sorry."

Tord got a better look at Tom now that he helped him back on his bed. The brunet wore one of the light blue hospital gowns while he had bandages covering his eyes.

"Why is it so dark? It's night time already?" Tom asks, thinking he's been asleep for awhile since the shot.

"You could say that..." Tord says slowly as he trails off. He sighs, "Listen Tom, you might not like what I'm about to say-"

"Pfft please, I don't like anything you say to me."

Tord rolls his eyes, "I'm serious Tom." He waits until he gets a small nod from the man that he was paying attention now. "Apparently due to an old accident you had involving lasers, you got Eye Cancer." Tord takes a seat on the side of Tom's bed. "You're blind now."

"Well, that explains the irritation I feel around my eyes... and why my vision was getting really blurry during the meeting today." It was Tom's turn to sigh now while he put his hands together. "I figured this was gonna have to happen at some point." He didn't go into detail of why for Tord. Tom thought his disability would be better if Tord didn't figure out he got a pair of goggles that let him see again. He remembers his future self had them on back when he was still a young man.

Tord puts his hand on top of Tom's hands in a way to comfort him. Tom thought it was a little out of character for him. "I'll help you."


"I'll give you your sight back. Just wait alright." Tord said with determination on his face, although it was a shame Tom could not see his expression. In all, Tord needs Tom, not just as a secretary or second in command, but as a friend.

Tom scoffs as he turns his head the other way. Not believing what he's hearing from the other man's mouth. "Yeah right Commie."

Tord gets off the bed and moves to stand again by Tom's bedside. He'll just have to prove himself to his rival that he can give him his sight back. "Let's move you somewhere else for now Witness. I'm sure you hate being bed locked in the medical ward."

Tom couldn't complain, the medical ward was not his favorite place to be. He moved slowly to the side of the bed and placed his feet on the floor. When he tried getting up, he wobbled a bit.

Tord holds him up quickly and chuckles. "Feeling jelly legs there Thomas?"

"I don't think the anesthesia wore off yet." Tom blandly responses. He yelped a little when he felt Tord pick him up to hold him in a bridle style carry. "Put me down idiot!"

"You can't even hold yourself up stupid. Just sit tight while I take you to one of the Labs." Tom could sense Tord already taking steps out of the room. Now that his sight has been taken away, his other senses have been heightened. He could literally hear Tomi purring in their shared mindset by how comforting Tord's close presence is to them.

"Why are you taking me to a lab?"

"I'm planning on making something for you to see with. Maybe I could put together a VR set and modify the device to give you sight instead."

After what Tord said, Tom stayed quiet. So that's how his future self got those goggles.

Tord had made them for him.

~Time Skip: Next Day~

Tom stayed on a cot inside the lab him and Tord occupied. By no means was any soldier allowed to come in unless it was either Paul or Patryk. The Red Leader has even pushed back all his meetings with governments around the world just so he could focus on giving Tom his sight back.

"I can wait you know."

"What are you talking about Thomas?"

Tom could hear him tinkering away with whatever he had in his hands. "Your meetings. You should attend them. Giving me my sight back can wait."

A sigh was heard. "I think your sight is more important than meetings."

Tom scouts to the side of the bed and slowly gets up when he puts his feet on the floor.

"It's useless for me to go if you can't be there."

Tom puts his hand on the wall and lets Tord's rambling voice guide him to the man.

"It was my fault after all..."

Tom keeps walking, cautious with each step to make sure he doesn't trip.

"My fault you got hurt."

When Tom makes it behind Tord, he notes the other's voice is lower down. Which means the man is sitting down.

"That disgusting prisoner shot you."

Tord stopped talking when he felt a pair of arms lightly draped over his shoulders to hug him lightly. He looks up to see Tom's face, his eyes still covered in those bandages. He loosened the grip on the screwdriver he was holding in his hand.

"It's not your fault Tord." Tom knew he was now acting out character of himself. But he'd make an exception seeing, well rather sensing, Tord was losing his sanity over this event. "Don't be stupid on me now. Take a break from this and go to your meetings."


"I'll refuse to wear whatever your making to help me see again." Tom instantly tells the man. Tord can be stubborn, sure- but Tom can be stubborner. "I will not wear them if you don't handle your other duties first."

Tord clenches his hands into a fist and released them. He knew Tom is right. His little project was getting the best of him or rather his emotions. He takes a deep breath and gets up. Tom lets go of Tord in the process.

"Fine, I suppose you're right. I'll go to my meetings and handle them before taking care of your sight."

Tom couldn't help but chuckle. "Then get to it Commie."

After Tord left, not before bringing Tom back to the cot, the brunet sat on the bed bored. He really wanted to check on his soldiers to see if they were doing fine while he was out of commission for awhile. Plus Tord is being a total ass for not letting them come in to visit him.

"Don't be so down Tom, I'm sure you'll get to see them soon," Tomi says within their mind. It wasn't important anymore to use a body mirror to talk to one another. Tom wouldn't be able to see his monster half anyways.

Tom hums a little tune to keep his mind occupied for the both of them. His little monster would provide the tune he came up with while he let the lyrics he knew to the song out of his mouth.

I ponder of something great
My lungs will fill and then deflate
They fill with fire, exhale desire
I know it's dire my time today

He closes his eyes underneath the bandages and loses himself in the music.

I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence

He taps his fingers against his knee as he nods his head to Tomi's tune.

Sometimes quiet is violent
I find it hard to hide it
My pride is no longer inside
It's on my sleeve
My skin will scream reminding me of
Who I killed inside my dream
I hate this car that I'm driving
There's no hiding for me
I'm forced to deal with what I feel
There is no distraction to mask what is real
I could pull the steering wheel

While Tom listens to Tomi's tune, he doesn't notice the door to the lab opening and the sound of footsteps entering the room. Especially since there are many pairs of footsteps sounding off.

I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence

The occupants who enter smiles as they hear him sing. He really has a nice voice when he sings.

I ponder of something terrifying
'Cause this time there's no sound to hide behind
I find over the course of our human existence
One thing consists of consistence
And it's that we're all battling fear
Oh dear, I don't know if we know why we're here
Oh my, too deep, please stop thinking
I liked it better when my car had sound
There are things we can do
But from the things that work there are only two
And from the two that we choose to do
Peace will win and fear will lose
It is faith and there's sleep
We need to pick one please because
Faith is to be awake
And to be awake is for us to think
And for us to think is to be alive
And I will try with every rhyme
To come across like I am dying
To let you know you need to try to think
I have these thoughts, so often I ought
To replace that slot with what I once bought
'Cause somebody stole my car radio
And now I just sit in silence

Tom quickly shuts himself up when he hears clapping around him. He breathes in and out a bit from singing the long verse. "What? Who's there?"

"It's just us Blue." Zack chuckles as he comes close to his Leader with Reggie. Some of the other soldier following behind them while others took seats around the room.

"By us, you mean all of you?" Tom raised a brow with a tug of the corner of his lips. His answer was replied by his soldiers in different parts of the lab.

"Yeah, we sneaked passed Red when we saw him leave the lab. I thought he was never going leave." Reggie scratches the back of his head as he grins. He moves his other hand to ruffle up Tom's hair. "So what's Red doing anyways? I heard from some of the other Red soldiers that he's been pushing back meetings."

"Not even a word about what he was going to do to you when he came out with you in his arms the other day." Zack huffs while crossing his arms. The man pushed passed all of them with no comment.

"That jackass has been working on fixing me something so I can see again," Tom tells them, he held his hand up to them with a playful smirk. Reggie takes his hand and helps him to his feet. "Now be a dear and help me go around the room to speak with everyone."

Zack rolls his eyes playfully as Reggie laughs. "Yes, Mom."

+With Tord+

Tord went through a series of meetings with his base and then ones concerning with the different governments. All of them were boring, but that was what came with trying to rule the world he supposed.

At the moment he's having another meeting with the American Government again. Because of yesterday's event with the escaped prisoner, Tord had to shut the meeting down quickly after hearing Tom was involved. At first, when he heard a prisoner escaped the dungeons, he assumed his soldiers could handle the recapture by themselves so he continued the meeting. Then when he heard the prisoner got a hostage, there was a small worrying feeling, but he pushed it off.

Not a moment later, one of his soldiers came into his meeting room where he was having his online chat with the American Government. He would have gotten angry at the soldier if it were not the fact said soldier only had to mention Tom was the hostage at gunpoint.

At that point, Tord immediately turned the computer off mid-call and race passed the scared soldier to the training room on the east side of the base like he heard on the PA.


Tord ran down the halls with an uneasy feeling welling inside of him. He kept telling himself everything would be okay.

Tom could hold himself. He even had Tomi to protect him.

Then why did he feel so shaken to the bone about all this?

Tord made a sharp left and found the training room doors. He could hear the shouting and pleas coming from the outside as well as growling.

But what had him on the spot were the words that were coming from the prisoner he had tortured for information and Tom.

"Try me." Tord hears from Tom in a daring tone mixed in with some low growls.

"You, Thomas Thompson are an enigma to our base at first. We could get all your other friends' information like Edd and Matt easily." The voice of the prisoner was sickening to his ears.

"But we make due. Parents who loved to you dearly, but because of the accident with your father getting shot, you became traumatized. Thought your parents were actually a pineapple and bowling ball to block the real images of what you actually saw that day."

There's the sound of something scraping against the floor.

"Let's see what else~ Oh yes, the demon who gave you that monstrous genetics still resides in you. Stuck to your soul for the rest of your life."


"If I remember correctly, the one that hurts the most is that incident 10 years back. The army likes the label that as 'The End'."

"Stop! Don't you dare say any more about that godforsaken incident!"

'They know about that?!' Tord mentally thinks as his arms are pressed to his side. His hands now clenched into fists. That should only be something a handful of people can only know.

"That day..." He hears Luis continue.


"You shot Red Leader and his robot down with your harpoon gun. That day~ where your friends were betrayed by an old friend who wanted nothing more than power to be in the palm of his hand." Luis crackles into a laugh.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Tom shouts over and over again. Tord could hear him run to the man and push him to the floor. "Fucking Stop!"

It's faint, but he hears a gun. "Hahaha, Classic Stupid Tom."

Tord kicks the doors open in one swift movement, hoping he could stop everything.


The sound of the gunshot rang throughout the room. He watches as the monstrous parts of Tom retract. Then he sees Tom fell to his side with a thud.

A woman's scream pierced through the silence.


Tord saw red at the moment Tom hit the floor, his legs carrying him to the bug that needs to be killed many times over. To rip this pest into nothing.

To disfigure him for even touching Tom.

He was not a human at that moment, but the devil.

~Back to the Present~

Tord sighs.

The American president looks up from his papers when he hears the sigh coming from the horned hair-styled man. "Is something the matter Red Leader?"

"Nothing that concerns you Mr. President. Don't even try getting me talk." He warns with narrowed eyes.

"Please, maybe we can come to a peace agreement over this matter." The man grins back at him.

Tord felt a vein pop in irritation. "Excuse me Mr. President, but it seems I have other matters to attend to." He holds his finger over the power button.

"Wait, Red Leader-"

"Good day." Tord cuts the call off the computer and leans back in his chair. "Now let's get back to the lab and get that VR set up for Tom." He rather not talk to the man who was just on the other end of the call. Reasons because the man is annoying.

He exited his office and starts walking back to the lab with a relieved sigh that he finally got things done for the day to get back to Tom.

+Back to Tom+

"When I get my sight back, will you guys treat Tord and his soldiers with a little more respect?"

Zack went into a hacking fit since he got the water he was drinking caught up in his throat. He hit his chest a couple of times while Reggie and the other soldiers looked surprised at Tom's request.

"Why?" Was the only word that comes out of Reggie's mouth.

Tom tilts his head to the side and keeps his arms crossed over his chest. "Tord is giving me a way to see again. If he had no use for me anymore he would have probably shot us all dead."

"Oi Blue," Oliver says with a deadpan tone.

"I mean you guys can still all out be playful if you want with the soldiers, but Tord is trying to give me my sight back," Tom says adding some assurance they could still be as annoying to the Red Soldiers all they want.

That got his soldiers to murmur in agreement. Tord, from their observation through the large window to look into the lab since yesterday, had been non-stop working on a device for their leader. He looked pretty determined to give Tom's sight back, no matter what the cost.

"We get what you mean Blue. It might get some getting used to, but we'll get there." Sadie said with some assurance as she giggles momentarily.

"Your willingness to try is appreciated." Tom smiles lightly at them like any understanding parent would.

Then the sound of the hissing of the lab doors opening catches their attention.

"I told everyone to stay out." Tord's voice carried through the room sounding irritated.

"Cut them some slack Tord, they were just worried about me." Tom retorts as he looks in the direction of his voice. "It's been so boring staying in this lab by myself."

"That's why I also didn't want to leave earlier Witness," Tord says, now within close range of Tom. He flicks Tom's forehead before motioning the Blue soldiers to leave. "Out, all of you. Get back to work, I'm busy now."

Remembering Tom's words from earlier, they didn't put up a fight to stay in the room. They complied with the order and went back to work in their departments around the base. Those soldiers free, stayed outside the lab and watched through the window for Tord's progress.

Tord picked Tom up after they left and carried him back to the cot. "You didn't scratch over your bandages did you?"

"I'm not an idiot." Tom lifts his hand slowly to make it come in contact with Tord's face. His hand cups the right side of the man's face where his old scares are from the explosion of his robot. His thumb lightly moving back and forth, feeling the soft scares on Tord's face. "Hmm, it almost feels like karma hit me in the face for doing this to you."

Tord chuckles as he rests his red, metallic hand on top of Tom's hand that's cupping his cheek.

"Karma is a bitch Tom."

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