Prepare Yourself

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+A week after Tamara's visit+

To Tord's account, after his surprising action towards Tom, the said man was avoiding him like the plague. Thus, the avoidance has put him on more stress and worry then he ever had before.

He sat in his office, finally finished with his paperwork and is now hitting his head against the desk in small thumps. His parents were even watching his sorry display of how much of what he did to Tom affected him.

"Tord, honey, seriously? What is going on with you?" Patryk asks as he sets his papers down on Tord's desk.

Paul nods, "Yeah, not to mentions we've seen Tom avoiding you like the plague lately." The mentions of the avoidance made Tord hit his head harder against the desk. "Oh, so this is a Tomcat problem..."

Patryk looks at Paul with a scolding expression. "Pau, now is not the time to be funny. This is serious."

"Sorry, Pat." Paul apologizes, not looking the least bit sorry, as he scratches the back of his head.

The taller man looks back at Tord who finally stopped hitting his head against the desk. "So what did you do young man?"

Tord doesn't look up at his dad, but still replies, "What makes you think it was my fault?"

"You're beating yourself up by hitting your head against the desk."

Tord turns his head to the side and sighs, "Fine... I..." He quietly mumbles his answer which his parents could hardly hear.

"Say that again Tord, but louder so we can hear you," Paul tells his son.

"I kissed Tom."

The two parents look at each other and broke out into either laughs, grins, or both.

"My boy is a man now!"

"Who confessed to who?!"

They say, completely forgetting Tord is in a sour mood. Tord just covers his head with his arms. "No one confessed guys, I just kissed Tom out of the blue after some girl in his office left," Tord grumbles out, he was not in the mood for this.

"Aww, were you feeling jealous Tord?"

Tord sits up and leans back in his chair, arms crossing over his chest as he holds a scowl on his face. "I'm not jealous."

"Denial~" Patryk sings out as he smiles over at Paul who chuckles in amusement.

Knock knock

"Come in," Tord says to get his parents to shut up about his jealousy. However, he was not prepared for Tom to come into his office. "T-Thomas." He mentally slaps himself for stuttering. His parents look towards Tom and they play it cool with greeting his with a smile. They step aside so Tom could walk closer.

"Red Leader, I have your schedule cleared for the day."

Tord eyes look at Tom questionably, he already had a day off just last week though. Why would he need another one?

"That's all, I have to report." Tom turns around to leave.

"Um, Thomas-"

"Please make sure to check on your soldiers later." The man in blue leaves through the door with a resounding click.

Tord really wished he could take back that one mistake.

+In Blue Quarters+

"Everyone in position?" Reggie asks through the Blue radio channel.

"All clear!" Everyone sounds back.

Zack chuckles as he nudges his partner. "We can finally let it rip huh?"

Reggie nods very excited to let their annual tradition go all out with the Red Army today. "I can't wait, we got all the new recruits in the surveillance rooms with the technicians and the commentators."

"Xavier and Quin are gonna have a ball commenting this year."

The two of them stop their chat when Tom comes back looking satisfied. "Are we ready to go?"

"You betcha! Just so you know, we locked all the important rooms like you asked."

"Thank you." Tom accepts his supplies and gear from Zack. He takes his handgun and loads in the blue colored ammunition.

"Alright, let's get this Color War started."

+Red Army Base+

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!!!" The lot of soldiers around the base jumped at the sound of a female using the PA. "Hello everyone! I'm Quin and next to me will be my co-commentator for today Xavier!"

"Glad to be here like always Quin. We're here for another commenting on the annual Blue Group's Color War!"

Tord, who is in the dining hall with his parents, listens with confusion. So are the rest of the rest of the Red soldiers around the base as they listen in curiously. Owen put his spoon down glancing over at a Tord who also didn't seem to know what was going on either.

"To Red and his Army, you'll be actively participating as well while you have us in our care for who knows how many years." Quin laughs happily.

Xavier pats her on the shoulder as he laughs as well. "Anyways, the whole base is on lockdown, no one can run outside as of yet. Important places, such as labs and offices will are locked so don't worry about a mess."

"Like the Green and Purple groups of the rebellion, you are hereby put into surprise every time we have these events since Blue is the only one who knows when we'll have our next Color War!"

Katie watches the two commentators speak into the mic with scary grins. Their friends back in the green and purple groups have never told them about this. She was in the same room as them, with a few other new blue soldiers to watch through the TVs set up around the room.

"Of course, new recruits in the Blue group will not be participating since they'll be learning about how this tradition works. As for new Red soldiers, you'll be learning on the spot by participating with your fellow soldiers." With glee Quin presses the bell button to make it ring through the base. "If you will my good sir!"

"The pleasure is mine my lady." Xavier playfully thanks. "I officially announce the start of our Color War!"

"Good luck surviving!~"

With her bidding of luck, the dining hall doors were kicked open by two blue soldiers in gear with various devices strapped on their uniforms and holding a weapon of their choice in their hands.

"Let's get this party started!!!" One of them exclaims in glee as they start shooting their pistols at nearby soldiers, covering them with blue paint.

Quin laughs into the mic, "There goes the first shots by Darwin! By the looks of his shooting he's hit five soldiers so far!"

"He"s really into the Color War this year."

"Maybe because we're up against Red's group this year."

Red soldiers were scrambling out of their seats to run out of the dining the hall where they were also greeted by more Blue soldiers. They were running after one another shooting or trying to escape getting hit.

"What in hell's name is going on?!" Tord dodges a paint bullet by taking a step to the side.

Paul and Patryk pull Tord aside into one of the storage rooms after narrowly escaping a group of Blue soldiers. They hide behind a couple of wooden creates to lay low. They could hear Quin and Xavier making a few comments here and there about the progress outside.

"Maybe we should just stay here until this passes."

"Pau, shush," Patryk whispers as the door opens again after catching their breath.

Light footsteps sound in the room the three of them are in.

"Blue, come in." They heard from the radio from the person's belt.

They pick up and answer, "What is it, Reggie? Did someone paintball an eye again?" Tom stood on the other side of the wooden creates where the trio hid.

"No, we just want to report that Red hasn't been spotted in a while. We think he's hiding somewhere."

Tom hums as he takes a seat on the create Tord's leaning against. "Don't worry about it, have fun playing around with the other Red soldiers. I heard from Quin in the surveillance room that they're having a good time watching all of this go down. One guy was evening laughing his ass off." A chuckle rose out of his mouth in a way that made Tord's heart melt at the sound.

"That's cool, I heard from Sadie that Tomi wants to come join next time now that he can run off on his own."

"I'll think about it since he's still a little kid."

"He didn't think like one when you two were sharing a body."

Tom rolls his eyes, "It may have been because he was affected by my body composition. He was created to be a young child with an innocent mind, but when he possessed me I guess he was influenced into a rapid growth stage of the mind to catch up with the aged up body he was in." His intelligence never seems to dwindle.

"Alright Blue, I'll let you off now. We'll radio in if we catch sight of Red."

"Fine, try not to hurt anyone."

"Yes mom," Reggie drawls before laughing and hanging up.

Tom pushes himself away from the crate and pulls off one of his gadgets. He sets the thing in the middle of the room before leaving. "Might as well mark the room while I'm at it." He whispers to himself.

When Tom left, the three men come out of their hiding spot and breath a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to go catch up with him," Tord says quickly as he runs out of the room to follow after Tom.

Patryk and Paul are left in the room unsure if they should follow or stay here. Their choice was decided a second later when Tom's little device exploded. The thing Tom had set down was actually a paint bomb.

"He knew we were here all along didn't he?"


+With Tord+

Tord had followed Tom all the way to the Leader section of the base. Failing to notice the lack of paint and soldiers around since he was more focused on catching up to him.

He steps into the lobby, only to be tackled down by Tom.


"Shut it Tord."

Tord struggles against Tom which was surprisingly easy to win since Tomi wasn't helping him with his monstrous strength anymore. He flipped their positions with most of his strength and pinned Tom's arms to the floor on either side of his head.

"Let go of me!" Tom tries to struggle out of Tord's grip.

"Tom we need to talk."

Tom stops resisting for a moment to finally look eye to eyes with him. "There's nothing to talk about."

Tord leans in closer, having Tom lean back against the floor. "Tom please, you've been avoiding me since I... you know."

Both their cheeks redden slightly at the mention of the kiss. They were silent for a moment until Tom finally decided to speak.

He sighs, "Fine, let's talk about it." His head turns to the side so he doesn't have to keep looking at his rival's face.

"Thank you." Tord doesn't let up his grips, just in case Tom decides to make a run for the door. "So why have you been avoiding?"

"For one, I was embarrassed and surprised that you kissed me," Tom replies in his usual tone. "Next I was really confused on why you did that. I kept questioning myself about our relationship afterward..."

Tord hums to signal he was still listening. "So what is our relationship?"

Tom's eyes shift to side glance at him and then he turns to face him again. "I'm not sure Red Leader," He says using Tord's title in a sly manner. "You tell me."

Tord hesitantly leans closer, his right-hand letting got of Tom left wrist to cup the brunet's cheek. "Well if you would let me..." Their foreheads rest against each other, eyes staring into one another. "I'd like to give us a chance.

The mighty Red Leader had pondered about this for some time since he kissed his assistant. He had come to terms he may hold feelings for his childhood rival and accepted them.

"What do you say Witness?"

Tom smirks and pushes his head up from the floor to kiss the man on the lips. Tord eyes flew wide open at first but slowly came to flutter shut. The brunet wraps his arms around Tord's neck and pulls back to answer.

"How about that for my answer Commie?"

Tord smiles, "Just sweet Tom." He pulls Tom up from the floor to slip him into his lap. "Now what do you want to do? We could stay here and make out some more or go back to the fight outside."

Tom hums content and leans close to Tord's face. "Just a little more wouldn't hurt~" He answers against his partner's ear that it sends thrills up Tord's back.

The minx in form of a man brings Tord's face closer and kisses him again with passion. Getting deeper and deeper, Tord's mind became buzzed with lust and love. A moan or two escaping the both of them.

To Tord's surprise, Tom slips out of his embrace with ease when his back is against the floor. A trail of saliva trailing down both their chin when they disconnect.

"I'm not gonna spend all day here while my soldiers are having fun Tord," Tom says after licking his lips and wiping the side of his chin. A small flirtatious smile evident of their little session. "I'll be leaving first." He pulls out one of his little paint bombs and tosses it onto Tord's chest.


"See ya Commie~" Tom runs out of the lobby of their quarters quickly.

Funny to know that Tord was found cover in blue paint from head to toe when the Color War came to a close.

+The Next Day+

Tom woke up the next day feeling refreshed and satisfied with yesterday's events. He and his soldiers basically painted the whole base blue, but of course, they had to clean up the paint in the end. Thankfully his soldiers were skilled with fast cleaning since they do this every year since the rebellion first came to be.

He exits his room with Tomi in his arms, ready to get breakfast to start the day off right. "You awake Tomi?"

Tomi gives out a little yawn as he looks at Tom with a sleepy smile. "I'm awake," he responses in a tired slur.

Tom chuckles and kisses Tomi on the cheek feeling good about today. As they were coming in the Leader section's lobby, the two met up with Tord all cleaned up of yesterday's paint. When the Leader of the Army notices Tom, he gives a smirk that should not say 'I woke up like this'.

"Good morning Mr. Red Leader."

"Morning Tordy!"

"Good morning to the both of you." Tord greets back walking over to them. He simply cover's Tomi's eyes so he could steal a kiss from Tom. The man in blue was in a good mood to kiss his partner back with a light blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Hey! I wanna seeee~" Tomi whines happily as his little arms flail about before coming up to hold onto the hand covering his eyes.

Tord pulls back chuckling, retracting his hand from Tomi's eyes. "Alright, you little monster." He pulls the child away from Tom so he could throw him up in the air. Tomi squealing with glee as he falls back down to be caught in Tord's arms to giggles and nuzzle his face in the crook of his neck.

"Come on you two, let's get to breakfast before Sadie starts getting ideas on what to do with our food."

Tord carries Tomi all the way to the dining hall with Tom walking next to him. Tom has his holopad in his hand, reading off Tord's schedule for today.

"After breakfast, you'll be having a meeting with Jessica about the experiments they are taking care of. She told me there is a certain one she wants you to check on." He lifts an eyebrow at Tord in question about what that's about.

"I still do experiments on my own time, Tom. I just have the scientist watch them for me when I'm not available." Tord nearly avoided being questioned further. Tom merely shrugs as he continues to drone on about his schedule for today.

As usual, the dining hall is full of soldier up and about. Morning soldiers were always present to stay up in the day while night soldiers were basically eating their dinner before heading off to their quarters to sleep. They get their food and get a table near the door. Tomi decided to sit next to Tord so Tom sat across the two of them.

"Where's my grapes?" Tomi asks looking at the trays, but not finding his favorite purple colored fruit.

"You're eating an actual meal Tomi. Eating grapes early in the day is gonna make your stomach hurt." Tom tells him as he places a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and a glass of orange juice in front of him.

"You can have some grapes later if you finish your breakfast." Tord pats the monster child on his back before turning to his own plate to start eating.

Tomi curiously picks up his glass of orange juice and takes a sip. The tangy taste left a sweet yet slightly sour taste in his mouth. "Yummy~"

The two adult give a light-hearted laugh and resume eating their own food.

Today is a good day.

~ Sometime Later~

After breakfast, Tord went to go meet up with Jessica. Tomi wanted to go with him so Tom made sure to give Tord the meanest set of eyes to warn him to watch his kid carefully or else.

"Tomi, don't you usually spend the day with Tom? Not that I'm complaining, I would love to spend time with you, but I have a busy work schedule ahead of me." Tord says while carrying the little monster to the main lab.

"Well, Tom doesn't do much besides sit in his office doing paperwork or walk around the base to check on his soldiers. So I thought maybe I could see how you usually spend your day." Tomi tells him as he giggles hugging Tord around the neck.

They walk into the lab to be greeted by a petite brunette wearing red-framed glass on her face. "Good morning Red Leader." Her eyes look over to Tomi and give him a soft smile. "Good morning to you too Tomi."

"Good Morning!"

Tord and Jessica chuckle at his cheerfulness. The leader sets Tomi down on his feet. "You can look around if you would like Tomi. I need to speak my department head about boring stuff. Just try not to break or take anything that might interrupt the other scientists."

"Okay Tordy~" Tomi grins and runs off to look around.

He turns around the corner of the room to pass through double doors that open with a hiss. Completely missing a sign that says: No entry without permission from R.L.

Tomi goes down the separate room he has entered. In the large room, there are rows of cages on display to show each thing inside. He cautiously comes up to one cage to read its label.

Experiment #596 Blob

His eyes look into the cage to find slimy blue liquid inside a glass container sitting in the middle of the floor. His monster senses start acting up on him, telling there is a danger if engaged with the caged experiment.

So he moved away from the cage to look elsewhere to find some fun. There were many weird creatures found on his little walk around. Some big, other small, or just average in size.

When Tomi got to the cage in the left corner of the room. He found caution tape and signs to take caution or turn back. No entry once again unless said so by Tord. Never the less, Tomi ignored them and walked right pass them to go up to the containment unit.

"Hello?" Tomi calls out into the cage. He looks into the darkness of the cage to find the experiment, but it was too dark to see. He looks down at the cage label.

Experiment #999 Little Devil

Tomi smiles at the given name of the experiment that his little monster features grow out. His little horns poked out of his head and his tail swayed back and forth in a happy manner.

"What are you doing out of your cage?" A voice asks from the cage, tone all annoyed and angry.

Tomi looks up to find red pupils shining through the darkness of the cage. "Cage? I don't have one..."

Those red pair of eyes in the cage roll before eyeing Tomi up and down. "Judging by how you look you're also an experiment. Don't even try to lie." A growl sounds from the other, "How did you get out?"

Tomi thinks of an idea, finding Mr. Little Devil a good playmate while Tord's busy. "Hey, I have an idea!" Those red eyes squinted at him for a moment, trying to figure out what he's up too. "I'll let you out if you promise to play with me. I'm bored since my parental figures are busy." Tomi puts his hands on the metal bars to hold them firmly. "What do you say?"

The experiment hums with the offer in mind. It guesses it wouldn't be so bad, on the plus side he gets to move about more than being confined in this metal container. "Alright."

"Yay!" Tomi watches as the experiment comes into the light to show them self.

A child a head taller than Tomi, around the age of 8 appears. His appearance taking an uncanny resemblance to a younger version of the Red Leader in the other room.



And we're back, how was the chapter?

Anyways, fanart for the last chapter is here! I'm pleased to say they are out of this word.


I like both versions so much that I put them both up, work done amazingly by @MjelikArt

@Jyx_Charlii made this adorable fanart. I love how you made the tv scene.

Thanks for the making fanart everyone!

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