Searching "I Know You"

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+England: Rebellion Base+

Tom sat behind his desk signing through paperwork. It had been at least a month since his escape from the Red Army Base now. He had gotten used to working with Edd and Matt, but he still felt like something was off.

The third leader sets his pen down and closes his eyes for a moment. "If I could just find a way to recover my memories..." he whispers to himself. The. He wouldn't feel so off about everything.

Knock knock

"Blue? May I come in?"

Tom opens his eyes and replies, "The doors open, come in."

A soldier, a young female, comes in holding a clipboard. She doesn't move from the door, but still talks. "It's lunchtime Blue, Green and Purple wish to see you in the dining hall soon."

"Yes, of course." Tom gets up from his seat and goes over to her. He lets her go out the door first and he follows after her.

The two of them go down the halls of the base, sometimes going up the stairs to reach one whole floor dedicated to being the large dining hall. There were large windows for everyone to enjoy eating while watching the view outside through them.

"You can join your friends. I can find Matt and Edd on my own."

The female soldier gives him a salute as she smiles at him kindly. "Yes, sir."

Tom walks around looking for his friends. The room was so large to find them, survivors and soldiers were walking about to sit and eat, or go elsewhere in the base.

"Oh!" Someone said after they bumped into his legs.

Tom looks down to find one of the survivor kids looking back up at him in awe. He couldn't help but smile down at him, "You gotta be careful there." A chuckle leaves his lips, somehow something in his mind is being buzzed. "Hm?"

"Sorry Blue! I'll be careful from now on!" The child grins up at him before running off to his parents who are eating close by.

Tom held his head, "Hm..." He shakes the familiar feeling off.

"Hey, Tom!"

The brunet looks to his right to see Matt waving over at him from where he and Edd are sitting. Tom goes over and takes a seat next to Edd.

"I'm hungry."

"Didn't you order from the kitchen yet?" Edd asks after munching on his sandwich. His friend shakes his head slowly. "Matt, can you get something for Tom to eat, please?"

Matt complied and leaves his two friends alone to converse.

"What's up with you Tom? You seem kinda off today." His green wearing friend asks concerned.

Tom groans as he buries his face in his arms. "I don't know, my head just hurts like a bitch. Maybe I'm getting a small migraine or something..."

Edd shrugs, "Maybe its a sign that your memories are gonna start coming back soon." The brunet has been seeing some signs from Tom for some time now. Sometimes his friend would be staring off into space for a really long time, or mistake some of the soldiers for some different people unconsciously by saying a different name.

"Maybe." Tom pulls his head back up to look at Edd.

"Anyways Tom, I was wondering if you could handle a mission for me."

Matt comes back and sets a tray of food in front of Tom. "Oh, you're going to send him out?"

Edd nods firmly. "It's has nothing to do with him fighting, but I just want him to check up on two of the battle camps in America. Simply bring a few backup soldiers from our base to trade them in for the soldiers who need medical attention here."

They need to change soldiers from time to time to bring back the injured who need medical attention. Edd's group of the Rebellion were specialized in medical attention for those who are injured. Thus, fresh soldiers were ready to take their place to help save others at a times notice.

"Alright, when do I have to leave by?"

"Tomorrow or the day after will be okay." Edd happily answers before going back to his sandwich.

Tom rolls his digital green eyes then looks down at his own tray of food. A flash of Tomi and Torm come into his mind eating across from him while a feeling of someone's hand comes lays on top of his right hand next to him.

The brunet looks to his right to find no one sitting next to him. He shakes his head again, ignoring the familiar feeling.


+Norway: Red Army Base+

Tord sat behind his desk while a total of 5 Blue soldiers stood in front of him with Tomi clinging to one of them.

"So this is the special team Tom made?" Tord asks looking at Tomi for confirmation.

"All five of them Tordy!"

Tord looks at them with analyzing eyes. Each of their files laid out on his desk, provided by Torm, who is just sitting on the couch watching the news so far on the TV.

"Introduce yourselves!" Tomi chimes with the following giggle.

The one on the far right started off.

"I'm Sarah, Red. I work in the armory department of the Blue group." The female soldier has shoulder length hair with ice blue eyes.

The man next to her goes next. He has dark brown hair with hazel colored eyes. "Lance, I work for Blue's training department."

"David Hart, Red. I work for Blue's radio department." The taller man says as he introduces himself. Silver eyes and black hair.

"Arina. I work with the head doctor Grace and her assistant Lizzie in the medical ward of the Blue Group." He pink hair came down in long waves down her back unlike Sarah, her brown eyes like light chocolate.

The last man chuckles as he points to himself. "You already know who I am Red. But I'll introduce myself again. I'm Zack, I am technically the leader of this special group when Blue's not able to give orders."

Tord looks them once over again with unsureness, not all of them seem to stand out from what Tom decided to pick them out for. "As you know I asked Tomi here to get all of you to come here."

Tomi giggles while he holds Zack's hand as the group nods their head. He rocks back and forth in a happy motion on his feet.

"I wanted to ask if you'd be willing to sniff some rats out for me."

Arina tilts her head to the side confused, "Rats, Red?"

Tord nods, "The kids believe there might be a spy in the base that may have lead Thomas outside the night before he disappeared. I talked with two of my men and we think there may be two of them somewhere in the base."

"We'll take the job on to look for them Red. We'll even let the other blue soldiers know about this." Zack responds in a serious tone that had the special team agree. They were not happy some spies would lead their leader out to possible danger while he had partial memory loss.

Tord stands up from his seat. "If you will, please keep this news within the older members of your group. We think the spies came in with the last batch of new recruits. If they get wind of the search for them then they'll never be found."

The 5 soldiers salute Tord. "Yes, sir."

"Dismissed soldiers."

The special team filed out of Tord's office, leaving Tord with the kids. The Leader goes over to the couch and drops next to Torm.

"Can I play with the spies Tordy?" Tomi asks as he comes over to Tord and his brother. The little demon used to do it all the time when he was still possessing Tom way back when. Always gave him something to do for fun. He climbs onto the couch to sit on the man's lap comfortably.

"I want to play with the rats too," Torm said as he shows his father a tight lip smile. He had so many ideas on how just to play with the two fools.

Tord smirks and pats the two of them on the head. "Both of you will get your turn first, then I'll get my turn to juice them out for information. Sound good?" The two of them nod in agreement. They would let their parent have the honors of finishing them off.

After all, they really shouldn't have taken Tom away from them.

Somewhere in the base, Owen and Katie felt a chill run their spine.

~+America: The next day with Tom+~

The next morning, Tom had gotten on one of the blue cargo planes with a few of his soldiers, Edd's soldiers, and Matt's soldiers. They traveled across the sea to land within a few hours at the most. The ride wasn't boring because everyone was having fun chatting among themselves.

When they had landed Tom was the first off the plan to handle business with the soldiers in charge of the rebellion camps.

"Blue, it's good to see you." A man wearing a green rebellion uniform greets him as he gets off the plane.

"Likewise general," Tom says back as they shake hands.

"By the way, my name is Samuel. We already know about your memory loss, so don't feel ashamed to ask us any questions." The green soldier kindly smiles at his third Leader.

Tom chuckles, "I appreciate the help General Samuel."

The two of them walk over to the main tent set up, holding the radio transmissions and plans for an attack. The two of them, plus a few other generals talked about strategies to go with and the number of injuries so far that need to sent back to the main base for medical attention.

A moment later, a purple soldier came into the tent out of breath. "Sirs! We've been breached by a team of Red Army soldiers!"

"Blue, what do you want us to do?" Samuel asks Tom firmly.

Tom look surprised when he shouldn't be considering he was also a leader. Then again, he can't always sit on his ass and do nothing to help protect the people helping him.

"I want some soldiers protecting the injured. Get the other soldiers ready to capture the Red soldiers who broke in, I don't want anyone getting hurt."

"But Blue sir-" He Generals were confused as Tom gave the order. Why did he not want the enemy getting hurt as well?

"Did I stutter? Get to work before someone gets hurt!" Tom firmly orders and the men get to work.

He follows them out of the tent to see a large group of Red soldiers barging through the camp entrance on foot. All of them carrying a weapon of some sort.

The rebellions soldiers were passing on Tom's orders to capture all the soldiers. Hey took their ropes and nets to start rounding all of the soldiers up with some struggle. The Blue Leader almost wanted to laugh at the scene before him because all the rebel soldiers looked like cowboys/girls trying to gather their heard of bulls together.

He picked up some rope near a tent and unwinds it. His legs start moving on their own to one of the Red soldiers, taking the rope in his hands and tying the poor soldier tightly with their arms pressed against their sides. They fall to the ground with a thump.

"Got you!"

The red soldier struggles before looking up at Tom with a glare, but it quickly falls from their face. "Blue Leader?"

Tom looks confused at the soldier. Did this soldier know him too?

"Blue Leader, it's me, Mike!" The soldier says desperately as he squirms to get back on his feet. The blond man somehow manages to get back on his feet and lean forward towards the Blue Leader. "Oh my goodness, thank whatever is out there that I found you! The base has been in a panic since you went missing."

"Um..." Tom's eyes shift back and forth seeing as none of the other soldiers have caught wind of what was happening between him and the soldier yet.

The Red Army soldier notices Tom's confused expression and smiles understandingly as the ropes around him start to loosen around his body. "I know you forgot who I am Blue Leader. I heard about the destroy mission with the Yellow Army." The blond man puts a hand over his heart to show respect to Tom. "My name is Mike. We first met when I was reporting to Red Leader about the fighting going on when your soldiers first started working with ours."

A small flash of the man's familiar face came to Tom's mind. The blond man panting and telling him and Tord about fighting going on in the departments in the Red Army Base. "I... I remember you." Tom says slowly as he takes a step back.

The soldier smiles, about to grab Tom, ready to pull him away from the rebellion camp, but the rope that was around him tightened again. "Ugh! Hey?!"

Tom comes back to his senses to see one of his new blue soldiers tying Mike back up tightly with the rope he used on the blond earlier. "W-Wait!"

Mike broke out into the loud voice to get all the soldiers attention. He couldn't risk the chance of not getting information back to their leader about Tom's newfound whereabouts. "RED SOLDIERS FALL BACK! BLUE LEADER IS HERE! CONTACT RED LEADER!" He yells loudly as he's dragged back by a blue soldier.

The Red soldiers who heard him and were not caught yet, look back. It seemed like all their eyes were trained on him solely now as he looked around.

"Blue Leader is here!"

"Someone contact Red Leader!"

"Fall back quickly, this news needs to be reported now!"

Those who haven't been caught ran for the exit of the camp and shoving rebel soldiers out of the way. They didn't dare hurt them since their second Leader is here watching.

Once the camp was clear of the enemy soldiers, the remaining red soldiers who were caught by the group were bound and gagged in a circle.

"What should we do with them Blue?" Samuel asks as he stands next to Tom.

Tom looks down at the small group of red soldiers who look at him with happy yet pleading expressions. "Bring them to my tent. I'll take care of them there."

"Are you sure Blue? They could attack you at any time." The green general asks unsure. He didn't want Tom getting into any danger.

The brunet nods, "Move them to my tent. I wish to speak with them there."

"As you wish Blue."

+Norway: Red Army Base+

Tord was actually impressed by Tom's special team. They had managed to find the two spies in under an hour.

He looks to the woman sitting to the right, in front of him, head bowed down so they don't meet eyes, just like her male partner to his left.

They had found the female spy trying to radio her Leader during lunch. David had waited in the Blue radio quarters of the tower to see if anyone would show up and he was right. He didn't do anything until she said Green Leader. That's when he went and tackled her to the ground to subdue her movement.

As for the man who joined the Red Army side, he was caught by Zack during a patrol. Zack was doing patrol rounds outside the base, with two other Red soldiers, when he heard the sound of someone calling for one of the new soldiers they had just caught trying to send information to Green Leader. Zack had the two red soldier with him approach the man casually before jumping on him.

"Katie and Owen never thought those would ever be spy names." Tord starts as he flicks through the holopad for their information. "Then again they say suspect the unexpected." He looks at them with narrowed eyes.

"We did what was right! Blue doesn't belong here!" Katie cunning protests first. Her own glare going to rival Tord's.

"He has fucking memory loss! He needs to be treated here by his medical team." He hissed at her with malice. He slams his holopad against his desk, getting the two spies to sit up in their seat stiffly. "You two created a mess the base if you haven't yet to notice!"

"We did nothing wrong!" Owen protests as well. He wasn't going to back down either. "Blue is a Leader, but not someone to work beside you."

Tord wanted nothing more than to punch the man down to hell and isolate the woman in darkness alone.

His robot hand clenched tightly almost about to do the act, but Tomi was quick to see his foreseeable action. The little demon hopped off the couch, from beside his brother, and tugged a little on Tord's jacket.

"Tordy, calm down, please?" Tord looks down to Tomi. His glare softening when he saw the kid's pleading expression.

"Sorry Tomi," Tord picks the young demon up to carry him in his arms.

Tomi kisses Tord's cheek and smiles. "It's fine." He snuggles himself in the man's hold.

Torm gets off the couch as well to go over to the two. "Tomi, I think you should go with him to walk around the base. He needs to clear his head before he interrogates the two rats."

"Wait, Torm-"

"Good idea!" Tomi cuts Tord off as he urges the red leader to move towards the door. "Come on Tordy! Let's go say hi to everyone!"

Tord wanted to advise he couldn't, but the puppy eyes expression he was getting from Tomi was doing wonders to his ability to give into his demand. He sighs and turns around to walk out of the room. "Fine."

Torm waves them goodbye with a silent smile on his face. When they're out of sight, the little devil turns around to face the two rats with similar narrow eyes like his father. His wings stretching open their full wingspan to intimidate the two soldiers.

"Now," Torm says in a low tone that scared the two spies, his eyes glowing an ominous red. "Tell me everything you know about what happened to my mother."

+With Tord and Tomi+

Tomi hummed a simple tune as Tord carried him around the base. By now he assumed his brother is interrogating the two spies like no tomorrow. He was fine that he didn't get to participate with him, but the reward of his efforts was going to be the knowledge on how to bring their mom back.

"Shouldn't we go back now Tomi?" Tord asks as he turns down to another hallway.

"Just a bit longer Tordy! Please?" Tomi pleads childishly, once again using his puppy dog eyes. Funny thing is, he doesn't even have eyes like Tom.

What got Tord to agree with him easily was because of the similar appearance. Tom's black voids, light brown hair... Tord missed seeing his lover so badly. "Alright Tomi, just for a few more moments, but that's it."

"Yay!" Tomi hugs his father figure tightly, nuzzling his head against the crook of Tord's neck affectionately.

They keep walking until two of his soldiers came running up to him out of breath, a Blue soldier following with tears flowing down their cheeks.

"Soldiers what happened?!" Tord asks concerned. He had to let Tomi down, who just went to holding the side of his blue coat like earlier.

The first soldier, who was panting like the rest, looks up to answer him. "We received great news Red Leader!" His partner holds out a clipboard to the man with a grin.

Tord takes the clipboard in his hands to hold, his eyes going to scan the paper of the report. His eyes widen at one highlighted sentence.

Blue Leader is in America, near Red Army Camp #1XR.

"They found Blue Leader!"


Okay guys we have a couple things to go through today.

First off, I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Second, how do you feel if I put smut here? Then I would put it in future chapters. I won't put any if nobody wants it. If people do want it, I will put markings before it happens. So don't worry.

Third, I will come up with another Eddsworld book. You can take a vote on my instagram. You can find my username in my bio for my account.

Finally l, I have a snow day today. No school! If you have a snow day, I hope you're enjoying it too!

Anyways, we have one fanart today for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy this little Father and Son scene from the last chapter^^

From @StarKid168, 10/10 XD

Thanks for the fanart!!!

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