The Rebellion

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+Rebellion Base+

"Alfred this is the third time you broke your leg while training," Tom says as he helps his soldier by wrapping up their leg into a cast. One of the nurses helped him apply the medication earlier while the other doctors in the infirmary were busy with the other wounded soldiers.

The young soldier looks down guilty. "I'm sorry Blue. I should have been more careful with training like you told me last time." He felt a hand pat his head, looking up a little he saw Tom smile at him softly.

"Just promise me you'll rest up properly before you start training again with the others."

Alfred nods, "I promise sir."

Tom gets up from his kneeling position and stands up straight. "I'll check on you later. Listen to the doctors, okay?" Getting another 'yes sir' before he turns around and exits the medical ward.

His radio comes to life when Edd's voice filters through. "Tom, you there?"

Tom pulled his radio from his side and answered back. "Yeah Edd? I just finished helping one of my soldiers at the Medical Ward."

"We got a new round of people joining our rebellion. Matt and I are in the recruiting room getting them situated. Mind coming over here to help?"

"I'll be there in 5 minutes, I won't be long." The musician answers and sets off to the recruitment room.

+Recruitment Room+

"Hey, I'm Wen." A new recruits introduces herself to one of the soldiers standing by the door.

The male soldier smiles at her with good manners. "Hello young miss, I'm Zack." He introduces himself back politely.

"Do you know how this process works sir? My friends and I heard some things about the rebellion here and there when we came to sign up." Wen fiddles with her hair, something she does when she's nervous.

Zack chuckles seeing the new recruit's nervous habit. "Nothing to be nervous about. You'll get to choose where you want to be put into."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll get to choose a department of your choice here at the Rebellion Base. Depending on the group you pick, you will follow your Leader's orders while they take care of you." Zack started to explain to her while the chatter in the room increases due to more recruits enter the room. "There are different departments that are easy to get used to once you learn. Such as the uniform department, supplies department, the patrol department, and more."

Wen asked another question about something Zack mentioned before. "And you said something about a Leader's orders and care."

"Yes, there are three main Leaders here who started this Rebellion Base. You, like the rest of these people here, will be choosing one of the three." Zack noticed two people go up onto the stage, getting ready to start the assembly. "The rest will be explained by the leaders." He gently pushed her back with the crowd. "Good luck."

Wen wanted to know more, but he was right. There were two people up on the stage getting ready to get everyone's attention.

The one wearing the long black coat came to the mic and taps on it twice. "Hello? Is the mic on?" Everyone in the room looks to the front of the stage answering his question. He smiles and greets them all, "Welcome everyone to the Rebellion Base. I'm one of the leaders here, my name is Edd."

The soldiers wearing green patches over their hearts cheered loudly.

"You can do better than that Green!"

"Yeah Green, we've seen you do better!"

Their laughing causing some of the new recruits to laugh too.

Edd laughs along and motions his hand to the other person next to him. "Next to me is my friend and fellow leader, Matt."

The soldiers wearing purple patches on the right sleeve of their shoulder whooped and cheered for their leader. Matt blushes in response and laughs.

"And our last fellow leader and friend will arrive later. A soldier in his division got injured during training so he went to make sure he was okay." Edd told them while the soldiers with blue patches on the left shoulder sleeve cheered even louder than the two other colored soldiers combined.

The Green leader rolled his eyes at their volume and antics. "So I'll have my friend Matt here explain how this is going to work."

Edd handed the microphone to Matt and the ginger steps forward to speak. "Alright everyone, we'll first start by separating all of you to one color of your choice." He signaled his soldiers to place the three color posts in front of the stage. When they finished he lets the recruits look at them. "You'll pick a color you want to associate yourself with. Green is Edd's group, you'll be under his care and orders. Purple is my group! I'd love for you guys to join me, only if you want to of course. Last, but not least, is Blue which is Tom's group. Tom is the name of the last leader we have here."

Edd claps his hand and raises his voice since he doesn't have a mic. "Come on everyone, choose one of the colors and stay there until we get everyone settled."

The recruits went to the color of their choice and stayed. Many went to Green, while two handfuls of soldiers went to Purple, and a handful of soldiers for Blue.

The soldiers with blue patches were encouraging recruits from the other color groups to come join their group instead. Some of them made faces at them like children.

They didn't notice the doors open through the loud chatter. Tom enters the room and saw some of his soldiers run over to a few recruits to kidnap them over to his group color.

"Toby! Jasper! Eric!"

The three soldiers halted in their steps and turned their heads to face their leader. "Blue!"

Tom went over to them and sighs. "Put them down and apologize. I assume they went to pick either Edd or Matt's group, am I right?"

"Aw, but Blue..." Jasper whined as she set the recruit she is holding down. Tom shakes his head once more. "Fine." She turns to her capture, like her other two partners in crime, and apologizes for their behavior.

"We're sorry." The three apologizes before returning to there posts giggling or laughing.

Edd and Matt went over to Tom glad that he made it. "Sorry I'm late guys, some of my soldiers were talking to me about some updates outside. It's nothing to worry about so don't worry." Tom assured them.

"It's no problem Tom." Edd held the mic up and spoke to everyone. "Everyone this is Tom, he's the leader of the Blue group." He introduced his friend to the crowd. Lots of Tom's soldiers yelled, shouted, and cheered in excitement loudly.

After the intro and cheering, everyone had picked their place where they wanted to stay.

"If any of you wish to change groups please inform one of the experienced soldiers in your group so we can sort out your request," Matt tells them once the three friends were back on the stage.

Tom takes the mic when Matt hands him the device. "Now we'll be taking each group to their building. As you've probably seen, our base has 4 buildings. The one we're in right now is called the Neutral Building. It's part of the base behind the three buildings out in front. It holds the dining hall and supplies for this Rebellion group."

He lets Edd hold up the base format on stage so everyone could see it clearly. "The three other buildings are the Purple, Green, and Blue housing for our soldiers and survivors as you know. They hold the similar format with the Neutral Building, but there is no dining hall in those buildings."

Edd takes the mic back once Tom is done with his explanation of the buildings. "We really appreciate your willingness and cooperation to stop the Red Army everyone. Your leader will explain what you'll do once you've headed to your building. So thank you and have a good rest of the day."

Everyone claps and starts to chatter as they wait for their leader to show them to their building. Edd's group is the first to leave to the Green Building, lessening the volume of the room. Then Matt's group left after Edd with a quick goodbye and luck to Tom.

Once Matt's group is out of sight, Tom jumps off from the stage and walks over to his handful of new recruits, which were five people. Some of his soldiers go to stand behind him with welcoming smiles at them.

"Follow me everyone, we'll be heading to the Blue Building now," Tom tells them as he keeps walking to the exit. The group walks down the halls with some chatter here and there from the recruits and soldiers.

Wen, the recruit from before, looks at her surroundings curiously as she follows her group. The Blue leader didn't seem that bad in her opinion. She felt someone tap her soldier and she looked back to see Zack. "Hey, you're that soldier I greeted earlier."

"Yeah, nice to see you picked Blue's group. I'm also one of his soldiers." Zack grins at her as they walked side by side. "You'll fit right in with our Blue Family." He chuckles.

Wen could help but notice the tone he used, familiar and warm like a family hug. She wonders about what type of group she got herself into.

Tom pushed the doors open to the Blue Building and they entered the main lobby. It has a high ceiling with room doors circling around and up. A blue glass chandelier shining up above them proudly and beautifully. The floor they were on had nice furniture too from couches to tables.

"Welcome to the Blue Building recruits. As you heard back at the Netrual Building, I'm Tom. You can address me by name, but my soldiers seemed to have taken a liking to calling me Blue." He looked at his soldiers who were snickering as he told the recruits of the fond title. "You can call me one of the two if you prefer, but please don't address me as Blue Leader." He told the last part sternly.

Tom looks at one of his soldiers and signaled for him to come over. The soldier went over and introduces himself. "I'm Zack, one of your senior soldiers. I am part of the first batch of soldiers who first joined the Rebellion under Blue here. So if you have any questions or need help please seek me or my friends for answers." He pulls out some papers from the inside of his coat. "We will now help you get sorted into the department of your choosing. Please come to one of the soldiers near you and they will get your name and the department of your choice on your file."

"I'll being helping as well, so don't be afraid to come to me as well," Tom adds next to his soldier.

The recruits went to one of the soldiers or Tom to get the information down. It was a quick process with the new recruits since there are a small number of them. Tom finished his last recruit and pulled out a bag full of patches.

"These patches are a symbol of who you're working for and the department you specialize in. Please line up and I'll hand them to you." Tom says.

The five new soldiers got their badges and some of the experienced soldiers help them get it pinned on the left side of their jacket sleeve. Once everything is taken care of the soldiers in blue and white cheer loudly.

Eric, from earlier, goes over to the PA system to turn it on. "Yo Blue Building! Let's greet our new soldiers!"

Soon enough the group of recruits was met with the sound of doors opening and lots of soldiers coming out of their room. They greeted them with happy expressions and cheers.

They look back at Tom who's smiling at them.

"Welcome to the Rebellion."

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