☆Chapter 16☆Her Messed Up Feelings☆

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"Are you kidding me!!! Bloody stupid!!" I threw my bag on the bed and gritted. I threw myself on bed as well.

I was angry coz i didnt know what was happening to me..i could've punched him..i could have kicked him but i didnt.I just couldn't.The thing i can get is why..why i didnt do it.If it was another boy he wouldnt even have lived after touching me let alone kissing me i definitely would have sued him.

But neil,there is something definitely with him that pulls me toward him like a magnet when i shouldnt.I shouldnt feel anythinh toward anyone except my family then why am i feeling like this toward him.Why do i feel bad when i see that hurt look in his eyes.Why do i care about if i had hit him too hard.

And the biggest question is why the fuck do i feel like i need him in my life when i never needed anyone ever.I've always tried to win in any argument or fight be it in school be it in college be it business.

Then why dont i feel like winning this time too.What the fuck is different with him.He is nothing but a business partner yet he feels like he is something close.And the biggest question of all why didnt i pushed him away when he kissed me so many times.

And why the fuck i liked when he kissed me when i should be hating him for stealing my first kiss.

Why did him being close to me affected me.Why did i felt my heart beating faster when he said he love me or whenever he tell about his feelings but they cant be true..he must be lying like all those guys who do that to get girls.Then why do i feel like he is not those guys he something special.

Ahh this is why i hate emotions..they fuck the person up..gosh why the hell this neil had to do it..

"Avii?" I heard my twin calling me softly and that was when i came out of the trance.

" Come in,Ann." I said. She came in and smiled at me. I sighed.

" Coffee?" She asked.

" Thank you." I said taking the coffee from her.

" How was your day?" She asked me.

" Not so good. How was yours?" I asked her sipping the coffee she made.Its her coffee only that can calm me down only in few seconds.

" Was tiring of course. But what  happened to you?" She asked me.

" Nothing just a stupid pissed me off like hell." I said angrily remembering that fucking jerk.

" Which stupid dared to piss you off, Avi? Doesn't he or she love his bones?" She asked innocently and I laughed looking at her. She looked at me confusedly.

" Stupid is stronger than me so I thought I better use my intelligent brain rather than wasting my power." I said ruffling her hair.

" Oh, then it's ok." She said.

" Yeah." I said.

" I thought you gave up." She said sipping her coffee.

" What!!! No, that's not going to happen. I never give up, you know that." I said.

" Hmm, I know that. But sometimes you need to just not to make the situation more messed." She said.This is one thing i can never get i mean she is so innocent yet she can understand things better then me.Maybe ite dad's personality she get so thats why.

" Situation is under control this will not make a havoc. No worries." I said.

" Alright, if you say so." she said. "But I was wondering who is the stupid who dared to mess with you?" She asked. I looked at her. She was sipping her coffee. I took a sip. I can't tell her that it's Neil. She is one of his fans. But my sister is not stupid like all .

" Someone. It's not that important. Tell me did you go to meet poonam?" I asked her about our cousin who was pregnant.

" Yeah, she was asking for you." She said.

" I was so busy today. How is she now?" I asked her while removing my shoes.

" She is all ok." She said.

" And the baby?" I asked.

" Both mother and baby is fine." She said and I smiled.

" That's great." I said.

" I can't wait to see the little one born." She said and I chuckled.

" Soon." I said and she nodded and started sipping coffee silently.I also completed my coffee.

" Let's go for swimming." I told her as she got up to leave.Swimming is something that calms me down.

" You have just come home. Are you sure you want to go for swimming?" She asked me.

" Yes. Let's go." I said.

" Ok, I will get my suit on. You come downstairs." She ran out of my room and I chuckled. I removed my clothes and put on my swimming suit. I came downstairs and went to the pool. I saw Ann already there looking cutely at the water.

" Boooo!!!" I said and she lost her balance then fall into the water. I jumped in the water.

"Avii!!!" She squealed. I swam away from her. She was swimming after me. We were laughing and she was chasing me.

" Catch me if you can." I said and winked at her.

" Wait and watch." She said following me.

" Yeah, I am here." I said.

" Stay there you, Avi." She said.

" Come on, princess. Get me." I said. I stopped and she swam to me and got reach to me. I smiled widely.

" Now it's my turn. Swim Ann swim. If I get you then boom!!!" I said throwing my hands in the air.

She giggled and swam away from me. She was on the edge when I started to swim. She squealed and swim away again. I laughed at her reaction.

" Come on, princess. I am going to get you. Hahaha." I said almost reaching her. She sticked her tongue out at me. I smiled at her reaction. My twin is always able to make me feel better. I am feeling better now. I smiled. She was swimming to the corner and I got her.

" Caught you." I said and caught her arm. We both giggled. She was panting hard.

" Let's go back. Your eyes are turning red." I said as I pulled her out of the pool. I took her to her room and I went to mine. I went to the bathroom and took a deep breath. I let my muscles relax. I was fuming and it caused my whole body shoot up. I let the water fall on my body. I let my body relax. I needed it. I needed a sleep. I came out of the washroom. I changed into a comfortable thing and let myself fall on the bed. I tried to sleep but sleep were not overwhelming me. I was too tired but I wasn't able to sleep. I needed it but I wasn't able to sleep. I was restless. I don't know why.I dont know why as soon as i closed my eyes that moron's smiling face come. Suddenly my phone rang. I was startled at this. I took the call without checking the caller ID.

" Hello." I said. " Who is there?" I asked.

" Hello, Ms. D'cruse." I heard a familiar voice but couldn't figure it out who it was.

" Who is this?" I asked.

"Vidyut Singh." He replied. Well, my anger rose up again I think. What does this bustard want now?!!!

" Yes, Mr.Singh?" I said politely.

" Ms. D'cruse, I was wondering how would it be to have a meeting tomorrow?" He asked and i sure as hell knew hee was smirking.

I know if i hate him then why am i still working with him well when we signed to contract with him we didnt knew how much big of a bastard and womanizer he is and now we know but we cant break the contract.

" Sure. Come to my office." I said as politely as ever.

" A casual meeting. At lunch I may prefer?" He said. I thought for a second.

" Ok. Text me the time and place. I will be there." I said.

" Ok, thank you." He said.

" You're welcome." I said and hung up.

What does that stupid want now!! Umm, hmm... I can't go alone. I can't tell Dad. He will do something crazy. Can't take Karan, he is out of the city now.Alex is not here as well. Noah is not available tomorrow. I can't take mom or Anna. I thought for a moment. Should I or should I not!!! I don't know. I may try. I took a deep breath and breathed out. Not always you want to do what you want. But you need to. I need to do it cause there is something I know he will tell me that is important for us. Going to make him the victim of his own arrow. I smirked. I always win. I will win Vidyut and there is nothing that you can do about it. Let's see Vidyut how smart you are. I smirked.

I'm not taking someone with me cause i'm scared well Avni D'cruse is never scared but i'm not sure what i'll do if he do something stupid and i'm not worried about vidyut but i'm worried about contract it can effect our business.


Well hope you all liked the chapter.

I love writing about avni and ananya scenes so if you got bored or didnt liked do tell me.

How was the chapter by the way?

So avni is also feeling something something thats why she didnt do anything to neil.Happy or Not?!

Thanks for reading the chapter.

Sorry for not replying to your comments but i'm really glad that you guys did.

Thanks for the love your guys showered.

Lots of love🌹🌹

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