☆Chapter 28☆

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Couldn't find a title for chapter so suggest me if you have any.lol

Enjoy the long chapter..!

Also thankk youuuu guys for always showering your love even on boring updates.

It means alot to me💕💕🤗🤗


" I am going to meet my grandparents".I said to Neil as I plopped on the bed and talked to the guy I like alot might I add.

" That's great. Where do they live?"He asked me.

" Countryside." I said. " Wanna come? Karan is coming too." I told him.

" I wish I could go with you but I really have a very very important meeting with Dad to attend it. I need to attend it. I am sorry, Babe." He said instantly getting sad.Gosh he really is damn cute I chuckled internally.

" It's ok." I said smiling.

" I will miss you." He said.

" No, I won't miss you. I will have date with Draco." I said smirking.

" Who is Draco now?" He asked with jealousy.

" You are really a jealous guy. He is my horse. I love riding him. So, I will count it dating. You can join us later." I said chuckling.He sighed deeply.

" I definitely will join you guys." He said.

" Join the meeting first. I am not going to run away. You act like i'm going to run away always." I said and he sighed again.

" I just wanted to spend some time with you." He said so fuckin cutely.

" Just attend your meeting and come then okay." I said smiling.

" When are you leaving?" He asked me.

" Tomorrow morning." I said as I put it on speaker and put on moisturiser on my arms.

" Who else are going with you?" He asked me.

" Just my family and karan." I said.

" Ok, then enjoy. I might join you guys later." He said and I smiled.

" Ok, all the best for the meeting and don't be stressed. Do it properly. We are not running away anywhere." I said smiling.

" Stop saying run away word it hits me so bad." He said and I chuckled.

" I am gonna pack my stuffs now. Talk to you later. Bye." I said to him.

" Ok, bye. Take care and love youu." He said as  and hung up.I chuckled as I know that he hung up after saying that coz he knows I get nervous.

I smiled as I fall asleep with the thoughts of only one person in my mind.


*At morning*

After having my breakfast I went to upstairs to my room. My eyes widened as I saw my stuffs were just a mess. I got my stuffs together last night only. I don't know who did it!!!

" Aviii!!" I heard my twin.

" What happened, Ann?" I asked her.

" I lost my blue jacket." She said. It was her favorite.

" Ok, then let's search it." I said. I knew she was searching for her jacket. I sighed

" I searched for everywhere. I couldn't find it out." She said and I patted her back. She pouted.

" We will find it out." I said.

" Where?" She asked me.

" Let's arrange the stuffs. Then we will get it." I said and she nodded. We arranged my stuffs and she got her blue jacket.

" My jacketh, my jacketh." She squealed in a babyish voice. I chuckled. I kissed on her forehead.

" Have you packed your stuffs?" I asked her. She shook her head.

" Ok, come with me. I will help you." She nodded. We arranged her stuffs.

" Is noah done with his stuffs?" I asked her.

" May be you already know he is a Mr oh so punctual weirdo." She said shrugging.

" Ok, let's go. Let's see." I said and she walked with me.

"Have you asked Neil to come with us coz Mom was askin about him?" She asked.

" He has an important meeting tomorrow. He will join us later." I said and she nodded.

" Alright then. As long as he join us mom will be happy ." She said and I nodded. We went to Noah's room and knocked on his door.

" Come in." He said. We entered and found him packing his stuffs.

" Are you done?" I asked.

" I am almost done." He said as he packed his stuff.

" Ok then. Need any help?" I asked him.

" No. I am ok and anyways you guys will mess it up more so no thanks." He told us glaring as we laughed.

" I am going to see Mom and Dad." I said. " Let's go Ann." I said pulling her as we laughed . He nodded. We walked towards Mom and Dad's room. I knocked on the door.

" Come in." I heard Dad saying.

" Dad, Mom." I said. " Need any help?" I asked them.

" We are done, girls. Thanks by the way." Mom said smiling.

"  Ok, Mom and Dad. We are going to get ready." I said and pulled her with me.

" Ok, go."Mom said.

I was going to get ready.Anna hold my hand.

" Yes, Ann?" I asked her.

" I forget to inform Alison and Braydon that I will be away for 7 days." She said.

Alison and Braydon are our really good friends also they make a really cute couple.Alison is also Anna's patient as she is pregnant.

" Oh ok I will inform them. You go get ready." I said to her.

" Tell him to talk with Dr. Greene." She said.

" Will do that." I said.

" Thank you." She said and kissed my cheek then ran to her room giggling.

" Careful." I said to her. I shook my head. Crazy girl. I went to my room.

I took my phone and I called Brayden.

" Hello, Avni?" He said.

" Brayden, how is everything going?" I asked him.

" Going great. How are you?" He asked me.

" I am fine. How is Alison?" I asked him.

" She is fine. Just her mood swings is hell." He said and I laughed.

" Take it. After all you caused it." I said smirking.

" Yeah, called to curse me now." He said and I an sure he must be rolling his eyes.

" I didn't call you to curse you. I called you to inform you that we are going to my grandma's house for a week.Ananya won't be able to come and visit Alison for check up. But you should talk to Dr. Greene. I will text you her number." I said.

" Alright, then. I will talk with her. You guys enjoy. I am here to take care of her. No worries." He said.

"Okay then see you guys later."I said as I hung up.

I went to my room and took a quick shower. I changed into some comfortable clothes. It's a 8 hours journey from D'cruse's house. I put on a light make make up. I came out of the room and found Anna struggling with her luggage.

" Give it to me." I said and took her luggage. She smiled widely.

I saw everyone already there waiting for us. I got in the car and Ann sat beside me. She leaned on me and slept instantly.I saw Karan sighed as he saw her sitting beside me.He glared at me as I smirked at him.

Hs took of his jacket and covered her body properly as he pulled her up in his arms and carry her to the back seat of the car while smirking at me.Urgh that brat!

I'm gonna kill him but even I have to admit they really make a cute couple and Anna didnt woke up coz she sleep like a cute whale.

I smiled looking out of the window. Love makes people crazy. May be I am on my way to be crazy. I looked at my phone screen. The wallpaper made me smile automatically. It was the same picture that Neil posted in his Instagram.


*8 hours later*

" Ahhh!!! I am dead tired." I said I threw myself on the bed of my room in my grand parent's house.

" Take rest. I will make you a coffee." Anna said as she was sleeping the whole way to here so she wasnt tired at all.

" Come fast, don't get lost in your K again." I said rolling my eyes.

" He is out with Noah so I dont think I can." She said laughing.

" Alright then. Please come fast." I said as I get comfortable in the bed.

" Just coming." She said. She left pouting her lips. I smiled. I took the pillow and hugged it then closed my eyes. I was almost slept.

" Avi, wake up. Wake up." I heard Ann calling me.

" Yes, yes." I sat up at once. " What happened? Are you alright?" I asked holding her hands.

" Nothing happened. I am fine. Your coffee?" She handed me my coffee and I smiled at her widely.

" Thank you sis." I said as I sighed I really needed her coffee .

" You're welcome." She said as we sipped our coffee together.

" That was much needed." I said to her appreciating it.

" Indeed. How long have I slept in the car btw?" She asked me.

"All the way coming here." I said sipping my coffee.

" Great." She said pouting. " I missed the view all the way." She said I know she loves the view most.

" Yes, you did." I said looking outside of the window.

" Why didn't you wake me up?" She asked me.

" You were very very tired." I said to her. She pouted.

" You were hugging me until I wake up?" She asked me.

" I was about to but Karan snatched you from me." I said. She pouted again.

" He is so cute. Isn't he?" She said smilingly.

" Yes, very very." I rolled my eyes.

" He is." Anna said.

" I didn't disagree." I said.

" You didn't agree as well." She said narrowing her eyes.

" I didn't say like that." I tried to explain but I saw mom coming inside.

" Get freshen up then come downstairs and have lunch grandma and grandpa are waiting for you." She said and left.

" I think I will go to take shower first." She said.

" Ok, I am sleeping. Wake me up when you are done and close the door before you leave." I said and hugged my pillow I slept again. I saw some weird kind of dream. I woke up. I sat on the bed and rubbed my eyes. What's wrong with me!!!

" Avi!!" I heard my twin.

" I am up. Going to take shower." I said and took my stuffs. I took a quick shower and changed into something comfortable. I came out and saw my twin still sitting on the couch waiting for me.

" You didn't go?" I asked her.

" I was waiting for you." She said and I smiled. I dried my hair and we came to downstairs. I saw my grandparents. We went to them and hugged them.

" How are you, Granny?" I asked my grandma.

" I am all ok. How is my fiesty flame?" She asked me and I smiled widely.

" She is blazing." I said and laughed. I kissed her cheek and turned to my grandpa.

" How are you Ironman?" I asked my grandpa. He chuckled.

" I am great as always. How is my volcano girl?" He asked me as I sat beside him.

" She is on the verge to erupt anytime." I said and winked at him. He chuckled again.

" Grandma, Grandpa, Avi also got a boyfriend." Noah dropped the bomb smirking and got a glare from me. My parents chuckled.

" Is that true?" My grandma asked.

" Alright, he is my boyfriend and I think I am going to marry him soon too." I said and my dad looked at me.

" Not any soon. I talked with him about this." My dad said at once. I sighed.

" Ok, Dad. Not any soon but marrying him that's it." I said more like arguing.

" Wow. I should've recorded it and send it to Neil."Karan said like a stupid grinning.

" And I am sure he would be thrilled." Noah said laughing and I sighed.Why do I have to deal with these two idiots.

" No one is getting married any soon." Dad said and I sighed.

" Excuse me. Can I just know the name of the lucky guy?" Grandma said.

" You know him. In fact everyone knows him, Grandma." Noah said smirking.

" I know many people, that doesn't mean they all will be her boyfriend." Grandma said.

" He might be a famous actor in the world. Very very famous." Noah said and I sighed.

" Really?" Grandma asked.

" Yes." Noah said.

" Who is that?" She asked.

" His name might be Neil Khanna."Noah said winking at me and got a glare immediately.

" No way. Really?" My grandma said smiling widely.

" Yes granny."Ann said.

" How did you get him?" Grandma asked more like a fangirl.

" He reached me first." I said.

" Mom, do you remember My Best friend from india?The one who was with me in college?" Dad asked grandma.

" Yeah, I do. What's with him?" Grandma asked.

" He is his son." Dad said.

" Oh, that's what happened here?No wonder why his son is smart and intelligent." Grandpa asked.

" Yes." Dad said.

Well, if you look at these family guys, you can see they closely resemble to each other. Like, my dad is too much look alike to my grandpa and as for Noah he looks almost the same as Dad just his eye color doesn't completely match coz they match with mom.

" I still can't believe you got a boyfriend and he too that famous. I mean I always felt like that you will get someone who will be so so special." Grandma said.

" I know he is very very special." I said smiling as I thought about him.

" Let's finish lunch and talk then." Mom said and we have our lunch.

We finished soon then I accused myself as I was sleepy. I went to my room to get some sleep. When I wake up I found 78 missed call from Neil. He messaged me several times. I called him back but it was switched off. I messaged him about why I didnt pick up the call and that I was sleeping thinking that he was busy with his works.

I checked the time and realized night fall down. I came out of my room and find them watching movie. I sat with them and a while later we were called for dinner. We had our dinner and I was again going to sleep but they insisted me to watch movies.

I sat beside Noah. I found them watching horror movie.Anna buried her face on Karan's chest and he hugged her tightly. I sighed as I suddenly was missing my bo-wait what am I even thinking. I decided to go to my room and call him again.

I went to my room and was about to call Neil Suddenly my phone rang and I took it. It was Neil.I instantly smiled seeing his caller Id.

" Hey."  I said as I layed down on bed smiling like a weirdo.

" Hey, Babe. How was your journey?" He asked.

" It was good. How was your meeting?" I asked him.

" Gone well. What are you doing?" He asked me.

" Going to sleep. What about you?" I asked him.

" Just reached home. Hell tired." He said.

" Ok, take rest then." I said to him. " And have dinner first."

" Sweet of you. Already had it." He said. " Going to sleep, Babe. Bye take care. I love you and I miss you." He said.

" You too take care and I miss you too. Good night." I said.

" Good night, Babe." He said and cut the call.

I entered my room but suddenly shiver ran through my spine. Someone was inside my room. There was definitely someone. I gulped.


Hope you all liked it.

Who do you think is inside The Avni's Room?

And yeah as in the show we didnt get much of avni and her grandma and grandpa scenes I'm writing them here.

If you dont like them do tell me I wont write it also if you guys are confused then the grandparents are Ryan's parents.

Also some happy moments are on the way ;)

Are you guys excited?

Next update will be soon.

Lots of love🌹

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