☆Chapter 4☆Meeting Ananya☆

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Neil's pov....

"Dad, please check the files I have sent you, I gotta go somewhere." I said.

"Where are you going?" Dad asked.

"To meet some friends." I said and came out of our office building.

I was about to get my car then my phone started to ring. I saw it's unregistered number.

"Hello!!" I said, "Who is this?"

"Neo."I heard that voice and I just enraged at once.

"Mitali, didn't I tell you not to call me?!" I said angrily.

"Neo, I need to talk with you." She said.

"Mitali, I told you already everything clearly. Don't make me talk with another language. It won't be good for you. Mind it. I am talking so nicely and that does not mean you will cross your limit. I am not going to tolerate your behavior anymore. Am I clear?" I gritted.

"Neo, please listen to me, we need to -" she said and I hung up and blocked her number.

I started my car. I was going to meet my friends at a coffee shop. I went there and waited for them. I ordered an espresso.

Suddenly my eyes fall on someone and I felt my heart bitting normally but that wasn't like that when i met her yesterday. I saw her sitting on another table smiling at the flowers. Suddenly she started to count them. Then she messed suddenly smiled at herself shyly then again started. She saw a butterfly fluttering around, she clapped herself like a kid and then smiled cutely. I felt something wrong. Why is she acting abnormally and why my heart's not beating like yesterday!!! I stared at her blankly. This girl has multi-personality disorder!!! Once she act like a kid, once acts like a mature Hot-headed woman!!!

Though i just like that hot headed girl.

I was observing her from a far I was confused. Why she is acting like this?! I just kept watching her who was smiling at the butterfly. Strange!!! Talking with a butterfly!!! Offering it hot chocolate!!! Is she crazy!!! I was shocked at her sudden change. What's wrong with her?!

Suddenly I saw a guy came gave her a side hug which she was shocked first then she smiled at him and he kissed her head. Hell!!! I was burning with wrath at once. How dare he touch her!!!

I was about to go and punch the guy and suddenly my friends came and I saw they were talking and laughing together. I felt intense jealousy in me. Whoever this guy is I need to kill him first. I decided in my mind.

"Neo, what happened dude?"My friend dd said.

"Nothing, just pissed with mitali's behavior." I explained everything.

"I told you before. She is a psychopath. You should be careful because she won't care about anything to get you if you deny her. You know I think she is a cursed witch. I don't know what is her problem but sorry to say but you shouldn't get along with her, Neo." Ali said.

"Now what will I do, I learnt after I signed that she was the costar. I knew she is a bad news." I said.

" It's ok, don't worry. We will see her." Ali said.

"Alright, do you guys know that guy?" I pointed the guy with her. They all turned.

"Oh,Karan khurana!!!"dd said.

"You know him?"I asked.

"Who doesn't?!Khurana belongs another empire in UK beside the d'cruse. Kind of crazy chain of their business issues."He said.

"Alright, thanks. I gotta go. If people recognize me it will be hell messed. I am in no mood of dealing with the crazy crowd now. I need to go home." I said," I am here for few days. Let's meet this weekend. It was great meeting you all after long time." I said

" Sure,Neo. Anytime. Just call us or inform the place. We will be there." They said and I left for my home.

I left but not before steal a glance of them. They were just talking and laughing with each other like they are in so much love with each other. I didn't see the fire girl in this girl. She is like innocent angel not a killer lady whom I saw yesterday.

I was about to enter my car. I found my phone ringing. It was my dad.

"Dad, do you need anything?" I asked. I was pissed off already had no mood of working again.

"Can you help me in presentation for today's meeting?! Ryan and Avni came but I don't get time to get it ready. It will be very embarrassing if I failed to get it ready. I don't time to handle it now. If you helped me it would be very nice." Dad said and I was shocked what is he saying!!! Avni is there!! Then who is sitting there in the coffee shop!!! I returned the coffee shop and entered in it.

"Are you sure, dad that Avni is there?" I asked and was searching for them and then got them still sitting there.

"What's wrong, Neil?! Of course I am sure she is sitting right in front of me. Should I give the phone to her?!" My dad said confusedly.

" No, dad. It's ok. I will come." I said and again looked at them. How can this be possible!!!

I couldn't find who can be right my eyes or dad's. Cause I can see she is here and now dad is saying she is in our office with her dad!!! How can it be!!!

I just reached our office I parked my car and entered the office building. I pressed the lift button and it opened then I directly walked in my dad's office. I need to know if Avni really is here or not. If not I need to kill that guy what was his name!!! Oh, yes, Karan khurana.

I knocked the door.

"Come in."I heard my dad saying.

"Dad, you have seen something wrong, I saw -." My voice stuck in my throat as I found a smirking Avni looking at me. I just stared blankly. What the holy shit!!!

"Hello, young man."Mr. D'cruse said.

"Uhhh, umm... Hello, Mr. D'cruse. Nice to meet you again."I said.

"Same here."He said and I sat beside him.

" You didn't say hello to me, Mr. Khanna. Aren't you happy that I am here!?" I heard her voice and i can sense she is smirking.

"No, no, Nothing like that. Nice to meet you too." I said confusedly.

"Well, alright. I don't think so." She said.

"It's not true." I said and looked at her who was wearing white shirt and black jeans with a creame coloured blazer. Totally business attire. But the girl in the coffee shop was wearing red shirt and black leggings.

Avni's outfit...

This girl sitting infront of me was looking like a complete hot headed sexy businesswoman while the girl in coffee shop was looking like an innocent girl.

I am totally confused. I helped dad and the meeting went successful. I was silent all the time. The meeting ended and I was about to get out of the room suddenly someone stood in front of me. As I looked up I get frozen again.

" Congratulations, Mr. Khanna!! You won the deal. I didn't know you are that skillful. Impressive. You have impressive talent, kinda like it." She extended her hand and I just looked at her for a moment. This smirking face has no similarities with that innocent expressions I saw in the coffee shop. They can't be one. My brain declared. But how can they be so closely alike!!!!

" Mr. Khanna!!!" I heard her calling me again.

"Where are you lost today?! You alright?" She Suddenly told me touching my arm.

"Yes, I am Alright. Thank you, Ms. D'cruse." I said nervously.

Then we talked about many things but unfortunately just business thing. She was very skillful and tricky businesswoman. I wonder how wicked brain she has got!!!

"Ok, then bye for this time I think. Next weekend there is a party at our home. You family will be invited later but I am personally inviting you and wishing your presence wholeheartedly." She said.

"Sure, anything for you." I said smirking and she smirked back.

"That crazy!!! Good for you." She said smirkingly.

"I am not messing with the fiesty girl." I said.

"Smart head." She said. "I need to go now. See you this weekend. Bye. She waved and went out.

"Bye." I said.

"Neil!!!" My dad called me. "Why are you looking off today?!"

"Nothing dad just a bit stressed I guess." I said.

"You can share anything with me you know!!!" He said.

"You know dad I saw a girl in coffee shop today who looks exactly like Avni. But her behavior was not at all like Avni. She was like so innocent type. I thought she is Avni." I said and found my dad was smiling.

"What dad!!!" I said.

"She was alone?" He asked.

"She was with a guy named Karan khurana." I said.

"Of course, if she is with any guy he must be Kk." My dad said and I was confused.

"What?!" I said.

" I think she was Ananya whom you saw." My dad said.

"Who is Ananya?" I asked.

"Ryan's daughter and Avni's twin sister. They are Identical so you got confused I guess." My dad said and I got shock as well as I was totally blank for a moment.

Shit!!!! Why didn't it cross my mind before. Neil!!! How can you be this fool!!!


So so so how was it??

Hope you liked it??

How was neil's reaction on ananya??

Who do you think karan khurana is??

Was the chapter good??

Isn't mitali getting over now??

Are you guys liking avneil's chemistry?

Next will be soon.Please do drop your views on this chapter.

And a biggg bigg thank you for all the love you guys are showering and really sorry for not replying to you guys as i just had time to either write the chapter or reply the comments so i chose to write the chappy but each comment and vote means alot to me thanks to each and everyone for commenting.

Lots of love🌹🌹🌹

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