Episode 14: Change of plans

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     Here she was taking a deep breath while sitting in front of a building. The building where Yoongi and Mila were organizing their engagement party. Why was she there? Is she planning on crashing it? Does she have an invitation? It all started back when she met that man, Lee Dong Wook.

Y/n: "So why do you want to meet me?"
Dong Wook: "I have a plan on bringing Yoongi back to your side but you have to agree with something. I heard of Lee Sora that your father passed on?"
Y/n: "Yes?"
Dong Wook: "I'm sorry to hear that. But my plan is to adopt you."
Y/n: "Me? Why?"
Dong Wook: "Because I'm the richest man in the country and if the father of Yoongi hears that I'm willing to marry off my daughter he will take the bait."
Y/n: "It's all nice of you to help me but I don't think I can do that."
Dong Wook: "Look, I'm not only doing it for you but also for my son."
Y/n: "Son?"
Dong Wook: "Yes, Yoongi is my biological son."
Y/n: "The one who left him behind at school?"
Dong wook: No no, that was his stepfather."
Y/n: "It starts to be so confusing."
Dong Wook: "Here are the papers. Think about it and when you have come to a decision, call me." *He gave her the papers and stood up.*

     After a week of thinking about the pro's and contra's she agreed to sign them. She gave him a call and he told her to be ready the next saturday.

     This was how she ended up here waiting for her cue to enter. Meanwhile her adopted father and Yoongi's biological one entered uninvited the party. Everyone was shocked to see a big person there. They didn't invite him because they thought that he would never show up anyway. He began to mingle in between other people until he spotted Yoongi's parents.

     He excused himself and walked with confidence over to them.

Dong Wook: "Mr. Min."*He greeted him*
Yoongi's adopted father: "Mr Lee. How nice to see you here. I didn't expect you here."
Dong Wook: "Excuse me for barging in uninvited but I can't miss such a big event."
Yoongi's adopted father: "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were interested but still... Welcome."

     Dong Wook looked around while sipping his glass of champagne.

Dong Wook: "Where is your son and his future wife?"
Yoongi's adopted father: "They will arrive shortly."
Dong Wook: "You are so lucky. Your son is already going to get married."
Yoongi's adopted father: "Already? It's about time you mean." *He laughed*
Dong Wook: "My daughter is also looking for a man but she is very picky. I spoiled her too much."
Yoongi's adopted father: "You have a daughter? I didn't know."
Dong Wook: "Yes, I think she is the same age as your son. It's so sad. I really need an heir soon. Well I guess our legacy will stop here." *He chuckled*

     Ms Min excused herself and pulled her husband away from Dong wook to talk.

Yoongi's adopted mother: "You hear that? His daughter is looking for a husband and an heir. Isn't this perfect for Yoongi?"
Yoongi's adopted father: "But he is already engaged with Mila."
Yoongi's adopted mother: "Then cancel it. It's not like they already gave the money. If Yoongi marries his daughter, the company is saved for a very long term."

     Mr Min went back to Dong Wook and proposed his idea.

Yoongi's adopted father: "What do you think of my son and your daughter being together?"
Dong Wook: "What about the Ling family?"
Yoongi's adopted father: "She is a beautiful girl. She will find another man."
Dong Wook: "Hmm." *Fakes thinking of the idea*
Dong Wook: "I kinda like the idea. Okay we should do it!"*They schook hands*
Yoongi's adopted father: "Great!"

     Y/n was still sitting and waiting in the car. She started to get bored and looked outside. Her heart sank when she saw Yoongi and Mila. They weren't holding hands because of Yoongi's disease and that made Y/n a bit more relaxed. But seeing them at the scene means that it's almost Y/n turn to steal the show.

     Back to the party where someone announced to Mr Min that Yoongi is on the way. He got up on stage to announce the change of plans.

Yoongi's adopted father: "Dear people who are present for my son's engagement party. I have something urgent to tell you."

     In the meantime Yoongi walked in with Mila trailing behind him. He saw his father giving a speech on stage.

Yoongi's adopted father: "We have Mr Dong Wook in our presence. And he has something to tell you all. Please Mr. Lee."

     Dong wook stepped on the stage still with confidence. He looked at the people and was trying to catch a glimpse of Yoongi. He smiled when he notices his presence.

Dong Wook: "Mr Min and I had a talk before and I want to announce that Mr. Min's son and my daughter are officially engaged."

     Everyone was shocked to hear the announcement. Everybody came here thinking it was Yoongi and Mila who were getting married. But then Mila shouted.

Mila: "What's going on? I'm the one getting married to him!"

     Yoongi was even shocked to hear this. He was certain that Mr. Lee didn't have a daughter so how could this be?

     Dong Wook nodded at his wife and told Y/n to come and wait at the door. Y/n quickly prepared herself and waited until the doors opened.

Dong Wook: "Let me present to you all, my daughter!"

     His wife opened the door and the spotlight shined on Y/n. Everyone was looking at her but Y/n flinched by the sudden light hitting her eyes.

Mila: "Y/n? That's not his daughter!"

     Yoongi didn't know how she ended up as his daughter but he didn't care. He was so happy that luck was finally by his side. Even the parents of Yoongi looked at Y/n with open mouths.

     He ran up to her with a big smile on his face. While Y/n was still adjusting her eyes to the light she suddenly got lifted up and twirled around. She opened her eyes and saw Yoongi. They both had a huge smile on their faces. Yoongi lowered her and gave a big kiss. They missed each other so much. Even Dong Wook, Yoongi's biological father, smiled from ear to ear. Thinking that he could realize Lee Sora's last wish.

     But of course Mila didn't accepted the fact that she has been pushed over like that, again. She went to them and tore Yoongi away.

Mila: "What are you doing with my husband? Get your filthy hands off of him."

     Y/n finally gave her what she deserved, a good slap in the face. Mila went silent, tears covered her eyes, knowing that this is the end for her to be with Yoongi and that Y/n won. She turned around and ran off. The parents of Mila weren't too happy about this either. They threatened Yoongi's adopted parents with a lawsuit.

Dong Wook: "Give an applause to the new couple and that they may be happy for a long time."

     While people were applauding Dong Wook descended from the stage and walked up to them. His wife joined them too and others are back minding their own thing.

Dong Wook: "I hope you stay happy now, Yoongi. Don't ever let her go."
Yoongi: "Why are you doing this? What do you have to gain in all this? She isn't your actual daughter."
Yoongi: "Don't get me wrong. I'm very grateful that you've helped but I just don't understand."
Y/n: "He helped because your real mother asked him."
Yoongi: "Mom? Do you know my mom?"
Dong Wook: "Yes, your mom and I were once very close."
Yoongi: "Are you...?"
Y/n: "Yes, he is your real father."

     Yoongi stumbled back almost falling but Y/n caught him. Different emotions were getting to him and he began to get overwhelmed.

Dong Wook: "I know this is a bit much for one night but if you ever want to talk to me here is my business card."

     Yoongi accepted the card with shaky hands and Dong Wook and his wife left.

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