Episode 7: The truth

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     Next day Yoongi got a phone call from the orphanage. The headmaster just collapsed and was brought to the hospital.

     Yoongi dropped everything and rushed towards him. Arriving he saw him lying on his bed.

Yoongi: "Master."

     With a faint voice he spoke.

Headmaster: "Can I help you?"
Yoongi: "Master, it's me Soo Young."
Headmaster: "Whoaa, is it really you? You look handsome, my boy."
Yoongi: "Thank you master but I'm called by Yoongi now." *He smiled*

     The headmaster closed his eyes and Yoongi sat down on the other bed beside him. Not a minute after a person who he never expected walked in.

Y/n: "Dad? I've got some tea for you."

     She is shocked to see her boss here and almost dropped the cup of tea.

Y/n: "S-Sir? What are you doing here?"

     Yoongi also looks at her surprised when she says dad. He didn't know the headmaster had a daughter. He took her wrist and dragged her outside the room. Tea is spilled everywhere.

Y/n: "What's wrong?"
Yoongi: "How is he?"
Y/n: "He had a heart attack. The doctors are still searching for the cause. But why are you here?" *Y/n started to clean up the spilled tea on the floor.*
Yoongi: "Ow, he is an acquaintance of mine."
Y/n: "Really? How come he never mentioned you before?"

     Yoongi shrugged his shoulders.

Yoongi: "Let's leave him to rest. Do you want to grab a coffee?"

     Y/n nodded and drank the rest of what's left of the tea. With a new coffee cup in their hands they walked outside and sat on a bench. Y/n was looking worried at her coffee cup.

Yoongi: "Don't worry, your father will be okay. He is a strong man."
Y/n: "It's not that. It's about the orphanage. I can't let him continue. He needs to rest but he will never sell it. It's his whole life. I think I have to take it over from him."
Yoongi: "That means quitting your job?"
Y/n: "I don't have a choice do I?"
Yoongi: "Do you want to do it?"
Y/n: "Well... I had great memories of that place and I would also be sad if it was sold."
Yoongi: "Then there is your answer."
Y/n: "But I don't know if I can handle it."
Yoongi: "You will do great. If you need any help, you can ask me anytime."

     Y/n smiled reassured. Happy that she could talk to someone about her doubts.

Y/n: "Well I'm going home and get some clothes for him. He was rushed in here so suddenly."
Yoongi: "I will keep him company until you arrive."
Y/n: "Thank you." *She smiled before leaving*

     Yoongi went back to the headmaster and saw that he was awake again.

Headmaster: "Soo young? I mean Yoongi."
Yoongi: "How are you feeling?"
Headmaster: "I could be better. Have you seen Y/n?"
Yoongi: "Yes, she is going home for some clothes for you."
Yoongi: "Hmm, sir. I wanted to ask you for a long time. In the orphanage I met a girl but she never told me her name and I'm searching for her. Do you know who she is and where I can find her?"
Headmaster: "Why?" *He sat up*
Yoongi: "Because she was the only one who saw me. Other children looked at me as if I was a monster. And of course I really want to see her again."
Headmaster: "Soo Young, you are searching way too hard." *He chuckled*

    Yoongi looked confused but the headmaster smiled and pointed towards a picture of him and Y/n standing on the stroller next to him.

Headmaster: "She is even still wearing that bracelet you made for her. It broke a couple of times and every time she was devastated."
Yoongi: "Wait, is that her?"

     Yoongi couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Yoongi: "I can't believe she was already in my life again without me knowing."
Headmaster: "What do you mean?"
Yoongi: "She works for me. She is a saleswoman in one of my stores."
Headmaster: "This must be fate."
Yoongi: "Can you please not say anything about me? I want to tell her about this in my own time."

     Yoongi and the headmaster continued with their conversation until Y/n entered. They both went silent and Y/n knew something was suspicious.

Y/n: "You weren't talking about me I hope?"
Headmaster: "No, honey."

     Yoongi shook his head and they looked at each other, giggling.

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