Chapter 12 [Anshuman]

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Kanchana looked really badly injured. Tara said that it was a farce. I don't know. She was the daughter of my guru, a woman I had sworn to care for, no matter what.

But Nayantara's words lingered, too. Her suspicion wasn't without merit, but it was clouded by her anger, her frustration, and her hatred for Kanchana. I had to balance the two—the need to protect Kanchana and the possibility that something more sinister was at play.

I made my way to the room where Kanchana was being treated. The palace healers had already bandaged her wounds, and she lay on a low bed, her breathing shallow. Her dark hair was matted with sweat, and her skin had lost its usual glow, replaced by a pallor that tugged at my heart.

"Kanchana," I said softly, kneeling beside her. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked at me, fear still evident in their depths.

"Maharaj," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I... I thought I wouldn't make it."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You're safe now. No one will harm you here."

She nodded weakly, but the terror in her eyes didn't fade. "They came out of nowhere... I didn't know where to go. I just... I ran, but they caught up to me. If it weren't for the guards who found me, I don't know what would have happened."

I frowned, my mind racing. Who could have done this? Dronav's men were being rounded up, and none of them would have had the opportunity to attack Kanchana after his capture. Something wasn't adding up.

"I'll find out who did this," I promised her, my voice firm. "But for now, you need to rest. We'll talk more when you've recovered."

Kanchana closed her eyes, tears slipping down her cheeks. "Thank you, Anshuman. I don't know what I'd do without you."

I squeezed her hand gently before standing up. As I turned to leave, I found Nayantara standing in the doorway, her arms crossed. Her eyes were sharp, her expression unreadable.

"Tara," I acknowledged her, trying to keep my tone neutral.

"You believe her?" she asked, her voice low but edged with the frustration I knew too well.

I met her gaze, searching for the right words. "She's been through a lot, Tara. We need to give her the benefit of the doubt until we know more."

She took a step closer, her eyes narrowing. "I'm not saying we shouldn't help her, but we can't ignore the possibility that this is more than just an attack. Something doesn't sit right with me, and you know it too."

I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation pressing down on me. "I know. But accusing her without proof could be disastrous. We need to be careful."

"Careful," she repeated, her tone almost mocking. "If you're too careful, you might miss the truth."


"No, Anshuman," she cut me off, her voice firm. "You're too trusting. I get it; you want to see the best in people, but we're not dealing with ordinary circumstances. Dronav's invasion, Kanchana's disappearance, her injuries... it's all too convenient."

Her words hit me harder than I expected. Tara had always been perceptive, seeing through the veil of deception that often clouded my judgment. But Kanchana... she couldn't be part of something so sinister, could she?

"I'll investigate," I finally said, my voice steady. "I'll make sure we uncover the truth, whatever it is."

Tara studied me for a long moment, her eyes softening slightly. "Just don't let your loyalty blind you."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the dimly lit corridor. The weight of her words lingered in the air, pressing down on my shoulders.

I needed answers, and I needed them fast. Dronav was already in the dungeons, awaiting interrogation. If anyone knew what had happened to Kanchana, it would be him. But interrogating him was going to be tricky—Dronav was a cunning man, and getting the truth out of him wouldn't be easy.

I made my way to the dungeons, my steps echoing in the cold, dark corridors beneath the palace. The guards saluted as I passed, and I nodded in acknowledgement, my focus solely on the task ahead.

When I reached Dronav's cell, he was sitting on the floor, his hands bound in iron shackles. He looked up as I entered, his eyes burning with a mix of hatred and defiance.

"Maharaj Anshuman," he greeted me with a sneer. "Come to gloat over your victory?"

I ignored his taunt and stood before him, my gaze cold and unwavering. "You've already lost, Dronav. But there are still questions that need answering."

Dronav leaned back against the stone wall, his expression bored. "And what makes you think I'll answer them?"

"Because your life depends on it," I said, my voice steely. "You may have been captured, but your fate is not yet sealed. Cooperate, and you might find some leniency."

His lips curled into a sardonic smile. "You think you can bribe me with mercy? I'd rather die than give you the satisfaction."

I took a step closer, my patience wearing thin. "What happened to Kanchana? Who attacked her?"

Dronav's eyes flickered with interest, but he quickly masked it with indifference. "Kanchana? Your precious second wife? What makes you think I had anything to do with it?"

"Don't play games with me," I snapped, my voice rising. "You're behind this, and I will find out how."

He chuckled darkly. "You give me too much credit, Maharaj. Your palace is a fortress, but even fortresses have their weaknesses."

His words hit a nerve, but I didn't let it show. "You'll answer for your crimes, Dronav. One way or another."

Dronav's gaze locked onto mine, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of something—fear, perhaps? But it was quickly replaced by the same cold, calculating look he always wore.

"Good luck finding the answers you seek, Maharaj," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You'll need it. But let me tell you, I never want the second. I only want the first. Your Tara is what I want now. Your precious queen."

My knuckles throbbed from the impact, blood smearing across Dronav's sneering face, but all I could see was red. His words echoed in my mind like a poisonous chant, twisting deeper with each repetition. I could feel my sanity slipping, drowned out by a wave of pure, unadulterated rage.

Dronav spat blood onto the floor, his breath coming in ragged gasps, but the sick grin never left his face. "Is that all you've got, Maharaj?" he taunted, his voice slurred but still dripping with vile arrogance. "Do you really think you can protect her from me? I'll make her mine, Anshuman. She'll cry out my name as I take her, again and again, until she forgets you ever existed."

The words were a knife to my gut, twisting deeper with each breath he took. Every fibre of my being screamed to silence him, to end his miserable life right there. But I couldn't. Not yet. Not until I knew who else was with him.

I grabbed him by the collar, dragging him closer until our faces were inches apart. "You'll never touch her," I snarled, my voice a barely contained roar. "You'll never even see her. I'll make sure of it."

Dronav's eyes gleamed with dark satisfaction as if my rage only fueled his sick fantasies. "Oh, but I already have," he whispered, his voice laced with sadistic pleasure. "Every time you close your eyes, every time you reach for her, you'll see me there instead. You'll never be able to rid yourself of me, Anshuman. I'll be there, in your mind, in her bed, laughing at your failure."

The blood roared in my ears, drowning out every rational thought. My vision narrowed, focusing solely on the bastard before me. I slammed him back against the wall, the sound of his skull cracking against the stone reverberating through the dungeon. But even as his head lolled forward, blood dripping from his split lip, that damned smile remained.

"Come on, Maharaj," he slurred, his voice thick with blood and contempt. "Kill me. Show me what you're made of. Or are you just as weak as she'll think you are when I'm finished with her?"

I drew my dagger, the cold steel gleaming in the dim light of the dungeon. My hand shook with the effort to restrain myself, to keep from plunging the blade into his chest and ending this nightmare once and for all. But I couldn't give in. Not yet.

"Who helped you?" I demanded, my voice a low growl. "Who helped you attack us? Tell me, and I might let you live long enough to rot in this cell."

Dronav's laughter was a gurgling, broken sound, but it still held that same twisted mirth. "You think I care about your kingdom now? No. But your Maharani Nayantara... she's the prize. The queen. And I'll have her, one way or another."

My grip tightened on the dagger, the blade inches from his throat. "You're delusional if you think you'll ever get near her. I'll tear you apart before that happens."

He chuckled, the sound dark and guttural. "You're already too late, Anshuman. Every moment you spend here with me, she's slipping further away from you. You'll never see it coming. You're too blind, too trusting. And when she's finally away from you, you'll realize just how much you've lost."

His words were a poison, seeping into my thoughts, threatening to paralyze me with fear. But I couldn't let him win. I couldn't let him get inside my head.

I pressed the dagger harder against his throat, my voice cold as ice. "You'll never touch her," I repeated my words, a solemn vow. "You'll die here, alone and forgotten."

Dronav's eyes darkened, his smirk fading slightly as he realized I wasn't going to be goaded so easily. But the hatred in his gaze burned even hotter, a searing reminder that this was far from over.

I withdrew the dagger, stepping back to regain control over the fury that threatened to consume me. Dronav may have been bound and beaten, but he was still dangerous—still a threat to everything I held dear. But I wouldn't let him win. I wouldn't let him break me.

As I turned to leave the cell, his voice echoed after me, taunting, dripping with venom. "She'll be mine, Anshuman. No matter what you do. She'll be mine. I will have her."

I slammed the cell door shut behind me, the sound reverberating through the dungeon like the closing of a tomb. My heart pounded in my chest, each beat a reminder of what was at stake. Dronav had revealed nothing, only deepening the twisted obsession he harboured for Tara. But it didn't matter. I would find a way to keep her safe—to protect her from the darkness that sought to claim her.

No matter what it took. No matter the cost. Tara would remain mine, and Dronav would die knowing he'd failed. That much, I swore.

I returned to Kanchana's quarters, where she lay still and pale, her breathing shallow but steady. The room was dimly lit by a single lantern, casting flickering shadows across the walls. As I approached her, her eyes met mine with a mix of apprehension and relief.

"Maharaj," she whispered, her voice trembling. "You're back."

"I need to ask you more about the attack," I said, settling into a chair beside her bed. "I need to understand everything you remember."

Kanchana nodded slowly, her eyes clouded with pain and fatigue. "I don't remember much. I was so scared... I just kept running. But... there was something strange about their voices. They were talking about someone named 'Dronav.'"

My heart skipped a beat. Dronav. The name was like a knife in my gut, twisting deeper with each mention. If Dronav was somehow involved in the attack on Kanchana, it meant his threat was even closer than I had feared.

"Did they say anything else?" I pressed, leaning closer. "Anything that might help us?"

Kanchana hesitated, her eyes drifting towards the ceiling as she searched her memory. "They mentioned a plan... something about 'making the queen theirs.' It was all very confusing. But they were definitely focused on someone important."

My blood ran cold. Tara. The obsession with her was reaching a fever pitch. I had to protect her—whatever the cost. The tension in the palace was palpable as I made my way to Tara's chambers, my mind still reeling from the confrontation with Dronav and Kanchana's disturbing revelations. The fear and urgency that gripped me had pushed aside all other concerns, leaving only a singular focus—protecting Tara at all costs.

As I approached her room, I could hear the soft murmur of conversation and the sound of laughter from the maids attending to her. I burst into the room, the maids' startled faces turning towards me.

"Tara," I said, my voice firm and commanding. "Ekaant. Now."

The maids exchanged nervous glances but quickly complied, hastily gathering their things and fleeing the room. I slammed the door shut behind them, locking it with a sharp click. Tara's expression was one of surprise and concern as she looked up from where she sat at her vanity.

"What's happening, Anshuman?" Her voice was laced with both worry and irritation. "Why are you sending everyone away?"

I moved towards her, my steps deliberate and intense. "Tara, I need you to stay here. You're not to leave this room under any circumstances. I'll be stationing guards outside your door."

Her brows furrowed as she took a step towards me. "Is there a threat? Why wouldn't you tell me about it? I need to know what's going on."

I closed the distance between us, my fingers gently cupping her face as I looked into her eyes. "Right now, it's more important that you trust me. I'm doing everything I can to protect you."

She shivered slightly at my touch, her eyes searching mine for reassurance. "Anshuman, you're scaring me. Please, just tell me what's happening."

I shook my head, feeling the weight of Dronav's taunting words pressing heavily on me. I could still hear his sickeningly gleeful voice in my head: "You're too blind, too trusting. And when she's finally away from you, you'll realize just how much you've lost." The echo of those words fueled a desperate need in me—to remind Tara of our bond and to reassure myself of my commitment to protect her.

"I need to show you," I said, my voice lowering to a husky whisper as I pressed my lips to hers. The kiss was fierce, filled with a raw intensity that spoke of both my desperation and my desire.

Tara responded hesitantly at first, her body stiffening, but soon she melted into the kiss, meeting my fervour with her own. I felt her warmth, her softness, and the bond between us that I needed to reaffirm amidst the chaos outside.

"Anshuman," she murmured, pulling away slightly as her eyes searched mine. "What's going on? Why this sudden intensity?"

I leaned in closer, my breath warm against her ear. "Just remember how much you mean to me," I murmured. "No matter what's happening, I'm here with you. I need you to know that."

Tara's eyes fluttered with a mix of confusion and anticipation. "Anshuman..."

I lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the bed. The soft rustle of her sari trailing behind us added a haunting undertone to the tension that filled the room. As I laid her down, the fabric bunched up around her hips, revealing the delicate curves of her body. My hands moved with a mix of urgency and a deep, consuming tenderness. "Just trust me," I said, my voice strained yet tender as I settled over her. "I need you to feel how deeply I care for you."

Her eyes, wide and filled with a blend of desire and apprehension, locked onto mine. "I do trust you," she whispered, her voice trembling slightly. "But please, tell me what's wrong."

I shook my head, unable to articulate the full scope of the turmoil that had gripped me. Instead, I pressed kisses down her neck, each touch a fierce declaration of my need to reconnect. My lips traveled from her jawline to the delicate curve of her collarbone, each kiss imbued with a desperate intensity. "I can't explain everything right now," I murmured against her skin. "But I need you to know that you're safe with me. No one can take you away from me."

The intensity of Dronav's manipulative threats echoed in my mind, a dark chorus that fueled my actions. "You'll never be able to rid yourself of me, Anshuman. I'll be in her bed, making her mine again and again until she forgets you ever existed."

My hands roamed over her body with a blend of desperation and roughness, each touch a fierce assertion of control. The heat between us grew with each movement, a physical manifestation of my need to reaffirm our bond amidst the chaos. I was driven by a desperate need to remind both of us of our connection, to push back against the shadows of doubt and fear that plagued my mind.

Tara's gasps and moans filled the room, her body arching towards me as I pressed my weight against hers. Her surrender to the moment was palpable, her fears momentarily pushed aside as we lost ourselves in the intensity of our connection. The manipulation and threats that haunted me turned into a driving force, pushing me to be more assertive and more commanding.

"Do you feel me, Tara?" I whispered, my voice thick with emotion and need as I pressed my body closer to hers. "Do you know that I'm here, fighting for you? That I'm doing everything to keep you safe?"

Her eyes, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and fierce desire, locked onto mine. "Anshuman... I need you..." she breathed, her voice breaking with emotion.

The urgency of my movements was driven by a fierce need to protect and reassure. Each touch, each kiss, was a declaration of my dedication to her but also a manifestation of the rough control I felt was necessary to counter the threats looming over us. The outside world fell away, leaving only the raw, primal connection between us.

As we came together, our bodies entwined with a fervent intensity, I held her close, my hands tracing her contours with a possessive fervour. My movements were rougher than intended, driven by a mix of desperation and the need to assert control. I whispered into her ear, my voice rough with emotion. "I'm doing this to remind you of our bond. No matter what happens, we're doing this together. I won't let anyone take you from me."

Tara's breathing was heavy, her body trembling as she clung to me. Her eyes, though clouded with desire, remained troubled. "Anshuman, please be careful. If there's a real threat, we need to know what it is."

I nodded, my resolve hardening amidst the tumultuous storm of emotions. "I promise, love," I said, my voice firm and resolute. "I'll protect you always. Whatever it takes."

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